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I'm feeling lonely...:-(

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I'm beginning to feel that(due to my,somewhat external, geographical location) I am missing out on all the fun to be had at shows and the like.

The last show I got to was Inters,two years ago.

I have to take at least four days off work to get somewhere further than Aberdeen. :roll:

Also add in the factor that my car is back in the shed with the charger off waiting to get sent somewhere for treatment,I'm getting kind of deppressed.

I've also thinking about getting rid of both the C and the Goof for somtime now and getting something different-cos I just can't be bothered with the hassle of fixing two 14 year old cars every couple of months. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

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Ahh chin up matey, it's not so bad. Once you get that charger back on you'll be grinning like an idiot again :)


And you can still come to shows even if you don't bring your car(s)... ;)

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I'm sure you should sell both of them.


There will be some folk that could put you up for a day or two so you can embroil yourself in some of the shows or move!


The car thing, what i mean by sell both is you probably need a VR6 cos they don't really go wrong like the lesser models and i hammer mine and it's always happy, the most reliably car i've ever had not to mention the fastest with the vortech charger and nitrous too!



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I'd blow you a kiss but I'm a bloke.....

What we need here is a penpal thread

Girls? :luvlove:

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Why dont we all post a friendly wave pick to Blown to cheer him up.


Mate, if you can make it down to Ed38 in Sept with a sleeping bag i'll put you up in my 4 man and ill be taking plenty of beer (maybe not cider this time) and food so it would just cost you the trip.


Everyone else is going and there all well friendly. The offers there bud..

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there's a spare room in my tent at E38 too... 8) (as long as you don't snore! :snipersmile: :lol: )

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It's a tough life - sorry to hear about it!!! What do you do for a living - can't you transfer and move closer to middle earth or is it just too nice there?

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Blown - i'd offer to give u a hug to cheer u up but I might get myself a reputation........ :D


Offer accepted,but we'll go behind the bike sheds so your reputation will be safe... :lol:


At least you don't drive a Nissan Micra.Happier now?


LOL had one as a hire car at Inters when it was at the airfield near Marlborough,a few years ago.Drove all the way from Aberdeen with delivery mileage and ran it in for them. :twisted:


Nick48480 and Henny,thanks for the invites.Depending on when Ed38 is I may take you up on it.


It's a tough life - sorry to hear about it!!! What do you do for a living - can't you transfer and move closer to middle earth or is it just too nice there?


Ironically,I work for British Airways at the airport here.So I can get fairly cheap flights off the island whenever I can get time off.

It does give me the chance to transfer to London Heathrow or Gatwick,Manchester,Birmingham,Glasgow etc but I like living here-if I told you what the local weekly rag reports in the Sherriff court page,most of you would laugh.Crime isn't really a big issue-just some minor anti-social behaviour.

As I've probably mentioned before,there is also a distinct lack of speed cameras and you usually get to know where the cops are hiding with the speed gun before they actually get out of their car.

If I lived on mainland Britain,I probably couldn't afford to run a Corrado.

It is a good place for a night out and in the summer you can go off hillwalking or mountainbiking etc till very late-it just refuses to get dark till around 3am-and even then the sun just dips below the horizon. 8) :)

Winter sucks though.4 hours of daylight in mid december.


What I need to do,is organize a mid summer VW festival here. :lol: :lol:

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out of interest mate...what do most people do over there for a living (( apart from work inj the airport ))


i think the peace and quiet would suit me..

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Farming,fishing(although it's not that big a business these days) and the biggest employer is tourism.

At the moment,we're experiencing something of a small building boom,due to people in the south selling up and heading for the peace and quiet and relative safety that's on offer here.


One of the problems is the time and expense of getting here-it's costly to fly,and a hell of a long drive to Aberdeen or Thurso to catch a ferry.

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yeah...must be nice.


if your getting lonely while your felling trees....why dont you get someone to help you by the way... :?

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Is it like a whole development of midget houses?? :lol:


Not again. :roll:

Gawd,you just don't know when to stop do you.....


Coat,over there>>.Now get out!! :lol:

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yeah...must be nice.


if your getting lonely while your felling trees....why dont you get someone to help you by the way... :?


Took me bloody ages to figure out what you were on about. :lol: :lol:

Corrected now.

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So how about a meet in the beautiful, peaceful Orkney Isles next summer.

You got camp sites?

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Yeah!!! It can be a competition to see how many CF nutters we can fit in a Corrado.


Just need the Corrado now :?

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one day mate ....one day.......they're like a decent g/f mate...if you go looking they arent there....you just gotta wait for one to come along......



im not proud anyway.....im sure i could handle a journey in the golf. :roll:

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Be a good excuse to use my sat nav - I'm up for a road trip!


Guess the airfield near marlborough is Wroughton that inters was at a few years ago..

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I'd come upto Orkney No problems,

I wanna see that Italian Chapel.


On a footnote,You work For BA ? ?


Ba8890 and Ba 8895 mean anything to you ?


I think Logan Air and all I can think about is Claire Grogan ;-)


do you know anybody in Ba in Inverness cos I work for AirBp @Dalcross




Twas Foggy up there end of last week,sitting waiting for one from koi !


So anyone else Up for Orkney ? ?



whens the show up there ? thats supposed to be bonkers ;-)

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Chubbybrown,yeah,them flight numbers are the ones we have most problems with!

You'll know Rab Muir then,works for AirBP here?

I know one or two of the BA guys down there-some of them have been here on relief work.Eleanor,George,Davie-most of the BA duty managers.:nuts:


Yandards,Wroughton is the place I was trying to remember.


Butterfly,there are plenty of campsites-and if the weather's not that good,i'm sure I could get accommodation sorted out. :wink: :lol:


And just to put the icing on the cake for you,I was out for a walk this evening and saw a pod of around 6-8 Orca whales swimming just off the coast. :D :D I had to add that cos it's a rare sight around here and I was chuffed to bits on seeing them!


PS your all most welcome to come here-if you want to let me know,I can see if I can get a discount on the ferry crossing for you. :thumbleft:

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