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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Having retaxed my Mk1 Rocco, got it out today and drove up to Telford, parked on the SciroccoRegister clubstand. 928 all well and nice, but the stupid grin in my face during the journey to Telford in my Mk1 Rocco was classic again :) Once arrived, parked up and cleaned, met up with the other guys and gals indeed (nice white Scala with G60 engine) on the stand, before I went wandering through the other halls, to meet Rado-Steve, saw Onestep´s Rado on the Jabbasport stand (nice article in this month´s Golf+, too, a complimentary copy of which we somehow ended up with :) ), and a red 16V on the HIC insurance stand. Took some pics today, because tomorrow views of cars will be obscured by people :lol: Tasty Ur-Quattros there, too. Pictures here Tempest
  2. I think at the moment the membership date on the website reflects when a member became a user of said website, not the true membership duration. Tempest
  3. As mentioned towards the beginning of this thread, i will be on the SciroccoRegister stand with my Mk1 Rocco :) Tempest
  4. That´s Coventry for you. Not even a 928 gets noticed here. Suppose some stupid Peugeots get more attention, because the friggin things were made here, and hence brought food to many a Coventry household. Tempest
  5. Eek, that´s a proper incision or whatever the medical term for a breat big cut and stitch job is. Tempest
  6. Keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow. Hope you´ll be on the superfast mend soon. Tempest
  7. Jim D, real ID available on CCGB forum :) Tempest
  8. Right, club stand full, following people received or will receive tickets: 1. Neil C 2. Chris L 3. Andy B 4. Wendy D 5. James S 6. Mark H 7. Dave B 8. James T 9. Thomas O 10. Jim D Tempest
  9. Wouldn't know who those folk might be ... :lol: Tempest
  10. The much-loved motoring festival Coventry Festival of Motoring is moving to a new home at Stoneleigh Park, one of the UK’s leading event venues set in 250 acres in the Warwickshire countryside, from 2012 onwards. It has now become a 2-day event, and you can turn up either for the Saturday, Sunday or both days. The traditional Historic Run (this year on a new 50-mile route through South Warwickshire) will take place again on Sunday. This will cost £20 per car. Saturday events to include: Club stand parking, Concourse, marketplace, WheelSkills precision driving contest., Future of Transport Expo (indoors) Sunday events: Historic Run, club stands, Wall of Death, Future of Transport Expo (indoors) More info here: http://www.festival-of-motoring.co.uk/ If you want to take part in the historic run on Sunday, 26/8/2012, please download the booking form below, complete and post back to me with payment (PM me for address details - deadline for bookings is 1/4/2012). If you just want to put your Corrado on the club stand please email me the following details: Full name, year of manufacture of your Corrado and registration number, and CCGB membership number. You can also make a whole weekend of this event: Visit the website, decide whether you would like to stay in a local hotel or B&B or even camp. Weekend packages are available here: Booking form Tempest
  11. Stanford Hall probably doesn't need an introduction any more, one of the oldest shows around. Best concours d'elegance in the country, relaxed and family-friendly atmosphere, loads of clubs and cars, oh, and a nice stately home thrown in for good measure, all at a reasonable £8. 10-car club stand requested and granted. 6 places still left on the stand as of 19/2/2012. If you want your Rado on the stand PM me your name, CCGB membership number and current full postal address (for me to send your entry ticket to). Tempest
  12. Club membership can have several advantages: First off, discounts at quite a lot of suppliers, garages, parts dealers, insurances, where often you can recoup the membership fee in one or a few transactions with the suppliers offering such discounts. Secondly you get priority parking at club events, often spaces on stands at the bigger and also smaller and specialist events up and down the country are reserved for club members only. Some vents now have started to charge clubs for having a stand. Thirdly, mags published by the club, with stuff like How-Tos, experiences from other members and their cars, event announcement, just something nice to read when you don't feel like switching on a computer and staring at yet another screen :) Fourthly, when you then start going to meet and events, you get to know people in real life , not just their on-line avatars, like you do on forums. You actually get to make real friends, which is what it's all about for me. These friends can in turn help you, or you can help them, with fixing things on your car. There may be many clubs suitable for the Rado, depending on what you prefer: Regional presence and just hanging out with locals (cue the recent proliferation of lots of forums run by a bunch of local mates / cliques ) or also want the occasional trip across the country, or want the bigger presence that a national, and often larger by member numbers, club can offer (better discounts, more professional events and services). The latter is perfectly exemplified by the Corrado Club, but you did see that one coming, i hope ;) Tempest There are many
  13. Ideal cars for the summer :) Tempest
  14. Correct, winder motor for the whole lot is located in the b-pillar, which is why the b-pillar (and also the a-pillar and the upper door edge) is located further into the cabin compared to a standard Rado to make space for the mechanical gubbins, essentially the track along which the seatbelt moves. Amazing system, love it, got used to it within no time, and now forget to buckle up whenever I get into a standard Left-hooker car without it. Tempest
  15. Corrado one? Very. Probably jinxed mine now :lol: Tempest
  16. 928 count? Was supercar in its days, or supposed to be :) Tempest
  17. The much-loved motoring festival Coventry Festival of Motoring is moving to a new home at Stoneleigh Park, one of the UK’s leading event venues set in 250 acres in the Warwickshire countryside, from 2012 onwards. It has now become a 2-day event, and you can turn up either for the Saturday, Sunday or both days. The traditional Historic Run (this year on a new 50-mile route through South Warwickshire) will take place again on Sunday. This will cost £20 per car. Saturday events to include: Club stand parking, Concourse, marketplace, WheelSkills precision driving contest., Future of Transport Expo (indoors) Sunday events: Historic Run, club stands, Wall of Death, Future of Transport Expo (indoors) More info here: http://www.festival-of-motoring.co.uk/ If you want to take part in the historic run please download the booking form below, complete and post back to me with payment and CCGB membership number. If you just want to put your Corrado on the club stand please email me the following details: Full name, year of manufacture of your Corrado and registration number, and CCGB membership number. Ideally visit the CCGB events calendar and regist there :) You can also make a whole weekend of this event: Visit the website, decide whether you would like to stay in a local hotel or B&B or even camp. Weekend packages are available here: Booking form Tempest
  18. It´s not about the environment, it´s all about job preservation in certain nations that are dependent on the car industry: Germany, France, to a certain degree even Britain, as it supplies parts to the big car manufacturing countries. hence the government frantically trying to get us folks to scrap our cars. In Germany this is always effectively demonstrated again by the sheer volume of anti-car legislation that is introduced, often targeted at specifically older cars, always quoting the environment as the driving force behind the relevant legislation. Tempest
  19. Definitely not 928 standard seats :) There was a sports seat option for 928 with bigger side bolsters, and the ones in the picture above look similar. The sports seats had manual adjustment, standard ones often were electrically adjustable. Tempest
  20. Hi folks, Will of course post up stuff here in due course / closer to a particular event, but in the meantime why not have a wnader over to the CCGB website, events calendar and have a look at what´s happening in 2012. Then if you find an event of interest to you, get your name down. This can all be done on-line, thanks to CrazyDave´s great efforts with Joomla on the CCGB website. Tempest
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