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Best Corrado in the world?

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A closer look says otherwise.......


Fully chromed gearbox



Billet alloy air filter bracket



Award winning retrim



It's in the details...oh the details



Engineering excellence



You think the owner would have loads of time to sort all this little things out whilst other people are building his car for him...........


Flame suit on!

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if thats the car, i think it is,,,,WOAHH, passers by are gonna need some flame suits too


PhatVR6, for arguments sake,,, if ppl was criticising your car, it would pi$$ u off, regardless of how much you spent on it or if u did/didnt do the work yourself....bit harsh mate,,,maybe its still incomplete and the owner knows this but the fans of the car still think even with the above flaws, its amazing!!!


You think the owner would have loads of time to sort all this little things out whilst other people are building his car for him...........

made my laugh

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Yep agree, a bit harsh, BUT you could say it's fair comment when the car is described as the best Corrado in the world!

I've always maintained, if you build a show car you've gotta be able to take the comments, good or bad. It goes with the turf!

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I know people criticise, and yes, it does piss me off, but I won't listen to criticism off people who can'd do any better themselves with their own hands........hence the signs on my car at the weekend.


How is it harsh? and what's so "amazing" about a paint job and a retrim?


Best in show my arse........

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agree mr moonlight, to be honest people could call my car a steaming pile of pap, but it wouldnt bother me, so I think when you advertise and 'push' your car that much, you should expect close scrutiny - its only fair.

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Not really my place to mention cos my car is far from show but it's a racing car not a show car to me.

There were a number of vehicles there that were obviously well done and probably more worthy of the 'best of show' award!





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best in the world!!! cenrtainly debatable....personally i think not !!!


How is it harsh? and what's so "amazing" about a paint job and a retrim?


thing is in the uk, there is not much competition at this type of level, i would assume, hence the comments relevant to the above car, although the flaws, you have shown are clear.


Although these things are never finished, so some lee-way should be given, should it not! :roll: Everyone seems to have different tastes and views, which makes things oh so interesting, BUT i suppose if you guys have cars in that league than i can also understand your views.


ohh well maybe a PHATVR6 and a Turbo may brighten things up :lol:

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back on topic for a second, I dont think lee himself described the car as 'the worlds best corrado', wasnt that the strap line from the cover of PVW? obviously they're going to tout it as the 'worlds best', having it on the cover and using a strap line like 'A pretty nice corrado which isnt to everyones tastes and has a few flaws when you look closely' wouldnt shift many magazines would it?


Chris - remember the 'shoehorn' comment from the old copy of PVW you were reading? same sort of thing, they hype things up for the max power generation not realising that most of the readers are enthusiasts and know fine well that (in this case) a 1.8t in a mk1 is hardly a case of shoehorning.


Every time Lee's car comes up it sparks debate, some love it, some hate it, but all apreciate the work that gone in to it reguardless of a few flaws. I understand what you're getting at Phat, but its hype created by a magazine to shift copies.


I personally, and i think others may share this view, have more respect for the likes of yourself, henny, biggerbigben, coxylad etc who've put hard graft into creating something I know I could never do myself.

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Deleted off-topic crap.


And whilst this is controversial, it will be allowed to stay as long as things don't get out of hand. Please keep it civil or it will be locked faster than you can say 'Dinkus .... TREEEEEE'.

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Again, I see and agree with the points made... tbh I wasn't impressed with a lot of what was said in the PVW write up - although I can't find my copy right now to quote anything (it was something about red illumination and how this is the first to have done it :roll: )


However having said that this is one nice C and maybe the truth has been exagerated but at the end of the day I'd be proud if it was mine... it's also worth remembering that this wasn't built just to be a show car - it is used EVERY day (from what I've heard) 8)

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Gotta agree with what Phil's said really..


No car is going to be 100% perfection, but its fair to say that Lee's car is a seriously impressive car and a lot of hard work and dedication has gone into it.


I'd be proud if it was mine too quite honestly! Though i'd definately be looking for a garage to put it in, and a few armed guards!

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Just re-read a few posts... it won car of the show at vw festival? hmm, personally there were 3 or 4 other cars there that I would have picked but then it wasnt my choice.


locked faster than you can say 'Dinkus .... TREEEEEE'.



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Lee's car is seriously nice, whatever you have been pushed to find it is still 12 years old approx and I doubt anyone has replaced every part on their cars.

I don't think anyone on this forum would be happy if someone took photo's of one or two areas which weren't 100% and your car and stuck them in a post for everyone to see.

