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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Good stuff, looking forward to seeing it on Sunday :-) Tempest
  2. I used a normal F-clamp, did the job marvelously :-) Tempest
  3. Littel knowledge can be dangerous, but hey, what do Rado-drivers know :lol: Not just the press, more worryingly the politicians, certain ones of which have been crying out for a speed limit on German Autobahns for years, and the number of them is growing daily! Spurred by this new environmental bandwagon, no doubt, as accident figures do not support in any way that a speed limit would be any safer. At least the current minister of transport, Wolfgang Tiefensee, is still against a speed limit, but not so his colleagues, minister for the environment, Gabriel, and of course that cow Künast from the Green Party (probably drives a 2CV or something :lol:). It's a question of time, before the last bastion of unrestricted motorways will fall, and why would we then bother to still buy fast cars ...
  4. Yes, I was shocked, when I read this in todays on-line edition of the German news magazine "Der Spiegel". According to a market research institute in Leipzig 58% of 1002 representatively chosen participants aged 18 years and older were in favour of a speed limit on German motorways of 130 km/h :shock: What's going on? It's all this dam*ed environmental sh*t that's going round Europe at the moment. What worked during the medieval ages, the churches and powers that were in terms of suppressing the population with stories of hell, seems to be the politicians of today with their stories of doom and gloom if we don't change our habits (and pay more taxes) to "save the environment". It would seem that it's already working, how else can one explain that 58% of the Germans would be in favour of a speed limit? OK, 1002 people is not really statistically relevant, I hear some say. I would have thought that they had at least 50% of those 1002 people were male, but according to another article gone are the days that the German man's favourite child ("des Deutschen liebstes Kind") is the car. It is now frowned upon, if you buy a bhp-monster that guzzles too much fuel. Audi R8? Nope. It is uncool to polish your car on Saturday. Wiedeking, Porsche boss, has even stated that there will be an alternative fuel version of their Cayenne available soon. I wish they'd just simply scrap any SUV and other 4x4s :mad: Germany's men will soon be degraded to nappy-changers (with loads of big corporates shedding jobs galore despite making record profits - mentioned in the same issue of Spiegel), flower pickers and other girlie things. No more tinkering with cars, they are dirty, not good for the environment, not cool. Public transport is in! I feel sick somehow ... Tempest
  5. So that's a no :lol: Tempest
  6. A few piccies of a mate of mine's model, sporting new alloy wheels. He's sending off the parcel with 3 models this Monday :-) Tempest
  7. Don't forget that unless you've contacted Vicki (the CCGB membership secretary) to tell her whether you changed address recently, you may not get your copy ;-) The way it worked this time was that the printers were given a list of all members' addresses and they bagged the mags up and sent them out. We didn't have access to "free" company resources any more like in the past, so decided to outsource this aspect. Tempest
  8. Easy: Every minute spent less on the forum is one more for the Sprinter :lol: Tempest
  9. Yup, received mine this morning, too. Strange to have to read your own stuff :lol: Look forward to reading other peeps' stuff in the next issue :-) Tempest
  10. Brembos are OK. When I replaced the front disks on my G60 about 2 years ago, I went for GSF supplied Zimmermanns, which for some strange reason only laste less than a year. I got them replaced within warranty with Brembos, which I'm still running. Tempest
  11. 3 more should be on their journey to me as of yesterday :-) All have been taken. Just to let the relevant peeps know :-) Tempest
  12. The Milltek on my G60 is catback, as my G60 still has a cat (well, upgraded to the VR6 metal cat anyway). Even with Milltek, fitment can be an issue, as was found on mine, when the hanger on the midscetion box snapped and tore a little hole in the pipe, starting to blow. When I subsequently took my C to my local Powerflow fitter (who I've had both my Roccos fitted with a Powerflow system by), we were quite amazed to see the difference between the wall thickness used on both Milltek and Powerflow. The Milltek was thinner ... Anyway, since my Powerflow fitter moved the hanger and rewelded everything at that end, things have been OK. I'm quite happy with the sound of my Milltek, quite quiet actually. Tempest
  13. All my 3 babies are locked away in garages with BP's Ultimate and a fuel stabiliser thrown in to get through the winter months :-) Hopefully that fuel hasn't made its way to branded pumps yet, and never will. Tempest
  14. Tempest


