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G60 vs 1.8 16V

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Can anyone please help, I am looking to buy a corrado, but am unsure as to which version to get. The G60 is obviously more fun, with the charger and all, but for an every day car do you think I need to go that far?


I would like to know the differences between the two as regards to






Parts availability


and Top speed, although that is really a minor consideration.

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Go for the G60!!! The only major service difference is a charger rebuild every 40-60k.


MPG- not much in it really. My G60 used to get very similar MPG to both my valvers.


Parts are quite easy to get hold of for both- both are closely related to other VAG engines.


Top speed- if you get the G60 chipped and pulleyed you'll see 140-150 mph. Valver more like 135 tops.



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Forget the top speed.


The G60 pulls well across the entire rev-range, while the 16v you have to thrash.


Maybe I should mention?


I've had both a 16v (with modified cams) and a G60 - at the same time...


16v is more manic, G60 just goes - everywhere.

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If u want something cheap go for a 16V,


G60 are fun but the rebuild cost can be High, :shocked!:

if your not use to spending that sort of money on serving it can be hard on the pocket. :cry:


most people sell there G60 when its close to the rebuild stage, or when there something wrong with the charger!!!


so made sure u have enough cash for the rebuild soon after buying the car :shock:

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i've had two corrado 16vs now and they both were fun to drive, its true that they are a bit slow below 4k revs, driven a g60 before which was a lot more reactive than the valvers and the sound is nice too, personally if you want to get somthing for everday then a 16v will do the job (parts are easier to come by and cheaper).Take your time when buying one don't rush out and get the first one you view, a lot of cars aren't set up bang (mixture , timing etc) on so they so may feel slow.i like the instant kick of the g60 but also the way the 16v kicks upper the rev range, two very different engines and power deliveries so hard to compare really.

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16v may only get going at 4000 rpm but the power delivered then can be exciting for example my 16v often wheelspins at 5500 revs and with the mods i have is alot quicker than a standard 16v,i have schrick cams that also give u the power lower down the rev range bu they are costly as are all engine mods,i have a 2.1 litre(originally 1.8) in mine with a different gearbox so it can easily hit 60 in second gear and has done a 15 second qaurter mile beating a 20v turbo very comfortably,the g60 has a great sound to it but you put a k+n and a full stainless miltek exhaust and you have an awesome sound too,you will find a standard g60 is actually slower to 60mph than the 16v i know the g60 loses alot of power through the transmission ,two so different cars i think

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g60 all the way, you can get to a respectable speed with only putting your toe on the accelerator pedal and have the boosted power to use when you need it, mpgs not to bad as again you don't have to floor the pedal, but yes have the money for a rebuild unless it has recently been serviced

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I've never owned a G60 (although I'd like one), but as a valver owner I'm quite happy with it. You have to work it to get the maximum pull, but if you are looking in terms of an everyday car and you're not that fussed about top speed, then I'd recommend the valver every time.

Charger re-build aside, in terms of MPG, I average (town driving and A-roads) 33mpg or 400 miles per 12 gallon tank, whereas I think that a G60 is about 260 miles/tank.

In terms of parts availabilty, the 1.8 16v had the same K-jet engine as the MK2 Golf Gti (the 16v one obviously :-) ) so bits are easier to obtain (just had to aquire a replacement cylinder head and camshaft).

Top speed is about 135mph in the valver and more in the G60, which is also quicker to 60.

As to working on it, I'm afraid I'm not the man to ask, being a coward where all things mechanical are concerned...

I bought a valver because I couldn't afford to run a G60 or a VR6 and cylinder head rebuilds aside, I'm well chuffed with it.

Good luck,


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Mine was a 16v, now its G60, bloody ace engine that supercharged malarkey, go for forced induction mate, you'll love it

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I think that a G60 is about 260 miles/tank.
I get around 450 miles per 15 gallon tank from my G60 on a motorway.


G60's are good in many respects but they will drink more petrol than a 16v. G60's use a lot of petrol when idling in traffic. You'll be very tempted to drive it a little harder than a 16v due to the comparatively immense torque difference between the 2 cars.


Top speed in most G60's is limited only by the gear ratio's.. :shock:


Can't wait to get mine back on the road.. :rambo:

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wondered the same when i was ready to buy. got a g60 and love it to bits - never looked back. If you are prepared to do some of the easy work yourself then you can save a lot of money, vastly reducing the cost of ownership.

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There were only 2 valvers I enjoyed owning....one was a turbo'd MK2 and the other was a MK1 16v. In a MK2 or Corrado and naturally aspirated, they're quite tedious unless you have a lot road space to thrape them through the gears. The other thing I found with Valvers is they don't have the legs at high speed and get more than 1 passenger in it and the weight really slows them down.


The 16V is mega reliable though and feels unburstable.


The G60 would get my vote between the two....


Just my 2p worth...

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If you're going to go for a Corrado then get a G60. The two mate so well together. Effortless performance on a motorway run with so much lazy torque. The amount of time I've pulled away in 3rd from a standstill and not realised until I'm at 30 mph!! Just do some research before you buy and look for an enthusiast car with stacks of receipts. VAG main stealer service history means nothing so look for specialist maintenance and keen owners who can't stop talking about what they've had done! Obviously make sure the G-Laders been serviced when needed.

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Thanks, I think its swayed in the direction of The G60, thats really the one I wanted anyway, the one thing that really swung it was that there was no difference in the insurance price, so might as well get the charged one!!. Also have a mate at work who has rebuilt his own charger for under 200 squid, and has had no problems with it for the last 15k miles

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The 1.8-16v was originally designed for 4-star petrol (no CAT). When running 4-star petrol, the 1.8 would easily outperform the "unleaded" 2.0. In reality, as we all now use unleaded, there's very little difference between the 2. The benefit of the 2.0 would be that it is a slightly newer car with the later interior.

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dnac- as a 16v owner I have to say that I too would now opt for a G60 purely because there is plenty of low down power & they feel that much quicker. Suggest you drive a couple standard examples of each, then decide & if appropriate get the charger fully checked before u splash the cash.

Remember tho' that a 16v can be tuned to give a similar output to a standard G60, I believe that Kent do a couple of good cams to improve low down torque & a 2 litre block can also be used. Long live the 16v! :blackeye:

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One thing I love about the G60 is the pull in any gear.. I think it'll be a bit of a surprise when I switch back to a NA engine. Can roll up to a junction in 3rd or and just lightly on the throttle from about 1,100RPM and comfortably pull away with no struggling or gear swapping like I had to do with my 16v.


Makes it a bit easier around town :)

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Mpg is harder on a g60 in town

but if you cant afford the petrol you shouldnt really have one :-)

thats how we went and bought a valver.


Personally speaking if your going to buy one,

buy a good adored one

the forsale section has a few G60 lovelies in there I wouldnt mind 8)

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