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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Some more piccies: http://www.roccomeiki.de/album/hohenroda_1990/index1.html 2 peeps from the UK will be going to this event so far, 2cc and me, but leaving all our cars at home, because of the long journey. We're looking at flying out, and some kind people in Germany have agreed to lend us a Rocco for the onward journey :shock: :-) SCOstfiesland aka Ritchie is one of them :-) Tempest
  2. I would always assume the flywheel mark to be the reference point, any deviations on the crank pulley are more likely the results of slightly sloppy fitment of said pulley, typically after a cambelt change. Tempest
  3. There's a delay from the point at which you floor the loud-pedal (open the throttle) to when the boost pipes, silencer at the charger output (if there's still a silencer box there, as many have removed this horrid thing and replaced with an RS outlet) and intercooler all fully fill up with air from the charger. Tempest
  4. Yup, I've always timed my 3 cars on the flywheel. Tempest
  5. Quality :lol:, but that's not how I meant it. Try reading my post again :lol: Personally I prefer margarine, however, healthier. Right, I will now start camping outside my local dealership, right next to their skip. Tempest
  6. Almost sounds like the EU policies on agricultural products, such as butter. Tons of butter destroyed each year, just to keep the prices artificially high. Crazy, and even more so very annoying for us car enthusiasts. Tempest
  7. Same: Don't run the 68 mm pulley on a standard chip, as you're running too lean (too much air, not enough fuel), which will over time damage your pistons. Tempest
  8. Klüber-Nosol is the only stuff, IMHO, everyone in Germany uses that. Mind you, there has always been a raving debate on German forums on the virtues of using any sort of lubricant at all, as the stuff wears off quite quickly anyway, gets deposited in the boost pipes and intercooler instead. Tempest
  9. Tempest

    running 95ron

    Before you retard the ignition timing, it's worthwhile having a quick chat with Darren at G-Werks to see whether your chip has still got the oem 95-octane fuel maps (should have), in which case you may not need to retard the timing at all. The engine through its knock sensor will detect any pinking and run a lower octane fuel map, if present. I also run a 100-octane fuel map chip, that's also got the 98-octane map, but did not advance the ignition timing beyond 6° BTDC. Tempest
  10. I read recently in some German mag, can't remember which one any more, that the production of biofuels to a large degree still relies on the use of fossil fuels itself, therefore negating some of the advantages. Whether it's the production of fertilisers needed to make rape seed plants grow, harvesting and transport of the rape seed and fertilisers, whether it's the actual chemical process to refine the biofuels, distribution of the fuels, all depend and still heavily use fossil fuels. I personally think that the combustion engine principle is now really well out of date (for everyday use, not for classic cars and oldtimers, which shouldn't be used in daily traffic anyway), and it's time for a drastic rethink on how to move people around on a daily basis, i.e. for things like commuting, shopping etc. Alternative technologies exist, but whether it's through not receiving enough money from the government or the private sector, these technologies are just not being rolled out on a garnd enough scale to replace what we've got. Plus, of course, even if they were, the government would need to very quickly introduce corresponding excuses for new taxes on the use of these technologies / cars, as otherwise they'd have a massive shortfall of tax-generated income. Tempest
  11. All around Darren deep down south :lol: Tempest
  12. That's in an ideal world, as I, too, have been involved in research (ultimately leading to my PhD), attended many a conference, where research teams from competing institutions (competing for money and fame - which itself can lead to more money, obviously) slagged each other off in front of hundreds of delegates, over simple things like very often the validity of test methods chosen, let alone the interpretation of the results collected. Research can be a battlefield in its own right, so much politics involved (always because of funding and fame), one of the reasons why I left academia once I had my PhD. Tempest
  13. Pence to the pound or %, if you're talking % you should use the %-symbol, or is it because politicans assume we, the population, are too dumb to know what the %-symbol denotes (if so, tough on those that are too dumb, Darwin theory, survival of the fittest :lol:). Tax rates in my book are expressed in %, they certainly are in all Crown stationary like tax self assessment forms. Ranting ... :lol: Tempest
  14. Adjusting the rear brake bias valve after lowering the car is not a difficult task. I did this on mine immediately after I fitted the Koni coilies recently. There's a rather extensive write-up on that here somewhere, too :-) In effect, loosen the nut/bolt, with which you can tension and compress the spring on the bias valve. Make sure that when the C is standing on level ground (not jacked up) the spring is not quite under tension, then tighten the nut/bolt again. You can reach this nut/bolt lying next to the C on the floor, no need to jack up car (as that wouldn't work anyway). Tempest
  15. Yeah spotted that too, both on the BBC website and in the PDF version of the entire budget (which I did read, well the relevant bits anyway, because blurb on equality of British people and whatnot, I don't care about; figures, let the figures speak :-) ), and was thinking to myself all the time pence? That doesn't make sense, until it dawned upon me that although the rest of the world use the % sign or the word percent to denote percent, the UK government (and the BBC) use p for %. Confused or what? Tempest
