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Banana Man

I dont f*cking believe it!!!! The SKYLINE got bashed today!!

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Not even one week has passed and someone has fu*ked my car up for me!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


It looks like a lorry has side swiped it or reversed into it while it was parked down the road from where I work, I came back to my car where I had left it this morning to find that half the bumper has been smashed off, the wing dented and the headlight smashed, and no one seems to know fu*k all about it!!! The police have been phoned and I went to seee the MD of nighfreight ( the local parcel company) that was near my car but he had heard no reports of any damage caused or heard anything. So basically there is sweet FA I can do about it apart from getting it repaired and brunting the cost.



It looks to be about £700's worth of damage as the front bumper is £450 the headlight £256 ( from nissan) and have the wing pulled out!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:



Just what I didn't need at the moment!!!!



Thoroughly PI*SED OFF there are so many w*nkers out there it's un true!!!

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what is it with c's at the moment? it seems every day there is someone posting up about their vandalised, stolen, broken into or smashed up c


was there any paint from the offending lorry left on it?

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thats well fucked up.. ive had hit & run on my car.. front bumper, rear bumper & rear wing dented!!

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So far it's cost me £300 for the blo*dy headlight ( and everyone thought corrado parts were dear :shock:) which is coming in tuesday if I have to get the bumper replaced thats another £350+ £80 odd for painting , I ve managed to pull the dent out of the wing just needs a slight adjustment and a blow over to get the scratches out, so it all should be fiixed in time for the liner meet next saturday and the rado meet on sunday but slightly lighter on the wallet unfortunately!!



All fingers crossed

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Jesus Ant.. I think its time for you to take a long hard look at either:


a) Buying a £200 'disposable car'

b) Using public transport


You're cursed. Definately.

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There's something very wrong with your luck man. Hope you manage to find a witness and track down the b*****ts that did it...


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evil barsteward!

expensive bumper too!

unlucky man, i'd hate to have that happen, already shelled out enough on bodywork myself.

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your not seriously going to a corado meet ina skyline are you?


Yeah its a Corrado meet but sheesh.. we're open to accepting all cars aren't we? Ant's a regular contributor to the forum and as he says, he bloody arranged that meet in the first place!

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I know someone who has a new (unpainted) front bumper & front wings for an early Corrado for sale cheap if you need them.


Send me an email direct if interested and I can put you in touch. My mate still had them all when I saw him at Inters.




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Thanks for the offer John but I ve got plenty of rado bits I need to get rid of myself to pay for the skyline so dont need anymore :D

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Mate that is sh1t, very unlucky. there are some proper knob-ends out there who for 1 can't drive, 2 have no respect or 3 common sense.


Especially when we're all insured to deal with this sort of sh1te.

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Must be your punishment for breaking one of the rarest coloured corrados in the uk!





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John - it was his Skyline that got bashed :(


How daft do I feel... doh!

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Banana Man, sorry to hear about your incident. Having said that I've seen some people park outside freight depots before, and its not hte best place to leave your motor. Artics are turning in and out all day, and I've seen similar results to yours, but the guy was parked on the corner of the entrance, you didn't need a crystal ball to predict that one!

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