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Traffic Cop Gets away with driving at 159mph

Is is justified?  

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  1. 1. Is is justified?

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159 on a Motorway is, well, excessive, but, I agree the police do need to train and a track does not represent real life situations.


The question really is, how fast is reasonable.


At 159mph he would have covered 10 miles in 3 minutes 45 seconds.

At 120 mph he would have covered the same 10 miles in 5 minutes.


Whilst reponse time is important it is all relative. Is the extra risk worth saving 1 miniute 15 seconds for?


I'm ashamed to admit this but I have often reduced my speed from 85 to 75 (yes i know its still speeding but be reasonable) because i've worked out that i'll add a couple of minutes to my journey but save a hand full in fuel (not to mention a more relaxing drive).

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I remember a few F1 drivers getting done for doing 100+ think they might be better drivers than that cop, another case of I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine I think.


PS The F1 drivers had better cars as well

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all the safety groups are voicing there disgusts..but it proves that this countries maximum speed limits are out of date and seriously need updating,hes proved it safe to go faster at certain times of the day,but im not saying we should do the same speed,just an extra 50mph will be ok :wink:

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Another media persecution :roll:


But, why the f'ck should he get the privilige of driving at that speed when the rest of the country are too sh1t scared of losing their licenses for doing 80 in a 70? Come on, it's the bloody law FFS, lead by example.


If he was not in pursuit, then there was absolutely no need for him to drive at that speed. "Honing my skills", what a load of bullsh1t and testing his car and skills on a public highway where there is a chance he could crash into an innocent motorist is totally out of order.


They have the means and other places for 'testing'.

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He was doing 84 mph in a 30 mph zone at one point during this "learning drive" and even if the M54 was clear at 4am there is still NO EXCUSE for driving at this sort of speed.


He was ON DUTY at the time of the incident and he was NOT involved in any pursuit or responding to any emergency call of any sort, the adrenaline probably just took over and a little voice in his head probably said to him, "Now then, there's no-one around, let's see what this baby can really do" :roll:


The brakes fitted to the Vectra GSi he was driving are not uprated other than having heavier duty pads fitted.



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It's the fact that he got away with it that's the problem. We all go a little too fast at times and know full well the consequences if we get caught. If it had been joe public getting caught doing that speed (and I'm sure some of us have done similar speeds) they would have got banned and got jail time! Does that mean that when I buy a new car I can hit the M8 at 4am and put the foot down? Sorry officer, just got this car and wanted to see what it could do? Somehow don't think it'll wash with the 5-0 if you ask me. I thought 30mph over the posted speed limit was automatically classed as reckless driving anyway? I agree with Kev. If he was not in pursuit letalone not on duty, he should have had the book thrown at him. A big, rather heavy and pointy book at that.



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Was he on duty?

I thought he was off-duty.


I'm more concerned about the reported "79 in a 30" than the top speed trial..

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I'm with Dr_Mat on this one, You will be thanking him for that practise session when hes gunning the vectra up the motorway chasing the scrote that just nicked your VR eh? eh? eh?



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lol - perhaps we should write a complaint in that he wasnt going fast enough, and in fact we believe he may have bottled it, the soft poof lol :lol:

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As I said already, he was ON-DUTY at the time and it was recorded that he did 84 mph in a 30 mph zone at one point during his, quite frankly, ridiculous antics. 30 mph over the speed limit for any area is usually an automatic ban as it's classed as reckless or dangerous driving (the courts usually push for dangerous as it's a more serious charge and carries a harsher penalty)


Would have to be a pretty impressive VR6 of any sort to pull away from this Vectra (has 300 BHP+)



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Phat's will have 300bhp when it's AmD'd and Coxy's over that when the supercharger is rigged up :D


And 300bhp from the 211bhp standard GSi engine? With cams and a throttle? Erm....I doubt it. A LOT more than peacemeal mods will have needed doing to it to liberate 90+ bhp....especially as it's NA.


And I still maintain he shouldn't have been doing those speeds if not in pursuit.....there's no real need for it. Traffic cops get more than enough oppurtunity to use excessive speed....

