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Everything posted by colinstubbs

  1. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    All ok in the end then Good :clap:
  2. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    All I can rememeber was it was a swine. IIRC the rod's 'tweaked' end sits in a hole in the plastic bit once you have it in the slot. :shrug: A real pain in the ar$e.
  3. Just glue a 'U' shaped length of foam under/around it - sorted
  4. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    The first bit i sent is thicker so you'd probably have noticed!! :lol:
  5. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    Kempy, I just found this bit in a tool bag and i think it's the bit you actually need. It is handed but this came off the drivers door so it'll be okay I hope!! IMG_6117 (Large).JPG[/attachment:d779e9yh] The bit i posted you was down to the central locking assembly from the lock, Sorry mate I'll post this bit off today!
  6. Also on the door cards only the Angled bits you may lean on are leather. With the early ones it's everything!! Penny pinching???
  7. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    On the lock mech the lever that locks the ....lock :lol: has a black plastic sleeve which will have a rod going down to the central locking mech and a slot in the top with a hole in one side, 'all' you have to do is get the rod into the slot and engaged with the hole. It's a bugger and there is very little room to manouvre but I managed it with pigs tits for fingers and prob some long nosed pliers (can't remember!) Slackening of the lock in the door may help. Good Luck!!! :salute:
  8. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    It was 2nd class so you should get it Friday. :wave:
  9. That's a bit crap Zippy but at least she came clean and owned up. I came back to a note saying 'a wickes trolley put a dint in the rear of your car' and have a scratched bumper and two dents in the left rear quarter, one down to the primer :mad2:
  10. Top Gear - keeping the sanity in Sunday evenings :clap:
  11. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    Posted mate - unfortunately someone sold the pair of tyres ordered for me so I'm going back tomorrow :brickwall: D'oh!
  12. I watch Fifth Gear but I do get hacked off the the fillers they have every program. Before the first advert break, at ten minutes in, we have to have a summary of what's on after the break, then after the break we have the same summary, this is repeated for each advert break. There's the stupid titles bit before the 'cheapskate option' slot, the drawn out idiots 'competition' and then of course the massive plug for their website. :gag: Even their practical comparisons of cars are usually just 3 pointless experiments. :camp: At least some of the cars are worth watching!!!
  13. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    They're not handed mate, just fitted as mirror-images. They go into a 'not-too-strong' plastic sleeve on the lock mech actuation lever. That is a Tw@t of a job!!! :gag: I've got just the tube to safely pack it in too!! 8) I'll bag it up and post it tomorrow when I get my tyres done in the morning :salute: Colin
  14. colinstubbs

    Door pins

    D'you mean this bit Kempy? IMG_6116 (Large).JPG[/attachment:1n129nja] I still have your address from those window plugs - you can have it for nowt if you need it. 8)
  15. Always worth a fuse check first, it's so easy to dive straight into in-depth fault diagnosis and miss the obvious!!! :lol: 8)
  16. Nice when it's a relatively simple fix. 8)
  17. It looks a slightly 'stressed' fitment :shrug:
  18. Corrados never had them - but i've never seen a cover for the drivers side either!! :lol: SWG do one HERE 8) Golf Mk4 or Mk5 scuttles might fit but i don't know. :shrug:
  19. That would deffo leak like a bastard!! :lol: :lol:
  20. Yesterday washed car, changed front discs (passenger caliper carrier bolts were feckers!!) - adjusted handbrake cables, fixed the centre tunnel where the rear screw fixes through from the rearash tray (hurrah for chemical metal!) - fitted a new(ish) momo gear knob and tidied up the ally handbrake cover. 8)
  21. Glad too have been of service! That's what the forum is all about! 8)
  22. Look on the bright side - it wasn't Hose 2, they were around £45 (not sure if that inc Vat) each!! :shock: Should take too long to fix once you've got all the bits. I had the Top rad and Hose 2 go within a couple of months of each other, replaced them, and then bought a set of Samcos on a group buy and changed the lot! Piece of mind - priceless! :clap: 8)
  23. I don't really like motorhomes but I'd love that one!!! 8)
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