However I'm looking forward to seeing more Corrado forum members car's in VW mags to compete with Lee's - especially Ben's!

Would be nice to see someone get their C in a mag like Classic Cars or something also - maybe who ever buys the 32k mile C on ebay!

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I think Phat's just jealous because his car didn't get featured in PVW ;)


It is a car. It is not going to be perfect. The press lie. Anything else we need to cover here?




P.S. I love you too Tom :p

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Phil K, yeah, that comment about the illumination p!ssed me off too... I'm pretty sure I was first on this forum (other than Oichan who's just flipping amazing! :notworthy: ) to have the reverse LCDs and red illuminated switches... hell, I had that all that in my MKI (except the reverse LCDs) 10 years ago! :roll:


It annoyed me more because Elliot from PVW actually commented on the illumination on J-DUB when we were at Bruntingthorpe last year... :roll: :mad:


At the end of the day, all cars will have flaws to them unless they've had a full nut and bolt rebuild... My engine was spotless when I installed it in J-DUB last year and it's already looking a little tatty only a year on now that it's in H-YYU... As you use a car, tatty bits develop, that's the nature of cars... especially when you put 22K miles a year on it!


I'm probably the biggest critic of my own car out there, so anyone can feel free to pick fault with my cars... Hell, I drove it with a black front bumper for over 6 months, and as some people pointed out at the MK meet, a certain part of my wiring was a little on the dubious side! :oops: :lol:

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Just re-read a few posts... it won car of the show at vw festival? hmm, personally there were 3 or 4 other cars there that I would have picked but then it wasnt my choice.




theres a lot of cars - far more than 3 or 4 - that i would pick way ahead of lees - to me, modding is modding, not "PIMPING" which is undoubtedly what this car is.


its, shiny, its bling, its pimped, its not for me and its not used every day cos i asked - sorry but that alone rules it out even further for me.


I'm not knocking lee in this post, but to me and what pisses me off about magazines AND NOT THE CARS OWNER, is that -


1. they feature cars built by others than the owner to self-perpetuate the magazine-tuning companies as they work hand-in-hand to take peoples cash to modify cars to sell magazines to further promote the firms that do the mods.


2. whats hard about handing over thousands to get your car modified with gear that anyone can buy elsewhere? Myself, chrisvr6nos and more so the total lost causes like biggerben and phatvr (even with his burberry cap :D ) i believe tune /modify cars on a budget with varying degree's of originality.


Anyone that has worked hard to restore/modify their car, rebuild an engine, learnt how to fit a charger kit, nitrous etc.... has worked harder and put more effort into their car than someone who throws money at it to win prizes - and they get my respect and my vote.


To continue the rant, from 17, me and chrisvr6nos gathered every weekend with others building cars on a shoestring - with mainly mk2 escorts, we murdered xr3's xr3is and sometime rs turbo's when they came along.


We had crossflow engines with electronic ignition from mk3 escorts, rebored blocks, 1.3 pistons to increase compression and power - capri 2.8i gas struts, home-made lowering blocks, austin princess 4 pot calipers (why did those shite cars have such unbelievable brakes!!!! :) ) twin 40 donwdraugts off mg Maestro's !!!!! - all sorts of little tricks to MOD and improve the car. We would sit on Saturday night setting tappets with a DTI to get maximum lift and power from worn camshafts. we even sat and worked out our own cam profiles to give desired lift and duration.


The amount of original cars was immense - now i think far too many are just plastic immitations as far as modding goes -



Anyone can spend money - doing hard graft and spending wisely is what modding is about, not "PIMP MY RIDE" mentality......


Going back to my original line - i wouldn't have A20 LEE - give me a nice, std 'C' any day to modify and tune tastefully to enhance it - why spend so much changing a car that everyone here loves as it is????


Rant over....

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To be fair to Lee, there are a lot of things he's done himself. Also as Henny rightly points out, if you use a car its BOUND to get a bit mucky, that life, unless our roads are washed and scrubbed like the paintwork on our Cs. So lets just enjoy the efforts (be that time and/or money) that people put into their cars - there's always a positive angle to be taken if you want to take it. And conversely, you can take a negative angle on anything you like. But, true enough, if a car is as high profile as Lees, it will of course attract negative comment from some quarters. You would never say that any building no matter how well restored is perfect, there will always be something that doesnt appeal so somebody. Cant please everyone all of the time, but who cares, if you're happy with it. So lets just admire it for the results not the route to getting there, if its not hard graft.

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You would never say that any building no matter how well restored is perfect.



Restored???!!! - youre kidding, right?!

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