    Chris aka 2cc had modified a few of his tools to get the rear axle bushes pressed into Jim's C recently. Admittedly we did use a special VW mould, into thich the curved end of the bush comfortably fits, so that we could push that end in without damaging the bush. I had my bushes (self-supplied) replaced by my local garage in Coventry, "New Tyres to You" for a measly £35 plus VAT :-), as I couldn't be asked to get the hacksaw and drills out to get the old bushes out :lol: My local VW dealer garage were taking the p*ss, wanted £220 for this job, another local independent garage wanted £60 plus VAT, so it's well worth shopping around, if you don't want to or can't do this yourself. Tempest
  15. Tempest

    front shocks

    No, Mr Tyre franchises/branches can't do modded cars, i already tried my local branch. they're good for fitting Powerflow systems, but go according to book data on 4-wheel alignments, which is no good for modded cars. Tempest
  16. Tempest

    front shocks

    Any place that can do 4-wheel alignments should do, but do ask whether the normal chains in your area can actually do a lowered Corrado. Not many can :roll: Jim, Supercharged and I have used a place in Coventry called "New Tyres to You", now called "Autofab", which do a 4-wheel alignment on any car (lowered whatever, as their kit is used on their own BTC cars) for £25 plus VAT. Tempest
  17. Got mine from VW, as they're only next door to where I work :lol: Tempest
  18. Paid 600 Euros (400 GBP) for my spare charger, which was rebuilt and ported and polished by Zoran and Dirk over in Germany, and since that it's ... not been run at all :-) Tempest
  19. Well, having owned mine in the meantime for 3.5 years, I am getting on top of all the nasty faults that it had, which weren't apparent when I bought it, some of which have nearly driven me to the brink of insanity at times (Rados are just much harder to work on that what I'm used to, i.e. my Roccos), but now that *touch wood* pretty much all things are more or less under control, I am actually dying to get my C back on the road, when the weather finally gets warmer again. Until then it's a hard tour ;-) Not looking at selling it yet :-) Tempest
  20. Slightly confused here: It is normal to not get bearing, top mounts (call them what you like) with new-bought susponsion. Fitting new suspension is then a good time to replace the top mounts. The old top mounts were single units. The new style ones (late 16Vs and all VR6s) had 2-piece top mounts, a bearing over which you fit a large rubber bushing, whensticking both onto the strut. Both are dropped on at the top of your colie, ready to then fit (using a nut to tighten the top mount up, of course). Tempest
  21. Tempest


    On some it seems to be 21 mm, on mine it was 22 mm, however. Try and see :-) Tempest
  22. Last time I had my Lader rebuilt by G-Werks, it cots me around £300 IIRC, might be £350 now, not bad. Tempest
  23. Just reminded my German mate about sending me 3 models plus a leather handbrake cover, erm, he openly admitted that he had forgotten to send me anything. Oh well, must be the old age :lol: So, hoping to get mine soon, and probably start modding it, too, to make it look more like my US-G60. Tempest
  24. Tempest


    Clarke hollow ratchet and socket set. No special name. Clarke stuff is mostly sold through Machine Mart, who sold me the very last set available in the UK. You might be lucky and find one somewhere on the net, 2nd hand or something. Draper / Halford do one, too, called Vortex, but their kit only goes up to size 19. Tempest
  25. Tempest


    On mine I recently managed to get the top nut off using a special Lambda-probe socket, where one side is open, so you can stick an Allen key in. I still needed to excert majort force by means of an extension bar on my Allen key, though. In the meantime I have a nifty little socket set from Clarke (now discontinued) where all the sockets are hollow and the ratchet is hollow, too, ideal for this kind of job. Used that kit to fit the new Koni coilies recently. Tempest
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