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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Pickup was a project by a bunch of apprentices at Karmann, which is why some folk at Karmann (mainly the current curator of the Karmann car collection) do not view this as a true Karmann car, and hence it is no longer located within the museum. Tempest
  2. Interesting indeed to find 2 Stanford Halls, both in leics as well. Anyway, "our" Stanford Hall will be hosting its annual VW event, organised once again by the Leics and Warwicks VW Owners Club, on the 6th May this year, and you can alredy put your names down for the CCGB club stand on the CCGB events calendar :). Tempest
  3. First meet of the year, Stanford Hall, already posted up on the events calendar on the CCGB website. Get your names down, excellent little show. Actually the AGM at Gaydon Museum on the 1/4/2012 (not a joke :lol:) is the CCGB's first meet, where all new stuff that's happened over the last year (and all the usual fun and frolics) will be covered. Tempest
  4. Not paid attention there, Wendy? :lol: Will clearly have to pass this on to our secretary, who announced the next AGM at the last AGM, and also mentioned the next AGM date in the minutes of the last AGM :lol: Indeed, still a fair distance time-wise from where we are now. Tempest
  5. Frohe Weihnacht to everyone :) Tempest
  6. Still, better than nothing, but also thought if they're featuring that car, then they've really lost the contacts to the true community :) Tempest
  7. Been invited to put my Mk1 Rocco onto the SciroccoRegister stand (vetted and all :lol:), so might as well go :lol:, unless the roads are full of gritsalt, snow and other crap that could still loom at that time of year. Tempest
  8. Rough costing: Stenaline return ferry Harwich to hoek van Holland: £118.00 for 1 car + 1 person, see here for more: http://www.stenaline.co.uk Distance Hoek van Holland to campsite in Boekel: 144 km (89.4 miles) one way. Plus distance from wherever you live to Harwich. Entry fee for the avtual event: 25 Euros Friday till Sunday. The typically 11 Euros per extra night (Wednesday onto Thursday, Sunday onto Monday). We get Thursday night onto Friday thrown in for free (typcially), so joining from Wednesday 13/6/2012 till Monday 18/6/2012 will cost 47 Euros per person. Can buy special electrical campsite adapter to use electricity on the campsite, although forgot how much that is. Plus costs for food and drinks, of course :) Showers are 50 Eurocents a pop. No need to pay extra for car insurance (typically contact insurers shortly before you leave Britain, you should then have full cover whilst away; if fully comp in the UK that is). No need for medical insurance, take E111 and NHS card. Fuel is slightly dearer (!!) in the Netherlands. That should roughly be it :) Tempest
  9. Good stuff, folks, like reading the good reactions the National Day 2012 is getting so far. Do sign up on the CCGB calendar thingy here so I have a better overview of how many cars will be attending, stuff the organisers at Brooklands all get very excited about. Oh, and the more the merrier :) Tempest
  10. The dates for Roadstar 2012 have been set - 15th, 16th and 17th June. For those not familiar, this event is held in the Netherlands at a campsite in a village called Boekel, just about a good 2 hour drive further eastwards into deeper Netherlands from Hoek van Holland, where our ferry arrives. It includes a party on the Friday and Saturday nights, show and shine, and various other activities. One of my favourite events of the year. 2012 will be my 10th year! Family-friendly event, too, more and more folk bring their kids, dogs etc to this meet. Very relaxed atmosphere, loud car hifis frowned upon, just the odd engine rev :lol:. Ferry booked for 2cc and me. Leaving UK shores at Harwich on Wednesday 13th June 9am, returning Hoek van Holland Monday 18th June, 14:30, StenaLine Ferries. Tempest
  11. Quick bumpy, as this is tomorrow :) First folk already arriving at Tempest HQ tonight! Termpest
  12. How about a bit of parking on the famous banking at Brooklands with opportunity for lots of photographs? :) http://www.bankingonbrooklands.org.uk/ That´s what we´re planning for our National Day in 2012. Here are the facts: Location: Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0QN Wesbite: http://www.brooklandsmuseum.com When: Sunday, 20th of May 2012 from 10:00 onwards Entry ticket: £10 per person for Adults, £9 for Seniors, £5.50 for children (5-16 yrs). We will be parking in the Motoring Village which is a lovely back drop for any pictures. Lunch can be had in the on-site café, which serves hot lunches between 12:00 and 14:00. After lunch, at around 14:00 or so, we will attempt to make our way to the famous Brooklands banking for the highlight of the day: Parking our Corrados on the banking for photographs! This will normally cost an additional £10 per car, but the CCGB has decided to subsidise this cost! :) Hence this event is strictly members-only! Join beforehand for this unique opportunity. Sign up for this event here: http://www.corradoclub.org/ccgb16/index.php?option=com_illbethere&controller=events&task=view&id=22&Itemid=202 If you can´t see that link, log-in to the CCGB website, then go to the Events Calendar (Home/Latest menu top left corner of page). Warning! This highlight of the day is completely weather dependent! If it chucks it down or due to whatever other reasons the people at Brooklands feel it won´t be safe to enter and park on the banking, this bit is simply not happening. No-one within the CCGB can be held responsible for this part not happening. So let´s just hope for good weather and us being granted access to this famous piece of racing history. Just some more stuff: Please be advised dogs are not permitted on to the Museum site except for working assistance dogs. There you have it. Looking forward to this National Day :) Tempest
