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Alright chaps,


As you are aware i wrote off my corrado G60 2 weeks ago (not my fault).

My insurance company have made me an offer of £1200!!! How am i supposed to replace the corrado with that money. I have been told that i can appeal and send clippings from the trader etc. but there arent many G60's on there. The Parkers book doesnt cover the Corrado.....i'm stumped!!! Any suggestions???





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Do a search on autotrader.co.uk countrywide theres loads on there between 2 and 4 grand. Just print off the relevant pages. Ring one of the traders on there and ask them to value yours based on the mileage and pre accident condition. Tell them your looking to replace yours but your fighting the insurance company. I am sure they'll spill the beans. You want trade and retail prices.


Ads from the VW mags will also be useful. Henny went through all this when he stacked J DUB.


Had yours had money spent on it, shocks, charger rebuild etc? Any receipts you have to prove it was 'cherished' will be in your favour too.


Best of luck


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I've got stacks of reciepts, the car had 115k with a recent charger rebuild. The car was in good condition (not immaculate) with a fair bit of money spent on it. The previous owner lost the service history so i'm trying to get a print out from VW.

Cheers for the help Gavin....

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Print out from VW should be easy to get. Any service desk can get it I think. I had one done on my MK3 16V, that's when I found out it was clocked :cry:

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Yup, I'll agree with all the advice Gavin has given too.


When I junked mine, they actually sent an independant assessor round to value the car and used his verdict to value the pay out. You may be able to get them to do that if you kick up enough of a fuss.


It's worth having a look at your policy to see what is and isn't covered with regards to mods though. Despite the fact that everyone will charge you more insurance for having aftermarket stuff on your car, not many of them will actually cover the cost of replacing those parts, they'll just cover the cost of OEM stuff.


Having said that, most aftermarket stuff is about the same price as the VAG book price for parts anyway... :lol: :roll:


Good luck matey...

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Cheers chaps!!

They want me to send them the log book so that they can scrap the car. Is it worth hanging on to this until i get a payout i'm happy with. I'd rather have the car back than £1200 to be honest!

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Yeah, posession(sp) is 9/10ths.. Where is the car at? In a yard somewhere? Is it beyond repair? That's different to what the insurance company assess. Could it be put back on the road with bolt on panels or is the shell damaged.


Have they offered/have you asked about having the car back. Maybe a grand and the car would be a deal they would go for?


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Yeah, the car is at a yard somewhere. To be honest it is well beyond repair (economical repair anyway). I'm thinking that maybe i could sell bits and pieces like the charger, interior etc and make up some of the money!

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dont take the first offer mate, this is typical of what insurance companies do. By asking for the log book they're trying to pressure you into accepting their offer, dont. stick to your guns, send them all the proof they need that to buy another corrado in the same condition would cost well over the £1200 they've offered and to put it simply, dont back down untill you get the result you want. I had this with my astra when i stuffed it, 12k new and 11 months old, they wanted to give me 7k for it. took a couple of weeks but i eventually got 9.5k which was a much more realistic figure.

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yeah...they never go in with their best offer first...its just bulllying really mate...£1200 is a total insult really..the engine and charger would be worth more than that alone....send them a copy of the charger rebuild reciept etc..that should make a difference.

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Uneconomical because of the cost of NEW parts. Different score when you use secondhand bits. 2 wings is like 600 plus paint, a pair of secondhand ones would be less than half that fitted.


Some insurance companies wont even consider letting you have it back. Got to be worth asking. Lots have a policy of not letting the public have cars but traders often can get them?


Agreed the charger could be worth 500 on it's own plus interior plus etc etc. Have you got the time and space to do this?



Insurance is a complete diddle. If I ever have a bump, it's got to be worth paying to have the car recovered yourself, to somewhere you have access to it.


They have you over a barrel when it's locked behind closed doors, so to speak.


All kinds of bits go missing form them while the claim get sorted out. MOMO steering wheels were suddenly never there etc.


Best advice is fight hard.. It's going to ocst you in increased premium for the next X years so make sure you get every penny you can.



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Best advice is fight hard.. It's going to ocst you in increased premium for the next X years so make sure you get every penny you can.



he speaks the truth.

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When I crashed J-DUB, I paid for the recovery truck to drop the car at my house and put it into my garage as I knew that once it went into their yard, I'd not get it all back again... (brembo brakes that come off with 4 bolts, TV system just sat there, leather interior etc etc etc... :roll: )


Their first offer was around what they've offered you... And I was supposed to have an agreed value policy which they wormed their way out of... :mad:


I sent them copies of all my receipts (all £10K + of 'em ) and a load of print outs from Autotrader, here and Dubforce.net of cars for sale. I also pointed them to this forum to have a look at my Gallery thread so they could see the kind of work that had been put into it.


