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There's something not quite right here...

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Got my Corrado back together today (new water pump pulley c/o G-werks :thumbleft: ) and took it out for a drive.

Now I know that I've done a fair bit to it and want to look after the thing,but does this really warrant me to drive like a granny?

I mean,I stick rigidly to 30mph in town and maybe creep up to 50 if I go out of town.I don't rag the nuts off it,I let the neds in the chavved up Pugs and Saxo's the satisfaction of going past at warp speed and think to myself "Bloody young hooligans" when the C is capable of making their silly french tin look like 2CV's going uphill.

Meantime,I'll go out in the Golf and cane it to buggery.Understeering round corners,sliding it around roundabouts and generally being a "boy racer"(ugh,Hate that term ) and not really caring or even thinking much about doing it.I'll even take on cars that make the USS Enterprise look like a snail stuck in tar on a hot day.

What the phuck is wrong with me?

It's just not right. :(

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Dude put some tunes on loud (Out in the country somewhere not in town) Find a nice windy B road and enjoy yourself.


You have a Corrado because it looks good, goes fast and handles well so remind yourself of that.

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i know what you mean i always drove my golfs like i was going to die if i let the rvs drop below 6000!! but the c is some thing different i do drive fast but i think about my driving more, :D i suppose i worry im going to break it like you say dazzyvr6

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also a valid point is you dont need to thrash the c. specially when some peenas decides he can take you at the roundabout, i mean come on be serious

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I always have the feeling the Corrado is so swift you feel it wants to get a closer look at the countryside - via the hedgerow!

Consequently, out on the open road you have to drive with your wits about you - it is always going a lot faster than you think. Exilerating, but not for the careless show-off.

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Blown, I know what you mean. The combination of my engine rebuilt and the crash last year has made me a lot more careful with this C than I was with the last one. I no longer 'pour the sauce' on every road, but only those with a reasonable surface and visibility.

Find one with both, open her up and enjoy...



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I reckon Golfs are slightly more chuckable, well mine is with the coilies and uprated arbs, plus i don't care that much about it as its a bag of sh1te and my track car. The C gets a caning but seeing it's to low at the back, it scrubs so I am wincing everytime i hit a bump hard.

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Whats the point in having a car like the Corrado if you dont use it. I dont mean thrashing it everywhere but you cannot wrap them in cotton wool.

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