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so whats so bad about Nugget yellow?

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i actually quite like it !!!


ok so its not the best C colour but i think its the only colour that actually suits major body mods that other colours definately dont


ramble over


(off to admire a Saxo)


(not really)

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Yellow, white, red, blue, black etc etc Corrado is better than any Saxo etc.



Don't think anyone particularly dislikes yellow. It's not all that common and quite a nice colour. Personally I prefer a bit more subtle.

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hahaha I keep having this exact conversation in my head over and over - given the option I dont think I would own a yellow car, but the fact is my car is yellow, and I think its growing on me. Now its going in for paint, but I think I am keeping it yellow to retain its identity.....i think lol


I just dont like being center of attention, and driving around in a bright yellow corrado pretty much does that for you

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I did not go looking for a Nugget but now I love the colour.


Strange thing about the colour is that other drivers don't try it on, in the Aqua Blue G60 seems like every man and his dog wants to race, everyone leaves me alone in the Nugget, lots of people have said that it looks very aggressive

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when i was looking for a corado it was either yellow or blackberry 4 years later i'm glad a yellow one came up first but if i were to change now it would be a blackberry vr6 or mystic blue storm


yellow looks fast even when it's parked which i just as well if it's a yellow valver




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Must be relatively rare?

I have never seen one on the road, that I can recall.

Its not as if you wouldnt notice one.

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Ive just bought a Yellow C


Really JBOB?!?! you got to much money if you can afford to run two Corrados! 8)


I dont pay to run my first C let alone the second one. My G/F has to much money :lol:

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I dont pay to run my first C let alone the second one. My G/F has to much money


Im jealous, my G/F JUST 'tolerates' my car obession, cant imagine her helping finance the car! 8)


So you going to get some pics up of the new one soon mate??


Sorry for the off topic :D

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I dont pay to run my first C let alone the second one. My G/F has to much money :lol:


Has she got a sister? :D

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Yellow cars just make me think of Custard and the Beatles....


My mate had a Yellow Cupra R Leon and it just attracted too much attention... the wrong kind of attention.

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NO she hasn’t got a sister and she’s all mine: P : lol:


The new Nugget is actually for her, she has seen the light and the first VW she has is a Corrado 8) She bought me mine for Xmas last year and also paid for the ins/tax which is due next month and she has told me to just get a quote and she will pay for it 8) 8) 8)


Ive now got two C to choose from when I go out 8)

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its not just parkers though that say avoid nugget yellow even the the owners club says - Things to avoid: non working mfa's etc and nugget yellow !!!


The only problem that i have with nugget yellow is that most of the ones ive seen have really darkly tinted windows and i cant help but think they look like a bumble bee !

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i thought nugget yellow was a sorta neiche market thing...alot of people love em. > to be honest...im really not a fan of red corrados...in fact id go as far as to say that i really dont like them....but its horses for courses i spose..ive heard people saying they dont like blue raddos.


black or silver are my favourite colours for raddos.



(( p.s....my g/f pays my raddo bills and has bought each one ive had for me too unfortunatly.. :oops: ))

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well i love the yellow corrado's on there own but when there in a field of blue's,blacks,greens and so on i dont like it very much,it stands out like a sore thumb.

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