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Everything posted by ausgolfer

  1. Thanks Kevin, they're all the road spec. So maybe something is a-miss, will check everything and the bushes.
  2. Hey guys and gals. Got a strange loose feeling coming from the front end over big bumps at speed and during heavy acceleration. The suspension feels fine and handles well. Got Bilstein PSS9s in it. What I can describe is that it feels like the motor/gearbox is bobbing around over bumps. I just replaced the engine mounts with Vibratechnics all round. Wondering if I haven't tightened them correctly or if the subframe is lose or something along these lines. If anyone can guess or suggest where to look first? I'll be triple checking the engine mounts this weekend.
  3. Hey guys and gals. Recently had my clutch replaced and yesterday on my trip to work I had a strong fuel smell enter the car. Long story short the fuel hose was either poorly reinstalled at the end that connects to the fuel tube under the vehicle. Or during the gearbox out process the pressure in whatever direction has pulled the hose semi off over the spool on the fuel tube. Basically had I been driving for a few more minutes there would have definitely been a fire. Anyway I have managed to loosen the hose clamp. Push the hose back into the correct position and tighten. I actually added another hose clamp. Anyway it's not leaking any more but I'm now paranoid that the hose could pull off the tube while driving. I've read that this hose is a common failure point. Does anyone have any suggestions to how I can avoid this happening again? Should I replace the hose regardless of it not leaking anymore?
  4. Honestly after this mornings drama I agree! I've been driving my G60 daily for nearly a year now. And I seem to have a new issue each week. Last month the throttle broke. Constant danger of overheating on top of the noisy rad fan. And this morning the fuel hose and clamp jumped the spool and started leaking down the chassis leg. Could have easily lost the car if I didn't live so close to work(short trip). Ordering a cruddy Yaris lease car again....
  5. Hey guys. Simple question. Can a noisy rad fan be fixed/refurbished? Cheers.
  6. Back again guys. I bought an ebay replacement and it's suffered the same failure :( does anyone have a good one?
  7. I've been wanting to ask this question for a while. Being a bit hotter down under and always having been a paranoid(about over heating) vw owner I was wanting to upgrade my mk2 and Corrado with an EWP(electric water pump). Such as can be found here: http://www.daviescraig.com.au/ I have a mocal style(with thermostat) sandwich plate oil cooler to fit to my G60 and am wanting to do away with the water/oil heat exchanger. So the EWP would take the place of the conventional water pump and I understand that making the belts work will be a bit fiddly now. Along with making up a flange to replace where the water pump bolts to the block. So..Onto the actual question. The water pump looks to have 4 ports, block to pump, pump to lower rad hose, and 2 others. If I were to dispense with the heat exchanger and the OE water pump, what do I do with the other hoses? Can I rip them all out and just have upper and lower rad hoses(lower hose would have the EWP in situ) for a mega simple cooling system? Would like to hear your thoughts on this.
  8. don't think so, can tell by the metal throttle cable attachment point. The G60 one for some silly reason is plastic.
  9. Can anyone help with acquiring this part?
  10. Cheers Goldie, send your car too haha ;) will let you know if I find anything.
  11. What is the color name and code of this one? Same as mine but I have no idea what its called
  12. Can anyone help? Please, am really stuck. Car is going nowhere
  13. Hi All, Am really only after this bit here. The highlighted bit in blue is what has broken on my car. If anyone can help it would be awesome. Carl.
  14. I just tried to crack the throttle with my hand and the other half of the plastic bit that has broken fell off in my hands. haha this is what it looks like now
  15. haha, am home safe with corrado parked up. Got a picture of the offending part. Can see it's snapped where I have highlighted in blue. I am guessing this might be a G60 only part???
  16. Hey guys. Typing this while waiting for a tow truck on the side of the road. The plastic end where the throttle connects to the accelerator cable has snapped. My question is can I unbolt the top half moon plate and replace it with say a mk2 golf one? Efi or Kjet? I know tough to say without pictures. Any help would be great.
  17. ausgolfer

    Roof racks

    As the title says. Roof racks to suit a rado. Let me know if anyone has a set. Cheers.
  18. ah no need. I just had a closer look and the center clip has already been broken off and the rivets I spoke about don't really seem to be holding anything in except a plastic clip that doesn't seem to do anything. :D thanks for the advice anyway.
  19. so maybe my center clip was broken at some point, hence why it is riveted in by this clip.
  20. Hi Guys ad Gals, Quick question, How is the front grill held in? I think mine have have had a dodgy mechanic work on it, the centre clip you can see when lifting the bonnet has two pop rivets(looks like pop rivets) holding it in. Any advice would be great? wanting to dismantle the front to fit my oil cooler, and a FMIC in future. Cheers.
  21. Hi Guys and Gals, Can anyone recommend what might be the best 4 into 1 stainless exhaust manifold for a G60? Would ideally like best quality and performance. Cheers :)
  22. Hi guys and gals. Sorry the title should read spherical bearings** Wondering if anyone has used spherical bearings for the suspension attachment points over the factory rubbers or aftermarket polyurethane items. I'd love to hear some feedback on them. Road or track use. I've heard: 1. They're preload free and give smooth suspension travel while maintaining correct geometry. 2. They give an extremely harsh ride with a lot of noise. 3. They're prone to early failure without proper cleaning and maintenance. 4. Regarding poly bushes, heard they have higher preloads which can cause jittery movement and binding/snap situations. Any/all opinions welcome. I am considering spherical bearings for the rear beam as an upgrade.
  23. Thanks for the advice guys. I may just get a proper mechanic to check the ignition timing for me. Would the cam being out by a tooth either way potentially cause a problem like this? Or would I have valves hitting pistons
  24. Not really sure how to aside from checking the distributor is at the block while the cam dot is at the top of the head... I mean it idles find and revs fine.
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