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I WAS absolutely pig sick of my car....not now!!!

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Totally on a downer.....spent the past 6 months, all my spare time, and all my money building my corrado, drove it twice, and hated it. now I can't even get the brakes to work, the f*cking alarm keeps going off for no reason at all which is p1ssing my neighbours right off, there's little marks all over the paint (from me working on it and squeezing past it in my pokey garage), the bumpers haven't been painted properly (and are darker than the rest of the car), my seats still aren't done (not that I have any money to pay for them anyway). Just had enough really, I can't be ar5ed to spend another minute or another penny on it. I don't even want to go to worthersee now. I think I'l just go skiing instead and f*ck the cars off.


I'm cutting my golf up, there's no way I can be arsed to build that after all the chew on I've had with this. so much for a hobby, I though they were meant to be enjoyable? it's been nothing but stress for me from start to finish.


sick as f*ck.......... :p:p:p:p:p :x :x

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Just go lie down in a quiet room and think about driving the car when its all finished and working perfectly.

You have to come to Worthersee, I still owe you a beer for those TT bits! :)



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I'm sick of thinking about it working properly, but the f*cker never does. there's always something else to fix on it, I just can't afford to go out and buy new things like I used to, monthly wages are the sh1ts, I'm, flat broke all the time now :-(


It'll kill me if I have to leave the car at home and spend a week in austria knowing the car is sat there doing nothing (apart from the alarm going off for no good reason at all at obscene hours...like jusy now...again....). I swear I'm "this" far away from going autside and smashing the thing to bits.

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bloody alarm just went off AGAIN, even though it wasn't even set!!?!?!


I now have zero patience


if it goes off again I'm throwing a brick through the windscreen

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Well looking at your Avatar, reading your sig and your threads about your car i'm not suprised you're getting stressed over it ! It was a huge project to take on and you've done soooo well to get as far as you have mate.

You're nearly there so don't give up on us !!!

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Paul, I rang you at least 3 times when I needed some help, with my conversion. Without that help I would have been in the toilet and was emotionally at times. Sometimes sh1t happens and you wonder why. You want the earth to open up and swallow you up. Take a few days off and come back to it.


Taking stock just seems to help with understanding whats wrong and finding ways of sorting things. We are all here to help too.

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Do not give up. A mate of mine was about to give up on a 2 year project, cos he'd had enough. I managed to persuade him otherwise! After all this effort you are going to throw in the towel? I don't think so, you can't be that fickle! Sort yourself out man! Seriously good motor you've got there just becuase of a few little niggles that pale in comparsion to the amount of stuff you have done, is putting you right off????? Come on.....if I had just a little bit of your vision to do what you've done I'd be happy!








Lecture over..........:)

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disconnect the battery and ignore it for a few days , you'll see things clearer , at the mo you're on overload mate


if you brick the windscreen the alarm will go off ......

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Kill your neighbours.


Pretty much an echo of what's been said above. Look at what has been achieved so far in comparison with the minor niggles that are holding things up at the minute.

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The alarm problem sounds very Clifford-esque. I had the same problem, in the end, I got someone to rip the whole thing out for £25.

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Yeah mate, rip the clifford out. Mine was doing the same, it went through 3 batteries! Now I've got a toad Ai606.


I was going through this with my car about a month back, have a week off from it and then get back on it with a fresh head.

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Phatty - just have a break from it and recharge your batteries to come back to it fresh with your enthusiasm renewed. I haven't finished mine yet either, the small jobs are the niggly ones - and it won't be ready in time for Inters which I'm a bit gutted about but hey, sh1t happens....!


I know of loads of peeps looking forward to seeing yours done, so keep up the good work! :wink:

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Leave the car to fester, go to worthersee and come back full of inspiration. We all get pi$$ed off, some b'stard keyed mine the other day just after i had a partial respray but when i saw someone walk into a petrol pump because they were staring at the car, it makes it all worth while.

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Take a few days off and come back to it.



strong advise....always the best way...come back to it with a fresh head...