  13. I'll run the risk of repeating myself and therefore making myself look stupid (since my message isn't getting across :lol:): When you turn up to a new place, it's YOU that's got to make the first step. That's it, end-of, full-stop. if you cannot abide by this simple rule of life, what are you doing in life? I very recently joined a new club, and went through all of this, so am well experienced methinks. Turned up at a regional meet that I got the details for from the web. i wasn't even a member when I turned up, no problem, I'll try before I buy, I thought. As a matter of fact I went to 2 different clubs to check both out as to decide which one to join. On both occasions I parked up, got out of shiney new car (hence the search for a new club), walked up to nearest innocent bystander and started to talk. This you do by opening and closing lips in such a manner that words are formed. It really isn't difficult. If you now are feeling a strop coming on then fine, you're not welcome to MY little club :lol: No seriously, if I can do this, and I sometimes am a bit shy, too, then so can everyone else. Case in hand again: I got talking about all sorts of things, well mainly my new toy and already have some new people that i intend to meet up with at future regional meets of the club that in the end I decided to join. Simples, no rocket science involved. i too was faced with a bunch of people that already knew each other, were standing around chatting to each other, since for many these regional meets are the only times they meet up and get to tlak, so I appreciated all that for what it is. Still, i was aware of the fact that I had to make the first move, step into one of those circles and talk. look! They even talk back to me! Wow! I'm sorry, but if homo sapiens lacks this most basic skill, then said specimen is not worthy of the label sapiens ;) Feel insulted again? Good! At least I've got your attention, because quite frankly I'm getting sick and tired of the on-going moaning going on here about a bunch of people that are truly giving it their all and best to provide like-minded Corrado people with more and fun ways to enjoy Corrado ownership and we seem to be receiving an aweful lot of flak for it. It has been said before: if you think you can do better, then turn up at the AGM and stand up and say I can do better than that and I wish to nominate myself for elections! Just don't be disappointed if you will actually get elected :lol: That then finally gives me the chance of moaning :lol: Big thanks also to those who DO keep on supporting us by either attending meets, helping at various events, in the background, providing a listening ear and just generally for being nice Corrado folk to have a fun time together with. Right, end of my moans, won't change anything I fear, au contraire, i suspect the usual folk to challenge me hard. Go on, I may enjoy it ;) Tempest
  14. I knew the nightclub/dragqueen theme would get picked up, but surprised it wasn't by Schteve Supercharged :lol: Yeah, not everyone has the immense attention span that I can muster :lol:, still searching for a suitable car club to join :lol: Tempest
  15. Picking on a seriously ill flu-suffering person is unfair :lol: Can't even laugh for fear of aching throat :lol: Regarding the comments made here about ease with which club members can be approached at meets by new members: The Corrado is really just an entry ticket to a club/place / whatever. Bit like paying the entry fee to a night club. No, seriously. Once you're inside said nightclub, you still have to make the effort to then proceed from there to whatever takes your fancy. Some may find this more difficult than others, no doubt. But that's how mankind works, always has. I for one do try and approach new guys (like I hope I have done with Toohottotrott) but I at the same time do not wish to put on acting, for fear of becoming a dreaded sales person. I detest this modern-day "Have a nice day" greeting attitude that we are confronted with daily. So I don't want to have to push more than is necessary in as far as approaching people. Equal measures, really, because similarly I too once was faced with the "dilemma" of becoming a CCGB member and then having to make it work for me. Well, it has, I am now on the committee, like to think I am doing something right, as are all my committee colleagues and the many volunteers that kindly support us, as indeed all those that support the club by attending its many and varied meets. But if you're not prepared to go out a little, then how on earth are you surviving in the real world? :lol: The real world is a far more hostile place. Erm, no, those 2 sentences aren't going to convince anyone are they? :lol: Anyway, point remains: All need to put in a bit of effort. It's not enough to just walk into a place and expect to be courted like a queen/king/dragqueen (let's not go there), and ye shall find that lasting friendships can and will develop. Then once they have done, don't forget that friendships needs to be looked after. They need constant refreshing, and one way of doing that is by attending meets. :) See, that's where the circle closes, simple. Tempest
  16. or c) can't be bothered to turn up to events for that matter. Mind you, I am guilty as heck by not having turned up to our own National Day this year :( We do have a nice one lined up for 2012, though :) Personally I still believe, as has been demonstrated numerous times, that a club still has the clear advantage and clout to get noticed at national and international events, organise events, attend events. For me that is one of the key issues of owning a certain loved car, showing it to like-minded people and talking about those cars in real life (i.e. not just sitting in front of a keyboard like is increasingly become derigeur in modern times - virtual reality world with virtual reality cars :lol:). So, guess I will just carry on organising events, if it's just so I can get out from behind the keyboard occasionally :lol: Tempest
  17. Big thanks to Jim and Wendy for doing the honours yesterday, and to Vince and team for sticking to the tight schedule. Sorry I arrived late, but suffering from the most dreadful cold that I seem to have had for years. Hammer definitely came down last night, all Lemsipp'ed up at work now, not ideal. Tempest
  18. Indeed, we did talk to him on our way out (last to leave the building at the end of the AGM actually), but forgot to contact him again for pics. Tempest
  19. Hope to get my car running again by then. This morning it wouldn´t fire, completely at a loss, what the reason could be. May have to have it towed to some garage on Monday. Tempest
  20. Not all meets need the physical presence of cars surely, rather than simply their owners, i.e. like-minded people? :) It is a nice way to call out the year, before the long, dreaded, cold months of the year start, during which, I for one, and I am sure more and more others, lock away their Rados of joy in protection from the nasty gritters that are lurking on each street corner, ready to sling death inducing quantities of the dreaded salt at our beloved cars. So, yes it is a different meet, no kicking tyres in a pub car park for once :) Tempest
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