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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Interesting side note: Whilst in Germany takeovers like this one are taxable, VW avoided the tax, much to the governments chagrin, by undertaking a share-swap. Now this normally means you give me the same amount in shres that I've given you. To take over a company, however, VW gave Porsche 1 share, and the rest was full payment of what they would have had to pay for the takeover anyway, and because the German law does not stipulate how many shares have to be involved in a share swap, this move is legal, and has saved VW millions in taxes. Tempest
  2. In 2 weeks folks! [urlhttp://www.britishvolkswagenfestival.co.uk/[/url] Plenty of places left on the CCGB stand (paid for 1 stand for up to 8 cars), can still book till 13 July on the BVF website. Tempest
  3. Good to see and attend another cracking Stanford Hall. Date change luckily did not impact too much on the proceedings. Well done to team "rear brake caliper", and Judith for coming first in Concourse. Pleased as usual with last myself :lol: Tempest
  4. Shame to hear about the poor attendance. Stanford Hall is next, here´s hoping for good weather. Really looking forward to the SciroccoRegister ND, last year had in excess of 40 cars attending :) Tempest (Eric)
  5. Make sure you have a ticket for the club stand, folks. If you haven´t got one, PM me with your address details. Tempest
  6. Have some proper pics as taken by Glen with proper kit :) Glen's car pics Glen's HDR shots Rachel's pics People Tempest
  7. This is what you missed: My pics: Ritchie´s pics: http://img267.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=img4674d.jpg Tempest
  8. Indeed, or there will be headlines: :lol: Tempest
  9. Nice one, Paul. Hope that contraption on the sunroof (like the slanted position of said contraption due to you having tilted the sunroof :lol:) hasn't left any marks :) Tempest
  10. 2 more days at work, and we´re off, that is so far: 4 cars from the UK going on the ferry Harwich to Hook of Holland, then a short(ish) trip to the campsite in Boekel, the Netherlands, to arrive on time for the footie match amongst our friends who will have already arrived on the campsite, BBQs going etc. :) Tempest
  11. Have to counter a lot of that: G60 used Digifant, which already used computerised fuel injection, had the potential to be extended to OBD, and indeed there are substamtial traces of it already in the Digifant (but crippled by Bosch/VW). This would be the case irrespective of applying the G60 to a 8V or 16V head, the block would have been the same. Costwise, yes, maybe, but then the VR was to a large degree a ¨from-scratch¨ design, whereas the G60 simply took the 8V or 16V engine, which needed to be modified a bit, but sunstantially less so than starting a new engine altogether. Whether VW realised the G60 could suffer from problems if not maintained correctly is anyone´s guess, maybe not, given that there are no service intervals in official VW repair manuals. That was indeed foolish of them, bit like saying ¨No need to change engine oil either! It´ll last.¨ Pipework wise the G60 is no more complicated than all this turbo malarky in cars these days, and indeed turboing cars was already done back in the 70s and 80s, indeed VW applied turbos to Mk2 Roccos, even to a Mk1 Rocco back in the 70s. Guess the decisions taken byy VW are as usually is the case a combination of cost, and maybe even to a large degree randomness! More foolish decisions have been taken in the past by the powers that run these companies. Let´s not forget, these companies do not have the interests of future enthusiasts at heart, they have their shareholders´ and board room directors´ interests at heart, nothing else. Tempest
  12. Well, same here, weather has put a stop to yet another meet (first Stanford, now Stonor) for me, at least our National Day was a huge success (thanks to the weather). Don´t fancy standing in a muddy field in the rain. By contrast the Porker gang last weekend really hit the weather at its best. Here´s hoping to the remaining meets not all suffering the same fate. Tempest