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Definately, shut it away for a while and enjoy yourself. Once you have it sorted which you almost have, all the aggravation will be forgotten.


My valver is 100% reliable and everything works perfectly on it, I'll swap it for yours if you like! :wink:

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yeah just take a few days off come back fresh and inspired.

get some people round to help if you can that always helps, they might spot something you dont and fix it quick sharp!

i wish i'd seen this project from day one its a superb peice of work so dont give up on it yet!

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Tell you what, if you're still cheesed off with it by the weekend, I'll nip round and take it off your hands for you.


£50 should cover it? No? :lol:

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Sounds like you need a generous helping of VR6-noise! There's nothing more encouraging than the sound of even a standard C at full bellow.


If you're stuck, drop by the west midlands and you can have a go in mine :D


It's easy to get naffed off with a project that's taken so long and still isn't right. I've had quite a big break from my MG and I'm feeling very keen to crack on with it now.





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When I had alarm trouble after installing a new battery, the AA man said "these are one of the worst things known to man." He has got to be right.


Neither of us could do a thing with my car or the alarm without this deafening banshee noise starting up, and the vehicle had to go on a vehicle to a local VW garage to be seen by an autoelectrician who just happened to be on a fortnight's holiday! Life is stressful enough today - who needs this! - Get rid of it! The alarm was fitted to my car when it was a new vehicle and had just cost the 1st owner £25,000. Obviously, the situation is different now.


As for your project Phatvr6, to most of us with a little mechanical expertise, what you have tackled was mind-boggling. You can most certainly take pride in what you HAVE achieved. Dont let the snags get you down this way - it is only a bloody car and hobbies/pastimes/recreation are meant to be pleasurable, man!


Clearly, you are talented but have almost certainly become obsessed with this huge undertaking. However, now is probably the time to take a couple of steps away from it and rethink what you need to do to avoid being taken over by things and to get some relaxation into your life.

Best regards and much respect.

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Mate chin up, yr project aint the easiest, you've got a beast mate, nothing ever goes right 1st time round.. but once you've done it & its on the road you'll give yrself a pat on the back.. it'll be the most talked abt thing ever!!!

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i've had people, not in the VW scene, come up to me and ask about my car.


they love the carrado.


after sayin amte, thats a bloody nice car, what have i had folk say?


hey, you seen theres a guy in england building one with 4 wheel derive and an R32 engine???!?!?!?!




if you didnt go through with it. you hate yourself.


like everyone says, go and shoplift a kit kat 8)



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cheers for the kind words guys.


I was in a foul mood when I posted this if you didn't already guess. it's just been so frustrating to get so much stuff done on the car only to be held up by a coupe of stupid little problems which are taking weeks to sort out.


I sorted the alarm, the tilt sensor had got knocked upside down......the interior is a right mess at the moment you see...well, it hasn't actually got one right now!


You're right though, I do need a break from it all, it's stressing me out. I'm off to pick up some new front ABS sensors today, I'll stick those in and see if that will sort the brakes out (managed to frig them the other day and got the ABS light to go out with no fault codes any more). So hopefully I may get to drive it properly this afternoon.


I'll go get some more zymol and give the bodywork a good going over, I just can't take any more spannering at the moment.


A week in austria next week and inters should see me with a fresh head and ready to sort it out once and for all. I haven't had a holiday for 6 years.........

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Know exactly were your coming from. Mine was getting me completely stressed. The problem is the self imposed deadlines. Forgot them, work on it when you feel like it, stuff goes wrong. Have a break, figure it out then go back to it later. Keep it fun :!:


My car was ment to be ready for elsecar last year, finally showed it a Tatton in august and the final show of the year was just three weeks later.

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PhatVR6, see a good sleep helps! even if this takes until inters next year it'll be worth the wait.. (well for the rest of us ayway!)


You could've just given the car to someone else to do and not had this stress, but you wouldn't get the same feeling as you will when this is running right.


Good luck with the rest of project.

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