I eventually got £3.5K out of them and got to buy the car back from them for £600... It cost me about £150 in recovery charges, but I'm claiming that back as I'm taking the matter to court as the person who pulled out in front of me wrote a statement which is utter fabrication and had forgotten that I've got photos of the scene a couple of minutes after the accident happened that prove that she's talking crap! :twisted:


Keep fighting the ba$tards... if they think you're gonna roll over and take it, then they'll shaft you as much as they can... kick up a fuss, make sure you get them to have to write as many letters and the like as possible and suddenly they'll realise that it's costing them money and will start talking sensible numbers... ;) 8)


I'm also considering calling in the ombudsman about their engineer who inspected the car and declaired it a write off... he has stated that it needs a LOT of work, where I've now stripped off all the bent bits and found that half of what he said needed replacing 'cos it was bent ISN'T... :mad:


Good luck! 8)

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Cheers Henny, i'll keep on at them. I have taken loads of copies of cars from the trader. I make some copies of cars for sale on here too.

Whay didn't they pay out your agreed value? Thats well out of order because you would've paid extra for that option!?

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I was insured with Flux... I'm now (much happier) with Brentacre...


golfg60, they didn't pay out 'cos the form apparently wasn't fully filled in... I wouldn't mind, but they'd had the form 6 sodding months before the accident... :mad:

right waste of money that was.... won't be doing that again...


The more you hassle them in writing, the more it costs them to reply... ;)

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To be fair, despite the poor settlement figure they have been quite good. I had a replacement car on my drive within 2 hours of phoning the claim through and they have been efficient with the claim process. I havent had an agreed evaluation policy with them so cant comment on that

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golfg60, yeah, to be honest, I can't fault 'em for service, they were always helpful, friendly and good on the phone, but the solicitors they've given me are hopeless (lost all the documents, statements and photos TWICE now...) and have been dragging their heels somewhat... the accident was oct28th and I still haven't got my excess, hire car costs, and other things I lost paid for... :roll: The only reason I didn't get the courtesy car is 'cos it's likely to come out as a 50/50 claim 'cos there were no witnesses and the third party is saying that it was entirely my fault even though she pulled out in front of me... :roll:


The only reason I've not gone back with them is that they messed me about with the agreed value and their renewal quote was a flipping joke... I know they'll beat any price, but when their renewal is over £400 over what my first other quote is, then sod 'em... :roll:


joebloggsVR69, if you've got an agreed value policy with them, phone 'em up and get someone to tell you that the form and all the details, valuations etc are spot on and that they are happy that it's all pukka... make a note of their name and get a contact number if possible and jot down the time and date that you had the conversation where they agreed it's all OK... That way you're utterly covered and there's no way that they can screw you about... ;) :twisted: 8)

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I was insured with Flux... I'm now (much happier) with Brentacre...


Good man, I'm back with them after a year with the Flux too. They're enthusiasts and John even has a 16V G60 Corrado!


Having worked for ins companies, I know how the game works. It's pure profiteering. They even rip old biddies off, charging them £300 to insure a 1.4 Rover 25 when the more realistic premium is about £100.


They make their profit by stinging you on over inflated premiums and the percentage of people that accept the pitiful first offers. £1000 to insure a Corrado worth around 4-5K (if you're young, unlike me) to get £1200 back is a blanant insult....and yet they get away with it 100s of times a day.


I bust something in the house every 3 years to get something back. F'ck paying ins companies all that money for all those years and never getting anything back.... they should reward non-claimers with silly low premiums and XSs and then people wouldn't try and defraud them all the time.

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Good advice on here, as I've gone through this as well. My advice follows on from what everyone else has said ie. keep hassling them. I found letters to be more effective than email and phone calls, especially if you send them to the MD (who's name you can find on the Companies House website IIRC).

If they start giving you any carp about how much you paid for the car (if they know) don't take it. The whole point of indemnity is to replace what you had with one of similar condition.

Good luck,



P.S At least you're not insured with Highway...

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Doesn't the payout figure come from the underwriter rather than the broker?


Although it's no excuse for poor service mind, they're supposed to look after you....


And, for the record, I'm with Flux as well...!

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At least you're not insured with Highway...


In HIC's defence: When I got rear-ended in my Mk1 Rocco coming back from Utterly Veedubberly back in November 2003, I had my Rocco repaired and up and running again by the end of January following. The only reason it went that quickly, was because I kept on hassling them day and night, by letter, by fax, on the phone, until they ultimately paid me out a cheque to go and take my Rocco to wherever I wanted. Their assessor was a pr*ck as well, didn't know crap about modded cars, body kits etc., and it then doesn't help too much, if you tell him that (I actually referred to him being a w*nker to HIC, which I felt was totally justifiable :lol:).



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