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All valid points people, but he wasnt attenting a crash, no ones life was in danger... What if someone had not seem him in the split second he was coming up behind them and swerved to avoid something on the motorway....? Instant death. I would have hoped if he was a grade 1 driver or wahtever its called he should know the dangers of that speed. He was just having a bit of fun testing things out. He wants to find the limits of the car?? go to a track or some prepared place, where he LEARNED to drive fast in the first place.


I read somehwere that police guidelines say that anything over 100MPH is considered too dangerous. They often back off so as not to cause an accident. So he should never do that speed anyway!!


I consider the fact that the ambulance driver got banned/lost job is an indication of the fact he got away with it cause he a police officer.


Makes my blood boil....can anyone say show trial???

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He has to record the speed for half a mile for it to be reliable evidence. If he stuck the flashers on straight away the perp would slow down and mess up the average speed calculation.


The reason this guy "got away with it" is due to there being NO official policy in his police force for choosing when and where to do "practice" runs.. Therefore any trained pursuit driver can claim that he was on training between emergency calls when he gets caught speeding. It's not his fault, it's the force's fault for not having a procedure.


Still think he should have been officially reprimanded for 80-ish in a 30 zone though, despite the legality of his actions.

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This is the same guy (now well known to many via the media) who could

potentially end up giving you a lecture on speeding??!!!! you know the one that has been called the "attitude test" by officers in the BBC traffic

cop documentary.


A serious error of judgement and by the looks of the info below the camera in the car showed the speeds....................




Pc Milton - driving the 3.2-litre GSI Vauxhall Vectra for the first time - did 159mph between Junctions Four and Three on the M54 in Telford, Shrops, in the early hours.


His in-car camera also clocked him at 100mph, 125mph and 137mph on nearby roads, including 120mph in a 60mph zone and more than 60mph in a 30mph zone.

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I think that 90 BHP improvement over standard is attainable with cams, throttle body and proper ECU remap (esp. if VXRacing are involved) and never heard of a Corrado doing or being able to do 160+mph ?


Have also heard that these cars are to be used by some constabularies as fast pursuit vehicles and some will be or have been fitted with the same Chevrolet-sourced 5.7L V8 engine as used in the current Vauxhall Monaro VXR [329BHP] (in the same way as the 4 Lotus Carltons purchased by the Home Office to be used by Nottinghamshire Constabulary back in the day-my mate is a traffic officer and he drove them)



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LOL....you've not read ChrisVR6NOS's thread then!


He's had well over 160 out of his supercharged VR6 and my Schricked and cam'd, chipped N/A VR's needle was resting on the stop going flat out along the M6....so they CAN and DO do those speeds.... don't forget the book figure for the VR is over 145mph.....15+ on top is attainable easily with a supercharger and the VR's gearbox has the legs for it too.

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I am so F*CKING OUTRAGED by this story, I have been following it throughout. He was doing 84 MPH in a 30 limit, if I or anyone else in the country does 34 in a 30 limit you will receive 3 points and a £60 fine if you pass a Gatso. The 84mph is apalling, how can anyone in any circumstances possibly justify it. I am gobsmacked by the pathetic attitude of some of the judges in the country.

The 159mph on a 2 (not even 3) lane motorway is unacceptable too. I have less problem with the actual speed than the fact that if I do 101mph I will be banned regardless of the conditions. The penis of a judge likened the skill level of this prat to that of a concert pianist???? Clueless. Is it really any wonder that people have less respect for the police these days?


How can he be cleared of speeding when he was speeding by more than 89 mph? How can he be cleared of dangerous driving, can that really be safe, if it was ok then why did his colleagues reveal what he had done..... obviously because they thought it was extremely dangerous ......aaaaaaaaagggh my head hurts

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How many people on this very forum claim top speed trials on "private roads (ahem)"? What's so different?

What's acceptable then? Given that every one of us speeds, particularly on the motorway, what speed do we allow someone else to do? Isn't it just the jealousy that he got away with it that riles us?


HERE F**King HERE!!!!!!!


Was exactly the point I was going to make today.



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