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I thought I would let you know about my general disgust of Chris Knott Insurance and warn you to stay clear of them...


I'm not the first to have problems either.


Until recently I have had no complaints from them in 2yrs of insuring my old Corrado with them... due to buying a new car I had to cancel my policy with them as they could not come close to my best quote I had been given (over £500 more) therefore I chose to cancel it and was informed this wouldnt be a problem and there would be nothing to pay - in fact I would get a little money back. Lovely I said.


The following week I get a snotty letter from a finance company saying that I owe them money - track it down and apparently it turns out that Chris Knott actually FINANCE out any monthly pay scheme to First National Finance - I wasnt actually informed of this. So a phone call to Chris Knott - they will sort it out they said. I questioned the fact they had used a finance company... they said it was standard procedure and I was informed of this... funny that as I would have remembered it and paid it in full instead.


Anyway I thought that was the end of the matter... not so... a week later I get a letter from Chris Knott saying I owed them money... I'm like WTF? - three times on the phone they implied I wouldnt have to pay anything to cancel the policy and the annoying thing is that had I known this I probably would have carried the policy on till the end - too late now!!


So I refused to pay it... I then get a letter from them stating that if I dont pay the amount owed within 7 days they will cancel my other policy that I hold with them (I insured both my Pug diesel and corrado with them)... well thats nice of them I thought! NOT!! :p


I then thought - ok - had enough time to move my policies to someone else.... moved the FTO policy to Adrian Flux (who seem good so far and very helpful) and am looking into moving the Pug insurance to them also....


I then got a phone call from Adrian Flux saying that they could not get confirmation of my NCB from Chris Knott - turns out Chris Knott DELIBERATELY blocked Adrian Flux from getting the information required on my NCB and as a result if I didnt provide proof of my NCB to Adrian Flux they would have to either cancel my policy or recalculate my premium based on having none!!!


Rest assured I for one will NEVER be using Chris Knott Insurance again and I strongly suggest you do the same!!!




CHRIS KNOTT - If you are reading this be warned - I'm not finished with you yet!



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It doesn't sound very good, especially with Steve's experience with them recently...


Can someone remove them from the recommended insurer's list on the CCGB site now?

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Agreed - they should be removed from the CCGB Site as recommended insurers... like I said I never had any problems from them but the fact they have been so petty about cancelling my insurance and holding my NCB to ransom I would really dread having to make a claim from them.


What hassles did Steve have?

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There is another thread on here with a similar title i think about Stevemac's issues...


I think we'll rename then Chris Knobb from now on.

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I think we'll rename then Chris Knobb from now on.




Just go with Brentacre for service and the most flexible modding policy, or Flux for cheapness but not as good a service.

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I've never got on with Brentacre to be honest... have used Flux before in past and never had problems even when claiming so going back to them.


I'm so angry about this its unreal.

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Cheers for the tip-off Scott, mine expires in May, so I shall be changing it then I think... Btw, does anyone know what happens if you have an accident but have a protected NCD with regard to getting proof of your NCD?



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Blimey. Glad i'm nothing to do with them.. stevemac's story already had me gobsmacked, but this is beyond belief.


Hope you nail em.

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I renewed my cover with Chris Knott this year cus they dropped their price by £90 after I had a quote with Elephant. If anyone can drop their price by 20% at the drop of a hat then they are taking the p??s to start with but I haven't had to make a claim with them yet so can't comment on their service as a whole.


I'll think twice next time.

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Believe me I have probably cost them thousands now by you guys not renewing with them :D


But I havent even started yet! :D

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Did you sign a document relating to the finance company? If not i'd sue Chris Knott, as they have used your name without your concent to enter a finacial agreement. The finace agreement should of been with CK not any company regardless

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When I set up monthly payment via Chris Knott, the direct debit form was a credit agreement with a finance company. I decided to pay annually! As G60Jet says, if they didnt make this clear to you they are surely breaching the rules.

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