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OK, we know your cars, where did your names come from???

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Mine is obviously my name... but why the 'i' I hear you scream...


All stems back from when I was about 9. Three Andrews in the class, one Andrew, one Andy, me, being different, Andi.



And no, Red=Fast, its not a girl's name in the UK :p

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its my real name...no honest.

Im a Chef at an Italian...and have been known to make a few thousand pizzas..used to love pizzas before i started that job.. :roll:

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Mines from the TS Elliot poem, Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came...love his work its so delightfully bleak :wink: Other names I go by include House, RedBeard, BigLad, Basultis, MiniMav (I'm big but the other Mav is 6'3" and 26 stone) ...the list is endless really.

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Mine is just stupid, its my ebay login. got fed up with picking already picked names. Think i'll change it actually to lhasanick, after the colour of my mk1 campaign i still miss dreadfully, arrhhhh. plus its what my wife will put in my tea if i spend any longer on this forum!!

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Flo wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand

Flo is actually my nickname at work. Its usually said in the following way "Yo Flo, Mo' Fo', whats happnin' with Mr(insert name)'s car. Its been 2 weeks and you were only doing a geometry!"

And you think i'm joking...


You may not be joking, but i am thinking not to much work goes on were you work if you greet each other like that:D



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Tempest, oohh, several reasons:


Tempest as in "The Tempest" by Shakespeare, pretending I'm educated :lol: ,


Tempest as in wind, storm, erm Storm :lol: , another type of wind being the scirocco as in Karmann Scirocco - needs no further explaining me thinks :D .



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...and no its not because its been a while since i have seen some lady action.....


I just assumed you had ginger hair....eh? eh? You see what I did there? eh?

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Me and a mate pal'ed about a lot last summer and i never got a hair cut for ages cos i was always doin something(fixin the rad probably) then one day me and him and a couple of other guys were in his garage as i was fittin my coilovers and while i was neeling down to tighten th ewheel bolts my ass fell out of my breeks and apparently th eway we were sittin wi my ass out anmd my long hair and his goofy expression made us look like Harry and Lloyd from dumb and dumber


job done


my real name is Ross for future reference

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gixxer is what gsxr bikes are called(because if you say g s x r quickly it says jixxer but spelt gixxer ) and the uk was added because i used to frequent a few canadian/american sites

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Louie Lungbubble is a character out of an old Ren & Stimpy episode. Bally had already taken my real nickname when I was signing up, so I just put something daft. :roll:


Thinking of a change though, what'dya reckon of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane... Catchy eh?

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If you're wondering, my nickname is 'Tigger', but as that seems to be in use on most forums I use, I just started spelling it backwards!

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when i first started playing online games (the original CS :D ) a m8 of mine started a clan wiv a few other guys called [swF]. I decided to play along one day and needed a name. There was a Blade poster on teh wall, so I became [swF]Blade. Over the years that became swfblade or even swiftblade.

Thats my story.

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When I first joined it was Rich1, Richard being my name and 1 because it was all i could think of. I was being lazy. But then a friend pointed out to me it sounded like I had a lot of money (which I dont) so had to rethink. Dont want to give out the wrong impression.


I am a massive Will Ferrell fan and 'son of a beesting' one of his catch phrases in SNL and in Anchorman (GREAT FILM). It also makes me smile each time I see it. So there you go



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Craigowl is highest hill of Sidlaws a few miles north of my home town Dundee.

The hills were visible from the window of the tenement where I lived for years as a boy.

Dundee was, and still is, a hard city, but its rural and coastal environment is brilliant and I still love it though I live 65 miles away now.


Photos to follow from 1965 :oops: show:

1 - Dundee and River Tay from summit of Craigowl

2 - Black and White - Craigowl is visible between houses at left at front of bus (chopped vehicle was for for "L" drivers if there are any trainspotters out there interested enough!) Craigowl is partly covered with May snow.

3 - Same view with "proper" bus in colour. Craigowl snow covered - December 1965.

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Nick name given to me by a very good friend about 5years ago, my surname is Brown, and obviously beige is a type of brown, so therefore mrbeige


Mr Tan and Mr Fawn appeared from time to time, but a Mr Beige stuck......


Use it on all my sign ins, fleabay, msn, even bought a domain name!!!

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