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OMG!! Is this real?

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thats well funny :lol:


CATS can jump over cars like that........hence u prob never see a dead one on the road like a fox, squirrel,hedgehog etc

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Furki's guide to Road kill.. da fuc 'Cats can jump over cars like that'.. Do you have a bread of 'Stunt' cats in Crawley? The one I hit in the Mini the other week just made a 'Thud'' as it hit the front bumper, got out expecting to see a fluffy, bloody mess.. but just found a dazed moggey that picked itself up, then bur'nt off into the nearest garden and a mashed lower mesh grill I had to spent 5 minuite re clipping on. Gonna aim for it in a corrado next time to make sure its the cats skull hitting the hard reinforced plastic that makes the thud.

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i once ran into a massive dog. it fell over. then got up looked at me, then ambled off.


i also ran into a cow once in a mk1 golf, in a field on a scrap yard that was at a farm. it was like hitting a wall. the cow went nuts, mooing at me.

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steve thats not how u get pussy...........man we need to re-educate u :-P u been hanging around Liam too much :mrgreen:

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thats well funny :lol:


CATS can jump over cars like that........hence u prob never see a dead one on the road like a fox, squirrel,hedgehog etc


my mate fucked a cat up about a year ago :lol:


what a bloody mess it made of the road :twisted: :lol:

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my mate ****** a cat up about a year ago :lol:


what a bloody mess it made of the road :twisted: :lol:


something to be real proud of eh :roll: :roll: :roll:

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u lot are bast1ds man i cry everytime i crush a snail by accident on those dark nights





















man its hard to clean white trainers :lol:

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Man I'd like to kill the bastid cat that decided to amble over my C last night and leave white footprints all along it :mad:


Looks like it fell off the back tho :lol:

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I once saw a cat get run over. I'll never forget the sickening 'crack' as the wheel broke its rib-cage. The cat got up and limped off, probably to die somewhere, and I couldn't stop feeling :pukeright: all day, the sound kept coming back to haunt me.

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Mate of mine had a bad cat story.. driving up the road to his house and a cat ran out.. tried to brake and it just kinda ran under the wheels. Thump noise so instead of pulling into his house he proceeded onto the jetwash round the corner in case it made a mess.. had to hose bits of fur and stuff off the inside of the wheel arch! Though he's sure it survived as he saw it a number of times after the event.. so might have took a hit but kept on going!

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i hit a cat once in my first mk1 golf

as a cat owner, it was particularly unpleasant. the cat however got up and legged it. but it would have died as the drivers side wheel went over it.


i felt that incident had brought bad luck on the car.


4 days later i hit a land rover. the driver's side wheel was pushed up to the bulkhead. i had paid my price.

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Hey all,


Reckon there are some pretty sick people out there :? :x


Not at all impressed by these stories and comments by people who have run over or seen animals (esp. cats) being run over, nothing to be proud of or have a laugh about at all :(





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I hit 3 young deer on the way back from my girlfriends a couple of years ago 2 went under the n/s and o/s front wheels and the third hit the front bumper and cracked my indicator ( bast*rd :lol: )


I was lucky that was all the damage they caused!! I dont think the mother of the 3 I hit would have been so considerate as I was travelling at 60+ at the time and she luckily had the good sense to turn and run the other way :D


They make a good crunch when you run over their heads though :)




Sorry Struan I must just be one of those sick minded people!!!

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I ran overa cat once, it went nuts..fur was fying everywhere, I felt terrible. :( Wouldn't want that to happen to my cat I can tell you that :(

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If i saw anyone hurt my cat, i would boot their baws very hard, sick fuckers who think its cool to hurt animals! :evil:



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