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Stan 24v

Bird Strike @ 250 KPH

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Those seats will be on e-bay soon I'll bet.


"Set of almost brand new Porsche seats for sale. Guaranteed to get the birds in your car."

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i found this when i got out of my car one morning ..bloody hitchhiker :roll:


lol he must have been hangin in there at about a ton for 1/2 an hr

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i found this when i got out of my car one morning ..bloody hitchhiker :roll:


lol he must have been hangin in there at about a ton for 1/2 an hr


LOL, I've had the same thing happen to me. The poor thing got stuck in a Saturday Night Fever pose in my grille.


In that same week I also hit a fox at 60, which cartwheeled over the car and cost me a number plate. Bloody suicidal nature!

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there was an article in Evo when they drove a Monaro VXR across Aus, they "atomised" atleast 4 birds when driving at 165 mph to Darwin.


Someone wrote in the letters column the next month saying they would never buy the mag again because they glorified the killing of animals.


What can you do at 165 mph other than hope it doesnt go through the window like the above!!!!


Damn tree huggers :D

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I hit a fox abt 6years ago.. went over it in very low escort i had, ripped the exhaust of, ripped the passenger seat mounts off & facked the floor pan!!


car was facked.. the fox was however errrm in a few to many peices!

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been in a mates car when we hit a fox at over 100mph 'twas a bit messy too say the least...took ages to clean the front of the car :gag:

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I hit a bat once, all I heard was a 'boink' as it bounced off the windscreen, it was my mate in the passenger seat that pointed out I'd probably just off'd an already endangered animal. I've also been told about a guy who was overtaking one of those waggons transporting chickens, the kind with the gaps in the sides, when one made a desperate bid for freedom only to bounce off his bonnet, over the roof and into the fast lane of the M1... nuggets for tea?

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i once had a badger try and take on my old golf once..bloody thing was massive,didnt cause no damage and the badger wasnt harmed in anyway

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GIXXERUK, now THAT's gotta be a change of pants moment... :| :crazyeyes:

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Pigeons seem to be the most stupid, my brother has had three head-ons with them, I think they try to be too clever. Some time back I saw one try to fly under an aggregate truck! Unfortunately it flew straight into the drive shaft and did its exploding pillow trick :lol:

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it flew straight into the drive shaft and did its exploding pillow trick :lol:


love it :lol:


ive had various head ons with an assortment of birds in my lorry the biggest being a goose that was coming into land at the lake i was driving past and didnt see me coming hit just above the cab feathers everywhere and a goose doing somersaults through the air..i didnt see any point in stopping cos i think it would have been pretty much dead after hitting me.

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You could have picked it up and had it for dinner...


Now why didnt i think of that at the time..damn it! :roll:

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Last week on notorious bendy bit of road which bikers love to race and crash on, a lorry full of pigs lost control and rolled into a field.

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