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At last!!! leather

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At last the leather is in. I would like to thank everyone who helped getting all the parts together Gibber seats, Henny front door cards.

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at last after two years of owning the car, i feel that it is complete (in my eyes anyway. I would like to thank my understanding bank manager!

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very nice, who did the retrimming ? also i really like the bbs steering wheel also

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Thanks darren,

The trimmers were this company




It cost £950 + Vat althrough i paid slightly more as i wanted the complete door cards trimed and not just the top half.

They are located in warrington


The steering wheel came from Ebay and was $30 (US) and £50 to get it leathered.

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woah! They didn't look like that when I sent 'em down to you! :crazyeyes:


VERY nice mate... 8) Think I may have to give them a call when I re-do J-DUB's interior next year... ;)

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Looks superb mate, easily a match for MJ interiors job quality wise....and I thinking that route is better than paying £1000 for 10 year old knackered ebay seats.

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Looks very well finished. I do prefer the straight unstitched seats, like yours, in comparison to the normal multi-sectioned leathers that are standard (like in my car). Looks a lot more modern. The sectioned leather just feels old, no matter how clean or polished it is. Give us some feedback after a few months as to how the leather is holding its shape and colour. OK i admit it, I'm jealous.

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Mmmmm Minty fresh, Looking fantastic and a good price too, no more ebay trawling for me, time to save some cash up.

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Bl**dy hell year old thread back to the top. Just to let you all know the drivers seat which is the only one which had been used in the car as my wife-to-be feels uncomfatable but she has always said that when i bought the car.( so we use hers when we go out as a family) Its french with AC. The seats are showing no wear whatsoever althrough I did start off with replaced bolsters in the drivers seat. I would def use them again. It does amaze me have much some of the 10-12 year seats go for on ebay which are second hand and worn, Although I did it again I would like to start off with Recaro's and then get them leathered.



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Bl**dy hell year old thread back to the top. Just to let you all know the drivers seat which is the only one which had been used in the car as my wife-to-be feels uncomfatable but she has always said that when i bought the car.( so we use hers when we go out as a family) Its french with AC. The seats are showing no wear whatsoever althrough I did start off with replaced bolsters in the drivers seat. I would def use them again. It does amaze me have much some of the 10-12 year seats go for on ebay which are second hand and worn, Although I did it again I would like to start off with Recaro's and then get them leathered.




what more can be said on the validity of a retrim over old seats. :D

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Yep, I will definately be going the retrim route, hopefully this year but if my girlfriend finds out how much it costs cow wont be the only dead thing in my car!

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The seats are showing no wear whatsoever

was just gonna ask that.


i thought i`d seen these seats before!


defo worth spending a few quid more than egay


Although I did it again I would like to start off with Recaro's and then get them leathered.


well if you find some recaro`s i`m sure you`ll have a queue a mile long willing to pay for your "old" ones!

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Very nice re-trim.

I would like to get mine done in the near future too.11 years of untreated leather and hot/cold climate has taken its toll.However,of all the re-trims I've seen,none have been done to the original styling.Is this too hard to do? or is it just a case of people wanting their own style.

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Wow, that was really different! Totally changes the look of the car, and the fact that it wasn't sewed the way the original leathers were, makes a difference to the other interiors I've seen.


It definitely looks like a newer car than it did when it left the factory.

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