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Door handle repair kit..........THEY ARE NOW AVAILABLE

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  daves16v said:

Hi Martin,


PM me your email address and I'll email it ASAP.


If you can ease the handle out of the door (to save removing door card) and send me a some pics of the handle from differnt angles I'll have a look.





Hey mate,


I finally got round to having a look today and as i thought the part you supplied was fine and it was actually another part of the internal mechanism of the handle which had broken. The only other handle i have managed to find locally is also broken but im going to check it out tomorrow in the hope that the broken bit will be the part your repair kit originally fixed so i can then try to make one good handle outta the 2 bust ones (regretting leaving it to the last minute now as mot is due on weds!). Just wondered if you could send those instructions through to me again as im sure they will prove to be a great help, i didnt get the last lot but its probably down to my work email not accepting a lot of stuff with attachments, if you could send them to martinbowles2001@yahoo.co.uk it would be appreciated.


Cheers mate,


Martin :)

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I've been trying to get this screw to bite the pivot pin for hours. All I've managed so far is to stab myself in several places



Am I seriously the only one that has had a problem? The screw seems to big or the pivot internal too small! I'm not trying to say the kit doesn't work.. as I'm sure it does.. I just havn't been able to get that far yet.


Any advice appreciated.


I've tried other screws but the threads just get squished. I assume the casting of the pivot pin is relatively strong and not as soft as I would have thought? Hence the trouble getting this screw to bite?!



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You are attempting the most difficult part and because it's such a small pivot pin there is not alot that can be done to overcome this. It can take some effort to get the screw to bite. I can send you some other screws to try if you like or you can send me your handle and I'll repair it for you. Just pay the postage both ways and I'll do it for free.


I don't hear of many people struggle with removing the pin but it does happen.



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Hi Dave,


I'm quite willing to admit that I'm a f*ckwit. I do tend to run into problems that you all mechanically minded bods cope with in 2 seconds.

Many thanks for you offer to help though!


I managed it in the end with a different screw.. but I did have to get the drill out and remove a little bit of material in the pivot!

Maybe I was just unlucky.


I would personally reccommend a crosshead screw to be included for future kits... me and a friend tend to call the other kind "slot-sh1t" rather than slot head....!


Otherwise, the machining of the replacement part seems utterly bombproof and well thought out.

The service you provided was also super efficient and now I can get back into my car again =D



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Glad you got it sorted.


I have considered a philips type screw but with them being so small and the amount of pressure required, the driver tends to slip out. I've started to include a selection of screws in the kits including Philips type.


I always welcome feedback.




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hi, Dave can you pm me with your paypal address as need a drivers side repair kit thanks to son yanking it open WHILST LOCKED!!

Then Im gonna have to drill the screw out on the side as completely stuck :(


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hi dave i need a drivers side kit but may as well get both seeing as i'm doing it, can you pm me total cost inc postage and your paypal?





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These still available? Need a Drivers side one asap! So embarassing having to get in the passenger side and climbing over :(


Once confirmed i will send a payment :) cheers

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hi, Dave received today many thanks, will be attempting over the weekend....dont be surprised if I mail you so I can come over so you can help me :?



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  inky said:
hi, Dave received today many thanks, will be attempting over the weekend....dont be surprised if I mail you so I can come over so you can help me :?




Ok no worries.

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Hi Dave, Can you send me price for both sides please. Both working at the moment but had this happen to me with my old valver and paid a fortune to get it put right , not to mention the inconvenience.




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  daves16v said:
  inky said:
hi, Dave received today many thanks, will be attempting over the weekend....dont be surprised if I mail you so I can come over so you can help me :?




Ok no worries.


All done, despite numerous cuts and slashes, pivot pin refusing to come out (ended up putting screw in other end and knocking it out with a hammer :D )

works perfectly and did it all on my own (if you want something doing get a woman to do it)

Now for replacing the spoiler mech and motor (what a wonderful mother's day I'm having) :lol:

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Having just managed to break my drivers side door handle again would you be able to let me know the price for a repair kit and P&P?

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Having a go at this at last but not sure if I have the same problem: I have removed the door handle from the door but the lever arm is not broken. The handle still seems to work when off but just doesn't open the door. Any ideas?

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the lever pushes down on a lever on top of the lock when you remove the handle look in the hole to see if you can see two levers on the top of the door lock the closest one to the outside opens the door the other one moves the button in the door card up and down , one of these may be bent out of line or broken off



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Still not sure what was broken but did the swap anyway, put it back together and it all works :D . 1 step closer to passing my MOT!

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HI, sent am pm but didn't seem to send. Please can i have a price for both door handle repair kits with P&P. PM me payment details and i will sort payment ASAP as i reall need to get this sorted.




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  renson said:
HI, sent am pm but didn't seem to send. Please can i have a price for both door handle repair kits with P&P. PM me payment details and i will sort payment ASAP as i reall need to get this sorted.






PM replied to.

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