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Everything posted by colinstubbs

  1. My '90 1.8 valver has 187,000 on it and it's fine 8) :lol:
  2. Search is your friend! Try HERE the legalities or not are disgussed and there is a legal linky.
  3. Worn bore? Piston rings? Valve guides? spark plugs.jpg[/attachment:3b7cseud]
  4. It can't be that important then :lol: :lol: :lol: :ignore:
  5. Just lever them out with a small flat screwdriver. If they break you should be able to get them from the stealers fairly cheaply.
  6. Try it and see. The online blurb sounds like potential BS though IMHO.
  7. ^^^^^^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. The door step grey plastic trim should have about five white clips that pop into holes in the metal 'step'. If your cables are along the top of this step you'll not fit the trim! By ..it sounds like the plastic clips have popped out of the middle of the grey trim leaving just the square heads showing. If you pull these heads out you'll find all the white clips are the same. They just need sliding back onto the grey trim, lining up with the holes in the floor and clipping home. Pics would help explain your problems if this hasn't helped!!!!!
  9. Do you mean you can't clip it in? Try running it through the OEM loom clips or tight under the loom to avoid fouling the trim, also check the trim clips aren't bent/damaged. Not sure how to fix this unless you cut the console trim. Personally I ran the remote and RCA over the the passenger side roof line by popping off the A, B and C pillars to the boot. It's not as bad a job as you might think!! Hope this helps :wave:
  10. Unless it's 'big bore' (2.5" or more) it'll be 2.25" as standard surely??
  11. A new switch or barrel shouldn't be toooooo much..... :(
  12. short changed there, really should be a bearing in there somewhere :scratch: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. My wife has had more use of our RAC membership than me in the last 9 years and all the cars she's had were newer than my 19 year old C 8) , especially the '00/'01 Corsa :pukeright: she has right now. I have needed two tows though, one off the motorway (left the oil cap on the rocker cover, D'oh!) and one to Stealth from Oxford after losing 5th gear!! Piece of mind is a great thing to have, especially for my wife while I was abroad with the RAF on Ops and Dets 8)
  14. Same with valvers - packet to fitted....easy! 8)
  15. I personally HATE the great big pointless headlamp thing that's going on these days, pug fronts are hideous and as said before it's too much like a TT so it's sh1te. :pukeright:
  16. Quite possible, someone-else put it on the corrado spotting thread 1 minute after ours :lol: :lol:
  17. That's because they're truely horrible sh1te. It was only Scene-points that made them so 'cool' on modded cars once upon a time :camp:
  18. I saw dukest at about 11pm yesterday in Gatwick baggage reclaim but he wasn't in his VR!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. The bloke in that Cart much have had Massive Kahoonas!! :shock: :cuckoo: 8)
  20. You pipped me too it!!!! I guessed at black but then I'm not that much of a paint spotter :lol: :lol: 8) 8)
  21. Pipped by biggrim!!!!! :( :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. Gadget Show have just shown a black Corrado with clear/red rear lights burning up Santa Pod raceway against a red Mini One 8)
  23. colinstubbs

    corrado bonnet

    It's always worth trying these things eh???? 8) :clap:
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