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Everything posted by colinstubbs

  1. colinstubbs

    corrado bonnet

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. Can't see anyone doing 50,000 hours of reversing!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
  3. Understandable enough Ol' Boy!!
  4. Sorted my passenger Audioscape pod's loose corner and now it's as secure as my driver-side one 8)
  5. Do the pollen filters fit the standard leaf guard or is there a later filtered one???
  6. Spent most of today arsing about with my drivers doorcard off working out how I'm gonna make my Audiocape pods solid in the door - Sorted! 8) So hopefully tomorrow I can do the passenger side in much less time......there I've said it now :gag:
  7. Friday I finally fitted my new(ish) sunroof trim and got the headliner back in and C-pillar trims fitted after 2+ years!!! :clap: Whole interior finally fitted :clap: :clap: :clap:
  8. Particularly liked this shot!!!! Mmmmmm.... :clap:
  9. Black VR, Saturday around 1230, clockwise on the M25, outside lane caught in slow traffic before Clackett Lane services. I waved as I cruised by in the middle lane :wave: but wouldn't have seen a reply.
  10. Liking the sound of that Rich, my potential lazy option doesn't require the card off but then one of them needs to come off anyhow! Might try mine first and if it's shit go with yours!! 8)
  11. With early doors there was never a metal bracket just a plastic screw-in thingie! These are the really rough guesstimated brackets i'm going to try and fit G-clamp stylee using a bolt and two nuts to lock the bolt and thus the pod in position. Obviously need a hole drilling in each first :lol: I'll probably put a couple of layers of heatshrink or self-fusing tape over the end contacting the door, after a couple of layers of paint etc. IMG_6164.JPG[/attachment:3m7pxqpi] 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfIMG_6165.JPG[/attachment:3m7pxqpi] Bit worried about potential water ingress but I have got some water-repellent foam over the membrane opening for the speaker I'll see how it goes :gag: . I need the doorcard off first to fit my bling driver's side opening lever! 8)
  12. I'm looking into making up some clamps to hold the Audioscape pods to the door, clamping the doorcard in the process. It may not make any difference but it's worth a go roughing it up with some steel bar I've got knocking about and a selection of nuts and bolts :)
  13. colinstubbs


    Beats a Jetta or Ralley front end on a MK2 - I quite like it!! :ignore:
  14. The interior looks well done, just a bit of a dodgy colour - may look better in the flesh :shrug:
  15. Some serious work gone on to make it all that 'Unique' colour inside! :shock:
  16. I think the only difference is the centre console support metalwork at the rear.
  17. This is why i like the goodyear eagle f1s with their protection chine. Unfortunately the new design wasn't out in the right size so I only have them on the fronts (just replaced) and not the rears ---- meaning of course I have a scuffed nearside rear :( :bad-words: :mad2:
  18. colinstubbs


    I'm running 195/50/15s on 7"x15" rims with no problems at all on my little valver, what's the VR got width-wise
  19. You can get gliptone and stuff cheapest off the internet some of the leather dye companies sell that stuff too cutting your postage!! Check this thread
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