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Goddamn hippies!

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I wondered when someone would post this.. my mum emailed that link to me.


As you say, goddamn tree huggers. Just because to them, the motor car is nothing but a simple utility (you know, the same asshats that ding your car or scrape against it and then bugger off) - unfortunately some us have petrol running through our veins and as long as they can have crap on TV like Gardeners World or yet another 'Home Improvement' type show, we should be bloody allowed our motoring fix!


3 million viewers can't be wrong!

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superb use of the word 'asshat' in conversation jim, ten points!


rovers collapse was top gears fault then was it? nothing to do with their generally sh*te cars then? :lol:


'sensible driving in sensible cars' my backside! since when have they done a feature on mowing your lawn on gardeners world? part of the entertainment of the programme is knowing you're not likely to drive any of the exotics they show, and especially not the way they drive them!

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I agree, bloody tree huggers!!


'Top Gear falls short in its responsibility to educate viewers and acknowledge the interests of women drivers.'


Why should every programme on TV be about educating someone about something? I am a woman driver and I watch top gear because it interests and entertains me. Isn't that what TV is supposed to be about?!


(Can just imagine what Clarkson has to say about this!!)

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:mad: unbelievable - i tried to put a message on their but it goes through a moderator first - free speech when it suits eh?


What annoys me is they have all the W3C validation links to seem holier than thou and they don't even validate - well i s'pose it's about as accurate as the rest of the site really.


Oh well, There'll always be people who want to blame the ills of society on some programme or computer game, i just wish they could do it quietly :p

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It's always the same cardigan wearing fraternity that object to the rest of society enjoying themselves.


It is clear that the staff and audience of TG enjoy themselves....and if doughnutting a Ferrari round the private test track is a crime to humanity, then FFS we may aswell all just join green peace now....


Who are they to judge society anyway? What gives those that hug trees the right to imply young men and women will copy TG's antics? Feckin self righteous arseholes.....I'm gonna smash em, and smash em all....with a tree.

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Bunch of bellends. I'm going to wheelspin from every junction, hit the limiter in every gear and cut up every Rover I see on my way home from work, that'll teach them.


They should be trying to get Ant & Dec off the air instead, their programmes promote wanting to shoot pint sized Geordies in the face.

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It's always the same cardigan wearing fraternity that object to the rest of society enjoying themselves.


And in no way related to that comment, doesn't the good doctor have something to say on this? :lol:


Ah it's all a good laugh. The BBC clearly aren't going to scrap it and it's just good fuel for Clarkson's next outburst or mickey-taking review of a car.


I'm not sure what the fuss with Rover is about though, as I recall Rover wouldn't let Top Gear do a test drive of the City Rover, so James May had to smuggle a camera in. It was a very fair and balanced review that simply told people that it was exactly what everybody knew - a complete pile of utter poo :)

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(*^(*%$ £$^$&%^$ *&}{:~@>^$)*^)$ *&%^ )(&%( ^$£(*^%(^ $(&^$ )*&%}{@~><:>@~>}}{%)*&%$ )*&%!!!!!!!!!!


(I thought I'd do the swear filter's job for it... :lol:)

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Some bloke was ranting at me and shaking his fist from the side of the road when I trundled past him on my bike yesterday....at 32mph. I bet he's one of those tree huggers - let's get 'em all. I also maintain that he is directly accountable for the 90mph wheelie that followed his little display.

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New series coming soon by any chance? (22nd May05)


Even so what a load of rubbish! Top Gear is excellent I love watching it on Sunday eve. I don't reckon rovers sad demise has anything to do with Clarkson just look at the model line up!

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Shame, I love watching Top Gear and have grown up with it and watched it's changes as it's brought up to date to it's current incarnation, plus i often miss it which sickens me so don't want it to disappear all together either




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it all comes back to the same arguement that makes programs like Points of View utter tosh.


If you dont like it change the furkin channel. Its what I do most evenings when confronted with twaddle like ground force and location location location. BBC should be able to cater for all tastes in moderation with the licence fees.


and while im at it they are equally responsible for clogging up decent country roads with fools who are "just popping down the garden centre" of a sunday. GRRRR GRRRRR GRRRR


sorry, im fine now.

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people like that really annoy me

top gear did a feature on that toyota prius that seems to be selling very well in the US with the tree hugger types and proved it to be less economical than a diesel lupo due to it having to haul its lardy arse around.

they all seem to go on about using busses as a more economical alternative to cars but as most of the buses are outdated and poorly maitained they use more fuel than if all the passengers drove them selves in an average car


i cant see top gear being pulled tbh, didnt they try to stop it once before but brought it back due to public demand ?

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I personally don't think for a minute that the BBC are going to pull the plug on such an institution as TG. This programme also sells extremely well abroad, let's not forget that. Hence if push really came to shove for the BBC, I reckon they'd just produce it abroad where there are fewer of these tree hugger types driving around in soot-emitting old Merc diesel cars on a trip to the garden centre; same folk no doubt that spend ages each morning on their daily commute whereas it's them that could equally well walk or cycle into work like I do - it's cheaper, less environmentally damaging, and you arrive at work a lot more relaxed (compared to getting extremely annoyed with all thos b***rd traffic jams). Bet the tree huggers never thought of that, dime bar!!


So, chill out folks, I reckon it's just another publicity stunt to wet viewers' appetite for the new series :-)



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