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Was in the post office today taxing the works van and there was a little kid at the door with his mum and he pointed at the Rado and said "Look at that Lamborghini mum" :clap:

Made me smile

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well firstly i have put the raddo up for sale,and this didn't help


comeing out of portsmouth today on the eastern road totally chocker,when a man about 55 calls over....nice car mate....very nice what with that i have changed my mind i think and have taken the for sale adds out of the window. :confused4:

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well firstly i have put the raddo up for sale,and this didn't help


comeing out of portsmouth today on the eastern road totally chocker,when a man about 55 calls over....nice car mate....very nice what with that i have changed my mind i think and have taken the for sale adds out of the window. :confused4:

Ahhh... that's Rado love that is... :thumb right:

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VRT went for it's MOT today. Passed no problem. MOT tester came out to complement me, 'it's as clean underneath as it is on top! Have you fitted a new petrol tank?'. :D

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I'm not sure if this is a proper chufty, cos nothing was said to me, but on the drive back from Stanford Hall (sadly alone- no other rados were heading south at the same time or (low) speed as me) I saw a Mk5 R32 in my rear view mirror from about 200 yards back. He pulled up along side so we were wheel to wheel and he gave me a nod and a thumbs up. Then he dropped a gear and was off, whilst my teeth were rattling from my hard suspension on the poor surface.


Even though I was far from the best Corrado on the day, it was great to get the recognition from a 'newer vw' owner. :clap:


In addition to that, both on the drive up and drive back there were lots of kids in back seats staring and pointing at my car, probably wondering what it was.

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I was getting out of my Corrado last night when a guy who happened to be walking past stopped and admired it. As I got out he looked at me and said "Gorgeous mate! Corrado innit?"

"Yeah" I replied


"Er, yeah"

"Best car ever made - I've always wanted one - enjoy"


And with that he was off with the occasionally look over the shoulder.

Made me feel proud to own it and also put me in a little shock as he was the first passer by to know exactly what the car was! :D

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On Sunday I pulled off the motorway to head down stanford road towards the show. I had to stop at the lights just at the end of the slip road. I got a nob from one of those motorway maintenance officers. :D The wash and polish of the car wasnt for nothing then :lol:

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On Sunday I pulled off the motorway to head down stanford road towards the show. I had to stop at the lights just at the end of the slip road. I got a nob from one of those motorway maintenance officers. :D The wash and polish of the car wasnt for nothing then :lol:


Blimey - getting a 'nob' off a man in uniform? that's got to be the most emphatic chufty ever!



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On Sunday I pulled off the motorway to head down stanford road towards the show. I had to stop at the lights just at the end of the slip road. I got a nob from one of those motorway maintenance officers. :D The wash and polish of the car wasnt for nothing then :lol:


Blimey - getting a 'nob' off a man in uniform? that's got to be the most emphatic chufty ever!





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I got out of the car outside the gym last night....and there was four young guys hanging about at the gate.....and as i walked past one of them said......here mate.....your motor's cool......high praise indeed when all you usually get from glaswegian youngsters is abuse :D

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on drive being rebuilt,debadged etc,teachers and jnr school kids all with notepads noting trees, houses, etc.

all stop and concegrate around the corrado which im under...teacher then pulls whole class round and asks the group "does anyone know what this car is!",looks of bewilderment :shrug: amongst the kids,after 5 seconds of quiet,the teacher exclaims loudly "its a porsche, now everyone say it with me!" All the kids and teachers then in unison and loudly all shout "its a porsche!"

with that I kicked the VW badge out and laughed as the teacher quickly hurried the children along :lol:

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had mine last week. Was outside washing the car when a chap walked past with his son.


I heard him say "i've always liked those cars"

the kid says "what dad? a Mr2?" (the neighbours car)


"nah" he said " the Corrado I'd like one of them myself". :D


I tried to remain cool 8) and carried on cleaning...grinning now tho lol :clap:

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Seemed to have a whole day of mini-chufties yesterday. Had a smashing day walking on the Malverns with the missus and it was all capped off beautifully by the number of little admiring glances the dub seemed to get. The fact that she notices all the people who are sneaking peeks and then tells me just makes her all the more of a catch, by the by!


