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Front Wiper Linkage Problem

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Had to leave my Corrado at home today as part of the linkage from the motor to the wiper detached itself, and so I couldn't see where I was going too well in the rain. :(


Messed about with it for a while and could fit the linkage (I think it's called the operating rod) back on, but not sure how it's held in place. Haven't had chance to take any photos, as I had to get to work, so it's a bit difficult to explain, but looking at the other end of the rod with a mirror (it's the only way) there's a strange clip which may be part of the rod. Anybody know how this lot fits together (and comes apart for that matter)?


I had a quick look at both Bentley and ETKA and still can't work it out. So, if the parts are cheap enough I'm going to buy a replacement rod, plus the parts that this connects to and hope the fixings are all integral.


Anybody else had this problem?

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Drill through the wiper spline shaft base, and the linkage together and use a nut and bolt to keep them together.


It'll have to be a shallow headed bolt and a thin nut as to allow the mechanism to turn without hitting them. It's a 20 minute job, and will last.




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Thanks for the info Supercharged - but I'm hoping not to have to replace all the linkage (well not yet anyway).


randal_24, good idea - I'll see what I can manage tonight.

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As a temporary measure I actually rigged up a system of rubber bands and grease (and no, I'm not talking about my personal life :p).


Worked until I got a new linkage on.

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(woo thread ressurection)


Ah poo, it sounds like this is what's happened to my linkage too - the arm coming from the motor assembly has popped off the wiper assembly itself.


Bit of a bummer really as I need my car to get to work every day this week and it's rather dark in the evenings when I get home.

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part numbers it happened to me a few weeks back and i thought about drilling it and putting a washer and then a split pin to hold the washer but new parts would be best

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Wipershaft part No 536955215 £11.15

Wipershaft Part No 536955216 £11.15

Rod part No 536955325 £ 9.01

Rod Part No 536955326 £11.60

Crank Part No 535955121 £ 2.32



That's all the necessary parts you will need

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Dinkus, this happened to me over Xmas, a real pain!


mine is bodged together with wire at the moment - but need to sort out some replacements bits and pieces.


Trying to buy a house at the moment so can't give it my full attention!


Let me know how you get on, cheers



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Woo, I've got me a nice shiney new set of parts to fit, as per CorradoVR6-n.o.s's pic part numbers.


They even had my name on :lol:


Just a quickie - I'm presuming the assembly method involves lining them up and drifting* them into into the sockets?




*i.e. smack it with a hammer :lol:

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Remove the wiper linkage and the shafts are pressed into the frame,drill out the alloy to remove the shafts(you will know what I mean when you see this)

Then when fitting the new shafts I used a hydraulic press to compress the alloy on the wipershaft to frame.Giving an OEM look.

Using a drift and hammer will make a mess of it,I would suggest using a vice as a press.

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Yeah, I suspected a vice might be a better option. I've now got the old linkage out and I see what you mean about drilling bits out. These things are never as simple as they first seem :lol:


Thanks for the help tho! :)

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Well I now have working wipers again! Woo!


I managed to press them all in using a vice, but it's not easy without a few bits of misc steel to space it out in the vice.


Thanks again for all the help :)

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Woo, I've got me a nice shiney new set of parts to fit, as per CorradoVR6-n.o.s's pic part numbers.


They even had my name on :lol:


Just a quickie - I'm presuming the assembly method involves lining them up and drifting* them into into the sockets?




*i.e. smack it with a hammer :lol:


How did the replacement go? I will be ordering the parts tomorrow as I now an wiperless and will probably have do the job this w/e. Any advice would be appreciated.

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The job wasn't too bad.


A press is ideal, but it can be done in a vice provided you have some assorted bits of metal you can use in there to space the jaws out to get around everything.


If you haven't got a vice, then apparently it's possible to use small nuts and bolts. The problem is that you then have to file down the heads to get it all to fit, which doesn't sound ideal.


The only bit I had problems getting my head around was how it attaches to the motor. You need to make sure that the motor is parked first, then move the mech so that the arm that goes from the motor is at the furthest point it goes under the scuttle.


Then attach it to the motor and check it all moves in the right way. Then you can put the wiper arms back on.


You've got PM with my mobly number if you need a hand :)

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Thread re-resurection.


Linkage broke thismorning... (I should be at work now but i'm not driving in the rain!)


Tried to order new parts but when I gave him the part no. for the bit at the top of the page with green arrows he got a strange message. He said last time he saw that message it took months to get the parts! Nice.


And to top it all off in the process of trying to bodge it back together I managed to chip some paint off my wing!


Really good start to the day :cry:

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Managed to bodge it so I could drive to work, need to come up with a repair though.


Basically all I need is the part with the green arrows and the other bit that looks like a brake spanner. I can get the spanner bit next day but it's the other one he's going on about. I might try another dealer.

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Just a small thread resurrection, does any one know the part number for the clip that keeps the linkage arm in place on the wiper motor, one end has popped out and no sign off the clip and I can't find any reference to the part of its part number in any diagrams.

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