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Everything posted by colinstubbs

  1. They've come down in price from the "£205 os and £215 ns inc. VAT" I was quoted by VW 7 years ago then :wink: Paid £115 a side with GPC in the end.
  2. Also if you've got a decent sized stereo you'd probably benefit from a bigger battery, I've got a 72ah in my 1.8 valver cost me £42 from a local car electrical place, had it nearly 2 years with no probs and I've got 3 seperate amps and none of that fancy split charging double battery stuff.
  3. My wife complains about how low and firm the suspension is (only 40mmdrop) and the difficulty getting in and out, and then came home going on about a ride in a mates Lotus Exige, how low and exilirating it was and how it stuck to the road and she thought she was gonna die going round the bends. I said to her that's really funny when she winges about me going round roundabouts 'too fast', she went on to make some clearly unconnected remark about me slagging of crap drivers and how much it annoys her!!! I ask you, WTF is that all about?!! :roll: Is it a VR6, G60, 2.0, oh only 1800?! A what, was that a limited edition? I always say, "VW Corrado" instead of just "Corrado" to try and reduce the chances of the blank look!!!!!
  4. I've been told that sanding is a no no because the plastic goes 'fluffy' ruining your surface finish (Anyone??). I can't see brake fluid being a viable option it damages metal FFS and it's oily! The engine cleaner I would think would be a de-greaser so no good and the oven cleaner will be caustic so I personally wouldn't want it near my C! So that just leaves the Plastic Model Stripper, and if it does what it says on the tin it'll work. Hope this is of some help and good luck.
  5. Could be the mech is worn interally, a decent car stereo place should be able to adjust it or get it done. My alpine multi-changer has just started doing this after 8 years.
  6. djmac56, I've had a look and mine are the In-Pros, I didn't have any probs with line up but as my C's not garaged I do get a dirt/algae build up under the edge of the lenses. This does wash out but ideally a bead of clear silicone would sort it - it's on the list!!! Oh and my In-Pros came with silver indicator bulbs already fitted, which was nice! Colin.
  7. :shock: Wooah, Scary!!! Lucky escape all right.
  8. my new one is a bit loud (not as loud as the Mongoose one it replaces) but it passed the MoT so it's not blowing. I also found that as the frequency is different, all my spare screws in the rear ashtray buzzed at certain revs, temporarily increasing my paranoia about my new exhaust. You probably just have to get used to the difference, alternatively crank up that stereo!!!! 8) :lol:
  9. There is a warning buzzer for low oil, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're getting, you'd also get a light on as well. Worth checking I guess.
  10. It'll keep sparking as long as there's enough charge in the battery. My old renault 19 made it the 78 miles from RAF Odiham to maidstone on just the battery when I'd missed reconnecting a cable from the alternator to the battery after a 2 month detachment stereo stopped working pretty quickly and the wipers got veeerrrryyyyy slow! Battery light was on the whole time and I though it was a dash fault at first. Doh!
  11. Bad luck, it could have been a lot worse, at least it's fixable. Glad your okay, Chin up!
  12. Depending on mileage, and whether they've already been done, you may want to look at suspension/bushes mine was tired in that dept by 80k, but still going good at 164k now. I did have the clutch master go on me, so got the slave done at the same time :oops: reads a bit dodgy! Euro Carparts and GSF are good sources for parts, you can always ask as the need arises!! Welcome to the forum 8)
  13. When I employed some local chimps to change my clutch they managed to put the fan motor plug on the wrong way round (it had to come off???!) :censored: meaning that when the temp went up at speed, airflow through the radiator was fairly negated which gave me 120C water and 134C oil :shock: :shock: . How the head survived I really don't know, the gods were smiling that day. I found myself a VW Indie in Nick Youngs Garage, Gasoline Alley, Wrotham. Top bloke 8)
  14. colinstubbs


    Just bang in 'spoiler AND speed' there's plenty out there. Or just put it up with the switch if you're that way inclined :wink:
  15. It actually screws onto the slam panel.
  16. You're saying Furk'z is too fat to drive it!? thats not very nice! :lol: I meant the C!!!!!!!!! :lol:
  17. I've made an 'L'-shaped bracket that bolts to the top of the lefthand suspension tower where the rear shelf support is secured by a nut on a stud, that and it's a tight fit in the wheel arch and between the rear bulkhead and the rear seats.
  18. My mates Reflex Purple Tuscan Speed 6 is soooooo nice, I'd love one. You'd need a 2nd car for when it's in for servicing or broken though :wink:
  19. So you can get too fat then Furk'z? :wink: :lol:
  20. Maybe he's a member of a forum whose other members are all voting... You may have a point there! :lol:
  21. Voted. Still at 5%. Agree with you there Jim, how's that van got 17%??!!
  22. I always thought it was a siginal from the gearbox...somehow! :lol:
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