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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. ok in the winter i will be takin the c off the road to have a new bottom end put in ,thats the plan anyway. before i look into it just wondered what people on here think , prices , advice , stuff like that . reason i only need bottom end is because tsr fitted a pack'a' perfomance head 45000 miles back, at a cost of £2800 :pale: so dont wont a full engine . thanks rob .
  2. have a look at robrado's rado mate plenty of pics in different lights should help you out ,the last pages are after respray so better lookin paint :)
  3. same as my vr the best colour by far ! :lol:
  4. looks like dbp to me to ,nothin under bonnet to tell you code?,not suggestin you havent looked already just a thought.
  5. good news on repair of c mate. you will soon have her lookin sweet mate ,pleased for you.
  6. far as i know it works well ,friend had a few done and it looked great. in south devon though ,but not to far fot you to come.
  7. robrado974


    looking very nice , stick with it ,[thats rich comin from me :lol: ] im always moanin bout mine !, it just seems different when someone else has probs n you want em to keep there chin up. keep goin mate :)
  8. yea spose they are mate ,i love em :)
  9. hey fla ,they are made buy league ,there getting on abit now and need referb . realy like em and they dont make this style anymore.
  10. must say that is a fantastic finish.
  11. good one that. when i stripped her down for respray i wanted it to look like chris claes rado, but it never ended up that way. i was advised not to have the no plate smoothed because of cracking , but i did like the 16v grill .just like the look ,if i get bored i can always change it back.
  12. i knew that only certain colours were used on campaign models but only six in this colour?!? where did you find it ?
  13. nice to see you today mate uprated brakes look spot on ,definately something i would like to do . proper stopping power !. by the way the vr is discusting and needs a proper clean you should be ashamed of yourself perading round in a filthy c like that, get on with it man , your letting the side down :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. thanks mate , the colour is dark burgandy pearl , its hard to tell from pics ,when the sun is on it ,it looks sweet as, and you can see the pearlesent finish when you look at it. i only have a cheap sony digi cam so it does not show the true colour.
  15. got some of the minor woes sorted and given me c a polish and wax today looks great after the recent respray the love is starting to return at long last .
  16. thanks for replies guys as said think this is a case of bad polishing :(
  17. i would not have thought so with fresh paint , the spray job has had high praise since i got it back so im sure its not the fault of them ,will try anti h polish on sunday and wax afterwoulds ,that is unless someone on here screams nnnnoooo!.thanks for replies ,rob
  18. car has been washed since its been back but im very carefull and use a mit not a spunge ,the mit was clean ,im a bit anul when it comes to the c and having it resprayed im extra carefull ! .confident there was no grit in the mit .
  19. had the c back from the shop for a good two months now and still not happy with paint finish. dont get me wrong the spray job is the dogs but i still have what they call hologram lines in it? .have heard recently bout anti hologram polish from a sprayshop down the road from me ,he said you do get the marks in the paint because of the way the machine works when polishing?.apinions please what do you find the best ? he said you should get those marks out with that polish [now at halfords] and microfibre cloths. thanks rob
  20. looks nasty bud :( poor old c. hope you get it sorted soon .
  21. eight long months i know how that feels mate its worth it though nice one :clap:
  22. not to mention it aint cheap!
  23. ok so mabe sunroof isnt that bad :lol: have to say it was put back in after working on the c for two long hard days ,it was one of the last jobs we did and tempers were starting to rise a bit!, shame realy ,it should be fun working on your project, perhaps i tried to do to much in a short space of time,not to mention it was slightly out of line and scratched my brand new paint work :( when the motor slid it back. worse things can happen i spose .
  24. thanks for that will have a good read :salute:
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