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new road tax plans...

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Better pinch it off then before you get a pile....





Constipation is a bad thing..

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Coventry as a whole is Labour


Thought we were Tory now; not that it matters, not allowed to vote (nationally) anyway.


But rest assured, in Germany the government is constantly dreaming up new ways to annoy the motorist/citizen as well, to get more money in. Let's face it, thanks to the miracles of globalisation, Europe (including Britain) has pretty much had it, methinks ...



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Actually only what 33% of the voters in the country voted labour. But Labour moved all the constituency boundaries after they were first elected to make sure they would continue to be elected even if 70% of the country voted against them. :roll:

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Coventry as a whole is Labour


Thought we were Tory now; not that it matters, not allowed to vote (nationally) anyway.


But rest assured, in Germany the government is constantly dreaming up new ways to annoy the motorist/citizen as well, to get more money in. Let's face it, thanks to the miracles of globalisation, Europe (including Britain) has pretty much had it, methinks ...




Nope... I think somewhere local like Hinckley or something became Tory, but Coventry is allll labour. Stands to reason as there are so many sponging doleites and general lazy scumbags in this city.. if they voted Conservative, their benefits would dry up!

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What next... tax for walking on public pavements?


If this ever was introduced, how could it ever be appealed? I first of all dont think this is socially exceptable, and then human rights? Are we all prisioners?

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it wont get passed as it means they could track you which is all cival liberties stufff blah blah blah, and its 15 years away.

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I'm with G60Jet on this. It's too much to achieve, even in 15 years. There are so many borders to cross, the main one being privacy. GPS in the car can essentially be used to track the whereabouts of every single person with a car in this country. Also, as someone mentioned earlier - how long before the system is but up for speeding trials? I'm sure a farmer with a tractor knocking over a Gatso isn't going to cut this one.


Again, as someone mentioned - the roll out of all the kit to make this possible. A GPS locator isn't overly expensive, and the installation can't be that much a drama - unless it's tied into the ignition system. Alarms/immobilisers with GPS built in for tracking and tax? *shudder* Then there's the monitoring, it's going to take a pretty hefty wadge of cash to deploy a solution that can locate any car in the country. All we have to do is cast our minds back 5 years to think of some failed computer projects. The National Rail system, the Heathrow traffic control fiasco, and the NHS computer system to name 3!


15 years wouldn't be enough for our government anyway, it's not feasible. It's taken god knows how long to change the MOT system, and that's only running parallel to the old system now. The country would be better off with less "improvement" and "streamlining", and more interest and public funds being diverted to policing and poverty. Policing doesn't mean sticking another camera in every village, it means getting out there and stopping murderers, rapists, thieves and immigrants flaunting our lax borders btw!


tuppence spent :D

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one good thing though..it may cut car crime because the car would be tracked,and no one knows how much you would pay per mile,the papers just guessed that figure

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i fit trackers for a living and have one on my van and believe me there are soooo many ways to stop them working, and theres absolutely no way they can force you to fit a tracking system on a private car its just not going to happen and they will soon find that out if they run a trial.


the trackers we fit are fitted to high value commercial vehicles for security, or chaufeur driven cars with panic buttons built in, but unfortunately some of the companies do use them for constantly checking up on their employees.


http://www.actiontrack.co.uk/ click on demo (its actually my van which hasnt moved for a while as it got smashed into on the m6)


quite frankly its quite scary when you can print out a mile by mile journey report showing speed, direction, ignition status or any other input you want connected and a possition accurate to within a few metres, i was offered a free tracker and free subscription to the full net service for my own car but i refused it as i dont agree with it for personal cars.


it confuses the hell out of me, they are saying they want people to pay more if they use the roads more but isnt that what happens when you buy fuel? the more you drive the more fuel you use and the more you pay.

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What next... tax for walking on public pavements?





That'll just increase pavement rage!


They'd put a tax on air, sleeping and morning dumps if given half a chance....

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I have to say that i agree with pretty much all the comments on this thread including the one about Craigowl! lol

I also voted Conservative and think Tony the knob isn't in the real world with his scheemes




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I just don't get how they could possibly force the tracker to be installed in the 1st place. The car is private property.. unless they make it MOT-able, so then all the spanner monkeys in the world will have to be trained up etc how to test them etc etc, which would definitely put the price of the MOT up (and where does MOT money go... ker-ching ker-ching).. and what about driving through tunnels etc etc. I'm personally up for toll roads, just got back from Monaco, surrounded by tolls down there and the motorway was lovely and free, the black-top was super smooth.. oh and not 1 single speed camera!

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This is the place to bomb!

The Heath Business Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4QF U.K

They are the people that are making the machines that go in your car.




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please dont at least when im here :lol: as there at least 2 rado's allways parked in the car park.


nah the units are actually made in finland our servers are just based in runcorn.


i spend most of my time in work repairing units that have been tampered with or smashed, and i fully understand why, as i wouldnt want one fitted to my car either.

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Though i've always felt they need to basically slash costs for rail frieght and get big lorries off the roads, and get that kinda haulage onto the railways....

There's an awful lot on there already believe me, but the once vast network is either knackered, stretched to capacity, or been torn up. Royal Mail definately didn't help the cause, although that's between them and EWS I guess...

I agree with you 100% Jim, but there's not enough money to fix the system let alone stretch it a little more.

As to the GPS malarkey, I can't see it happening tbh. This Government reminds me of middle senior managers, they see something shiney and new, or someone comes up with a new phrase ("picking the low hanging fruit" anyone? :roll: ) and they immediately want it/start using it without the slightest clue as to what it does/means.

I'll stop there at 2p before I empty my account :-)

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