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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. is that the small steam cleaner? would recommend gaffer tape over all electrics and bits that you know that dont like to get wet ! try usin autoglym engine cleaner as per distructions ,then steam clean , also get as much crap off as you can before hand . i have always kept the engine runnin aswell throughout cleanin .
  2. :lol: :lol: now you cant use my polish .....so there ! :lol:
  3. :lol: i replied to your question yesterday ? thats the thing bout pearlesent colours they look so different in different lights .
  4. thanks she is dbp love this colour :)
  5. prepwork no! i had her repainted 4 months ago , all i had to do was wash n another coat of wax. its a proper studio white curved walls , all the lightin is on the scaffoldin above so they can slide n tilt them for whatever shot they want the place is huge .
  6. no worries bud will have to sort a saturday to give her a good shine up :) not that its not shiney now ! but this stuff is amazin .
  7. they would have looked nice together mate , im sure yours would look sound even their cameras dont pick up the small marks n stuff , be nice to use that new wax that i got on yours you wont believe the difference .
  8. Mmmm :luvlove: porsche turbo fronts had these in for about three years lurve these soooooo comfortable the interior itself was a bit of an experiment :gag: it was all black leather and i wanted to lift it a bit so i dyed it the black and tan :cuckoo: while it was havin the paint done .thought i would live with it for a while before i get a full retrim then decide i dont like it :brickwall: stu yep same as mine , they were a light grey colour when i got them so i dyed them black n yep they are so comfy !
  9. thanks goin to get some of em framed its nice to have some proffesional pics .
  10. went to a studio the other week . the owner wanted car pics as he is branching out into the world of car brochures.the deal was he uses peeps cars ,i get a cd with pics on and two a3 photos for nothin .the studio was fantastic the blokes were cool the site is southweststudios.com and his name is ian if anyone wants some quality pics of their c . please ignore passenger side crosshair it came off when i was drivin there ! and i had no tools to fix it , he is usin photoshop to edit them out ,anywho heres a few they took anyone in southwest who wants some pics ? i would recomend them i dont know the prices but they said they dont charge anywhere near as much as other people they know of .
  11. be gentle ? looks sweeet ! the seats look identical to mine [porkers]? very nice c :)
  12. this is best left to the proffesional painter tbh . if you do it remember you will need etchin coat before primer ,i think thats what its called it stops contamination , [if you have gone back to bare metal] . when i had me c repainted it went back to bare metal on alot of panels , you cannot leave bare metal overnight without treatin as it will be contaminated before you prime thus cockin up your paint job. but as said if it was me i would leave well alone and let the bodyshop do what they do best .
  13. nice pics bud. posh end of torquay , supprised you didnt get shooooed away by some snotty resident! ''excuse me young man would you please park that noisy thing somewhere else '' :lol:
  14. best colour ever! alot of people have said that . have a look at my members thread for the colour .it looks amazin in different lights .
  15. dont get it mixed up with your shower gel mate :lol:
  16. i contacted paypal when someone on here didnt send bits , excuse after excuse . they said they would remove their account and involve plod. its very hard to open another account accordin to them. i emailed them about what i was doin and it was sent asap!! followed by an email from his old dear as it was her account ,dont think she was best pleased with her son !. as said before if you dont want to incure costs by paypal add the gift payment to what you are selling .
  17. ah see what you mean . hows basinstoke these days ? has it twinned with readin yet :lol: i havent been back to reading for years !
  18. bought this at the weekend , along with the high defenition polish ,which i got trade £35.00 expensive but what a difference !! wicked shine well worth the dough.
  19. nice one ....dont get the shed bit though :scratch: your c looks fine !!
  20. mmmm. havin not received somethin on here , and not bein able to contest it because it was a gift , might be an idea to ban gift payments . why not just add the small amount of money you pay to pay paypal to the bit you are selling ?, that way the seller does not loose and the buyer can get the dough back through paypal if it falls out of bed ? just a thought .
  21. robrado974

    uprated loom

    just had a looky for you but i cant find my distructions from when mine was fitted :( loads of peeps on here fitted em sure someone will have the answer soon .
  22. pick out all the dodgy mercs from trader etc ,take the oldman to see em , ''oh dear dad i cant find a good one'' but i have found a good vr for a good price'' sorted mate ,roberts your fathers brother :lol:
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