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Everything posted by steveo29

  1. i dont know who to ask...but...im sure they fail according to how tight theyre done up....i remember reading about it...its esential theyre done up right?? maybe ask on vwvortex g60 forum good luck
  2. steveo29

    SNS chips

    ive got one...i replaced a jabba with....they do what they claim to :lol: helpfull peeps too
  3. ive heard of these bolts failing...its usually after theyve been removed/refitted just bad luck....hope it works out for you :)
  4. steveo29


    its a big lump...2 fuel lines on it and a multi plug
  5. theres always cheep paint in autotrader or exchange n mart ...about £12 ...vw dont sell it...only touch up cans
  6. use the vw heavy duty rubbers....they have chains built in...c&r sell em
  7. how many miles were on it ? just out intrest did it make any warning? noises, low boost etc before it blew? good luck finding a new un
  8. steveo29

    Short Shifters

    i tried the shifter weight...no improvement really...sooo i made my own short shifter ,works well 8)
  9. steveo29

    Coolant Leak

    the flanges are boltd on with 10mm bolts....an average socket set will do...id say 2 out of 10 for easyness
  10. why not buy a small amount of proper paint and laquer....as for the ratio...keep thinning it till it will spray
  11. bushes are a sod.....really need to remove the back axle...the brake lines could snap...treat em with wd40 a few times ,and dont forget to have an anlignment done after the suspension work
  12. steveo29

    Coolant Leak

    dont waste time just doing the o-rings....usually the flange is cracked,theyre cheep enuff£10 ish...and fairly easy to swap.....
  13. steveo29

    Dirty airbox

    its best to jamm the 10k boost pipe in nearer the throtle housing.....loosen the clamp on the rubber boot..it should go in there and a little oil/mess in the airbox is normal
  14. steveo29


    are you running a 16v as your name suggests,cus its a g60 thing ....you can loose boost through the isv....so fit a check valve or reroute the piping
  15. steveo29

    Fuel smell

    yeah they all leak there....push on the hose,wiggle it...it'l prob spray a little bit of fuel....i just cut of the end and re fitted it make sure you fix it straight away....ive had an engine fire before..not funny :oops:
  16. sandy ive heard bad things about mytyres....be carefull
  17. cant sns make a soft cut?? pref one that allows flames :?
  18. the pukka tool is the way to go..even then you risk cracking the paint diy method is to use a baseball bat to lever against the tyre/arch to fold it round...but itl crack the paint look tatty close up
  19. euro car parts sells em in uk...around £35 ish i think
  20. 16vg60....you say these greatly improve crank operation.....is this something one should notice....i can see the mechanical advantage,but i didnt find any differance
  21. i used the one pictured above....euro car parts sells em...fitted no probs
  22. steveo29

    Battery light

    how kind am i...ive looked the receipt from g&s...91030 vag ref 068903803b regulator-bosch alt......this fits g60's 8v and 16v...and most bosch alts...well worth fitting on any car thats done 50k or over
  23. steveo29

    Battery light

    gsf deffinetly sell em...maybe heyre listed under golf etc....theyre mostly the same..see if you can pop into a local branch to test the alt....conect a voltmeter to the batt..should show12-12.5...now sart the car and put on the headlights...it should be at least 13.5v.....its prob the voltage reg part gone rather than than brush lengh...both come in the replacment
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