  16. Don't worry, Kev, I'm getting the same sort of stick on the German Sciroccoforum, where all of a sudden, the members, all drivers of a rather old car, turned green! Yes, in Germany there are ways to get your Rocco more environmentally friendly, even the Corrados can be made Euro3 compliant (cold start circuitry, which, of course is another bogus, as it only affects emissions during the first few seconds of engine start up), which the German government tax less highly than having lower Euro numbers or not having a CAT at all! So, where possible, loads of Scirocco-owners in Germany have converted their cars at substantial cost to get Euro3. My argument is that where does this end? Tomorrow the government may very well raise the bar even further, they're already talking about making Euro2 cars as expensive as Euro1 cars (for comparison, Germany now has Euro4 and 5 on new cars), thus knocking off the roads many a Rocco and Rado, despite their assurance to the public that it is the government's interest to preserve German culture also for cars, and no exemption for oldtimers! Oldtimers often can't even do anything to meet current emissions and hence either pay through the roof for road tax or will have no option but to stow away or even scrap their treasures. A mate of mine called me yesterday saying that on his CAT-less Polo with a tasty Schrick engine et al, knocking out a tasty 150 bhp on a light car like that, had to pay 27 Euros recently to tax his car for, yup, ONE DAY!!! Where does all this money go to? Not in the environemt. Not in roads. In Germany the government even admitted they've taken in more tax than what they've spent. What happened to the surplus? Are debts being paid off? You must be joking, no, the politicians decided now was a good time to increase their wages!!! They haven't had a pay-rise for a long time, was the argument! Erm, yes, tell that to some people working in the private sector, where you're glad to be able to hang on to your job sometimes. Tempest
  17. Unfortunately none of the proposed money-grabbing exercises that our governments are dreaming up with alarming rates, as they've literally all jumped onto this green-bandwaggon (even the least green parties are joining the fun - does that not say something about politics?), will make this situation any better. It's too late as it is. None of the proposed tax increases and other debatable measures will have any effect whatsoever, and certainly not if only a fraction of the globe (us stupid Europeans) actually go green with the rest of the world just laughing at us. The only way out is as usual Darwin: Survival of the fittest, those that adapt win, those that don't don't. That's how nature works. Tempest
  18. That's another good point, that the government have chosen to completely neglect so far. they demand we be flexible, mobile and everything to get jobs. On the other hand the penalise us for going to our jobs. I would agree with Dr.Mat that the government should then offer better public transport (after they polish up its image, as I personally don't like public buses with all the yobs on there). However, it isn't necessarily any better in other EU countries. Germany's public transport is a bit of a disaster, too. Netherlands are quite good by comparison, but only as the country is relatively small, and even there things are far from perfect. i know, as I always have to use the train to get home to my parents from Amsterdam airport. I have experienced quite a few near-plane-misses due to the Dutch railway system cocking up spectacularly again, customer service claims ... what customer service? My fault for using them. As long as the government don't clean up issues like that, how can they expect us to give up on cars. Oh, we need to start travelling less, but then see original point made above. Industry won't offer jobs where the people live, so people have to travel. Catch 22. Tempest
  19. No less than 3500 people are employed by Warwick Uni, someone told me today, and each and every single one of them (well almost, I guess), drives to work and back home again every day. Madness. That person who told me lives in CV4, hence on the doorstep, and knows. Unfortunately she also brings her kid to school by car, again madness. The guy who led one of the investigations on how global warming is not caused by man's CO2 emissions has been exposed as a bit of a fraud on the German Roccoforum. Tim Ball works for an agency sort thing, sponsored by mainly the US and Canadian power industry, also M$ and some more high-profile companies. My counter argument was that the government's studies are just as fraudulent, as these days everone only commisions and funds research projects that deliver precisely the results they want out of that reserach, not the truth. Tempest
  20. I'm all with you plateletboy, as I too walk to work everyday, do my shopping on foot, take trains etc. into bigger cities such as Birmingham and London (if I actually still want to go there), and only use one of my 3 Karmann coupes for fun, ie. weekends, going to shows etc. Combined mileage last year on those 3 was less than 7500k. But nooooo, I'm environmentally unfriendly, sheerly because where else is the government going to get money from? Not from industry (they'll bugger off to China, or already have), agriculture (they get even more subsidies through the EU instead), etc. Tempest
  21. It turns out those posters are only copies!! Seems someone is trying to rip off Schwebe intellectual property and should get sued for it. That seller has already sold a set of these posters on 20th February 2007. Tempest
  22. Worries are whether Schwebe is still alive ... I'll soon find out. Tempest
  23. Not really, as it also includes the Scirocco poster(s). Tempest
  24. The conversion of the interior to match that on my real C has commenced :-) Tempest
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