  13. Yup, all original VW suspension as I recently witnessed on 2cc´s 16V KR Rado. Rolls a little bit more than on aftermarket suspension, but still goes around corners very happily, and potholes aren´t really a problem. Given the state of our roads, the fact they are absolutely NOT like a nice smooth race track (just spotted today that Cov. City Council decided to ruin a perfectly good road by resurfacing it with this latest contraption, some gash tiny-stone based surface, stones flying all over the place, rough as hell, huge resulting tyre wear and tyre noise, uncomfortable ride in almost any car), best to buy a 4x4 actually :lol: Tempest Tempest
  14. Your G60 for me please :) Nice! Tempest
  15. This Sunday. Regarding camping: Usually available, but not been taken up by any of our folk in past few years, so not made enquiries. Best to ask here: http://abvwcuk.moonfruit.com/#/stonor-park/4556505 Club stand reserved, 8 Rados on stand so far, 2 more slots available. Visit the CCGB website events calnedar and sign up, if you want to attend. Can´t go wrong for £9.00 per adult. Tempest
  16. A special area at the Dubs Mania show where people with any sort of VW/Audi coupe can park up on a dedicated coupe stand - PLUS be able to camp in the area immediately behind the stand. It's a Saturday/Sunday show with evening entertainment so offers something a fair bit different to the normal show. The SciroccoRegister is hosting/promoting it - all other coupe clubs/forums welcome to join us. http://www.dubmania.co.uk/html/dm_tickets.html Cars welcome: Scirocco Mk1, 2, 3 Corrado Polo Coupe Karmann Ghia Passat Mk1/2 - 2-door or 3-door Passat CC - well why not! Audi Quattro - the 2 door kind or an S2 80's or 90's Audi Coupe 1500 or 1600 Fastback Audi Coupe - the 70's tastic Aston Martin look-alike Mk1 or Mk2 Jetta - not really a coupe despite what people say but cool as 2-doors! SP2 - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_SP2 Tempest ---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 PM ---------- I won´t be able to attend this event because I am already booked up for Stonor which takes place on the same weekend. Upon arrival, and having paid the entrance fee, please ask for the Coupe Fest section of the evnt, and you should be guided towards the relevant section of the show. There shoul;d be quite a few Sciroccos attending in the Coupe Fest section, because of the involvement of the Scirocco Register in organising this particular sub-event with Dubs Mania. You will, of course, have access to the main Dubs Mania show, too. Tempest
  17. I had a similar experience to a certain degree when comparing a local meet with afore-mentioned PCGB to another local meet with TIPEC. TIPEC are much more like us Rado-folk, so felt at home and joined them. Moreover they have, and in particular within the Midlands region, a large proportion of 928-owners :) Reid: :lol: Tempest
  18. Sunny weather, little convoy from initial meeting point to ND location, TIPEC (The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club) was holding its ND at Hatton Country Park with ample space for quite a few Porkers that turned up, and the adjacent village shops of Hatton Country Park itself offering something for all the family. Some cars were arranged according to which region they belonged to, and the Central region, which I belong to, certainly had a good turn out of 982 and other tasty Porkers. Interesting to see how another very like-minded club as far as their attitude to their cars, the way they like tnkering with their Porkers etc (as compared to the other Porsche Club :) ) organise their ND. Spot the other CCGB member with a soft spot for Porkers also attending, spot the odd Rado in the ¨other cars¨ section, also featuring a nice Aston Martin. We did get bored by about 14:00, and decided that despite the nice location, tasty cars, it wasn´t a suitable site for the CCGB to hold a ND. Piccies; Tempest
  19. Nooo, well, not planning on starting till after the Porker club national day, which is tomorrow. So after that I´ll give it an attempt :) Read the websites, looked at all the pics (100s), so what can go wrong :lol: ? Tempest
  20. Yup, agree, for example found the Wheeler Dealer episode with the 928 restoration very interesting and useful even. Tempest
  21. 1978 (4.5 liter engine, 240 PS) till 1995 (GTS with flared rear arches, 5.4 Litre engine, 350 PS) for the 928, 65000 or so sold, over a third going to the US. Tempest
  22. Drove a tank over a 1979 guardian red 928. Tempest
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