However, key chuftie moment must have been after going for a well deserved post walk lunch at the Malvern Hills Hotel. Had parked at the roadside outside where lots of walkers heading from one part of the Hills to the next have to follow the road briefly. Returned to the car just behind a family with a middle aged Dad, wife and two sons in their late teens/early twenties. As they approached the dub they were giving it some respectful glances and appreciative comments. They then realised that we were about to get in her and walked on. However, the missus (who was watching them in the passenger wing mirror) pointed out that at the sound of the VR firing up, both sons and Dad turned for an appreciative glance.


Then I became a proper saddo. Instead of following the road in the direction I'd parked to go home, I pulled a three point turn so I could give it the beans past them. With the urging of the missus. What a girl. What a car. What a great day as the three of them nodded appreciatively at the sound of the VR's six all going as we passed them.

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Then I became a proper saddo. Instead of following the road in the direction I'd parked to go home, I pulled a three point turn so I could give it the beans past them. With the urging of the missus. What a girl. What a car. What a great day as the three of them nodded appreciatively at the sound of the VR's six all going as we passed them.


well all i can say mate is you sound like you've got the right car and the right missus, hard balance to mine, i just got the opposite affect after talking to a guy with his G60, i get back in mine and all i get is ear ache about me being a geek!!!!!


i dont care though as i would be without the car......long live the corrado


my only cuftie so far has been while picking up the car from the garage the owner saying to me he was green with envy as he had always wanted a corrado and never got one - the mrs wouldnt approve is all he said..................



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Was waiting at some traffic lights at an interchange just about to go up a slip road and join the A14 when an MR2 pulled up directly behind me in the queue. I could see the driver and the passenger eyeing up the Rado and nodding to each other. Then the lights went green and I nailed it and left them for dust as I went up the slip road. :D I was in the outside lane and they eventually caught up with me and the driver flashed his headlights, I moved over and they pulled up alongside me and the passenger gave me a thumbs up and as they passed the driver falshed his brake lights! :D Then they sped off at about 110mph.... I would have followed but I kinda need to make sure I don't lose my driving license. Kinda need it for my job and all....


My first chuftie from a non Rado owner in my new G60! :clap:

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Got a couple from my new VR in the couple of weeks I've had it:


Literally 2 minutes after picking it up from the last owner, got some fuel in the M6 Toll services and the first thing the cashier said was "nice car, love the way it looks on those wheels" - knew it had all been worthwhile then 8) .


Second lot came this week when the coil went and I was outside trying to diagnose the problem - two seperate car loads of blokes pulled up next to it and commented on how nice it was and asked if it was for sale, as did the neighbour who's house I was parked outside - all within the space of 10 minutes and all depsite the fact it was sounding distinctly unhealthy trying to fire up and didn't look much better either - obviously much Corrado love in Manchester!

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Had loads of people in the last few days asking me if I want to sell, to which the answer is, absolutely not.


Was just filling up at the petrol station when some young guy comes up and says "nice car, my friend has one of the mk3 limited edition corrados" er...that'll be the storm then? :)

I ask him what he has, a Corsa with a 2.0 in it. Very fast he says. Still just a Corsa I says. We both laugh, but he looks embarrassed!

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Had loads of people in the last few days asking me if I want to sell, to which the answer is, absolutely not.


Was just filling up at the petrol station when some young guy comes up and says "nice car, my friend has one of the mk3 limited edition corrados" er...that'll be the storm then? :)

I ask him what he has, a Corsa with a 2.0 in it. Very fast he says. Still just a Corsa I says. We both laugh, but he looks embarrassed!


Anyone would think with alot of the young lads, that they have no idea any other car has ever been made. What is it about corsas, is it just the cheap insurance or is the insurance high due to every young male buying one and 'doing it up'. No individuality with that pish car.


Sorry for the rant :lol:

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Postie on the parcel run today asked me if I wanted to sell mine, he'd dropped off a parcel the week before so had had time to think about it!


Obviously I said no, no chance, too much done to it!! I love my little valver............................

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Since my respray and drop I seem to get quite a few people pulling up along side on my commute for a better look or to give a thumbs up :D


There is a new local forum where I live and I just saw this post in a car discussion thread I was in..


"Nearly drove onto someone's garden the first time I saw your Storm, it's a beautiful car."


well chuffed :grin:

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