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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Current issue of Golf+ magazine has a nice photo-rich feature on UD 2013: Tempest
  2. Rolling membership now, so can renew when your membership lapses or anytime after. Just renew on-line, probably now easiest for most in today's Paypal society :) Tempest
  3. After a good social part of the weekend thanks to Paul and Judith´s excellent hospitality, fun and good food at the local Indian, few bevvies later, it was time on Monday morning to after having fed the troops trott over to the Elsecar Megameet. Must be a sign of my on-going ageing process or whatever, but just couldn´t get interested in most of the attending cars other than our own Rados and Mk1 Golfs and the one and only Mk2 Rocco. The newer VAG stuff just does not appeal to me at all. Trends? After UD Elsecar normally gives a direction at what to expect during the rest of the season: More stickers galore in windscreens, windows, bumpers, grill inserts; more airride, more flowery things hanging from the rear view mirror, use of allo wheels form all sorts of makes of ar attached to a Veedub, the most abused one being D90s (I say abused, because I would of course say this, the only car worthy of having D90s is the original D90-car, the 928 :lol:), more Porsche tombstone seats, and the new trend was rediculous upward pointy exhaust pipes, and I do mean pointing up at least half a metre (I know this is all the rage in Japan, crazy, but here in Blighty?) Anyway, let the pics speak, well, the ones I´ve found interesting to take anyway :): Tempest
  4. UK = VR country, D =G60 country :) Testdrive both, then buy both :lol: Actually, if you want performance, then the VR is blatantly missing 2 cylinders :) V8 rules. Tempest
  5. His dad must have fed you guys some decent alcohol then :lol: Tempest
  6. Coming up to 10 years myself this September regarding C-ownership (my current one :)) :camp: :lol: Will we get to see the virtual G60 then? :lol: Tempest
  7. Yes, given current lovely spring temperatures (not) may need to hitch a hike with someone who´s got winter tyres :lol: Did someone say it was end of March? Maybe on a different planet, but not round ´ere where I´m from :lol: Tempest
  8. Saw that this morning on the Beeb website, crazy. Tempest
  9. Nice looking cars there :) Pretty much everything has been said already: Corrado is a heavier car (I can compare because I had a Mk2 Rocco Storm, still have a Mk1 Rocco and still have a G60-Rado), so would recommend a meatier engine than what you're used to in Rocco (G60 in the lightweight Rocco is a different story altogether, of course :); VR6 in a Rocco will definitely spoil the handling, though). No surprise that, given the Mk2 Rocco was still based on the A1 platform, whereas the Mk2 Golf (came after the Mk2 Rocco) already had its own newer A2 platform. A1 platform cars therefore respond very well to strut braces. My Mk1 has front lower and upper braces and a rear upper brace. My Mk2 also had the lower front and rear upper brace (no upper front - it's the lower front that is the most important on the A1 chassis) and a good friend from the States, who once drove my Mk2, and takes part in autocross races commented how nice and stiff the whole Mk2 felt. Tempest (Eric)
  10. Re the ABS issue, section in Vosa test manual Class 4 vehicles: http://www.transportoffice.gov.uk/crt/doitonline/bl/mottestingmanualsandguides/mottestingmanualsandguides.htm Tempest
  11. See here: http://www.dft.gov.uk/vosa/repository/SN%2001%202013%20V1.0.pdf Tempest
  12. All over the press in Germany: http://bridgetogantry.com/2/index.php/home/news/497-the-ring-is-for-sale-and-it-s-scaring-me Tempest
  13. Excellent, another 69er here :) Even though I grew up in Germany during the 80s (which had its own unique things in the 80s), a lot of that stuff I do remember, but where is the ZX Speccy, the world´s best computer? Still have mine now :) Tempest
  14. Might be turning up to this event, but most likely again in the Show&Shine, due to a potential lack of a SciroccoRegister stand. Looking at taking my Mk1 Rocco. Tempest
  15. That's why the split off the "Mk3 Scirocco" into its own class, because the place was almost littered with the things. What always gets me is that there is a class for each Mk Goof. So just a question of time till we'll end up with 100 Goof classes. Tempest
  16. Nope, the French yellow headlight Mk2 Rocco was my German friend´s car. the vipergreen Cabrio belongs to a good Welsh mate. He also owns the Storm Mk1 that was parked on the SciroccoRegsiter stand, had his wife drive that one :) Tempest
  17. No, there were 2 companies back in the olden days in Germany, that did convesrions: Hornstein and Bieber. The green is a Bieber (telltale: bootlid hinges on outside of lid, Hornstein on inside of lid). Tempest
  18. Speaking for at least 2 of the 3 that went yesterday, we did enjoy the show, yes, it is full of some dubious types (part of the fun really), some dubious cars, some extremely expensive cars 9where you ask who actually owns the thing, the bank or the driver), but apart from that, leaving all the doubts etc. behind, and just look at some of the cars, it is actually quiote nice to see such a wide range of cars and what has been done to them. Some excellent interiors, too. Most important thing was to simply catch up with my mates from the SciroccoRegister, where one of them did win best Scirocco Classic (the white Scala). All in all had a great weekend, that started Friday night at ca. 23:30, when I collected a mate, who had travelled all the way from northern Germany to display his French Mk2 Rocco at UD (the one outside in the concours area) , from a service station along the M6 to start the weekend at my place. Saturday Jim and Chris joined us, driving up in 3 cars, pwashed 2 Roccos, put them inside, and it was time for Jim to taxi us back (super! Thanks!) to Coventry for great eveing at a local Chniese buffet restaurant. Back on Sunday to look at the cars and people (:lol:), collect our Rocs and return home for another evening of fun, before today my German mate left for his home town agan, long trip back on the ferry. Time for some pics: Tempest
  19. Another one, food, too. Anyone know whether access to this pub is Mk1 Rocco friendly (i.e. speedbumps on car park or surrounding roads, etc.) ? Otherwise it´ll be the landshark :) Tempest
  20. He´s brought up a different one this year, only has 20+ or so Roccos to choose from :lol: I´ve brought up my Mk1 again :) Tempest
  21. There with a good mate of mine who brings his Rocco all the way from Germany for this one. Bringing cars up Saturday, then attending Sunday :) Tempest
  22. The good news generally with Porsche (and I can confirm that, owning a 23 year old 928!) is that parts becoming obsolete like they do with a mass producer like VW is pretty much unheard of. Porsche view each of their cars still on the road as a form of advertising, so they´ll support them. According to an official statement made by Porsche in some Porsche-advert-video (somewhere on Youtube , too) 80% of all Porsches are 20 years or older. Tempest
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