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Petrol Price watch/Fuel Shortage

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Well it seems that next week there are threats to block the fuel distribution outlets across the country to prevent delivery to forecourts. so guys seems its time to keep the tank full every day.


metal fuel can time i think!!


so if you know anywhere that is doing cheaper fuel, 1stly fill up and secondly post it here!!

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yup, time to break my £20 top-up barrier and fill the beast to the brim, then take a little trip to halfords for some plastic petrol cans!

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Oh joy.. time for lots more panic buying - best top the oil burner up soon then :(

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Guys! Panic buying just goes to reassure the government that they can carry on taxing us! STOP! Try and go a week or so WITHOUT using the car. I know for some this is impractical, and I may well get flamed for it, but seriously, you'll save money AND help to bring prices down in the long run.

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Panic buying just goes to reassure the government that they can carry on taxing us! STOP!


if this were a tax issue i'd be inclined to agree, but the fact is the tax level is the same, its because of the hurricane forcing the closure of refineries in america, and so the demand for oil going up.


personally, although i'm not thrilled about how quickly its going up in price, I can totally understand why it is and realistically paying an extra £5 or so every time i fill up isnt going to kill me (yes, i know 'it all adds up' etc etc etc) I think its unrealistic to expect the government to cut tax on fuel when they've done nothing to increase the price in the first place.

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But (I presume) the aim of any possible blockade is to get the government to give tax breaks until prices come back down and the industry stabilises. You say it's unreasonable to expect this, yet are we not all in agreement that the amount of tax we pay on fuel is already obscene? This is an oppurtunity to show that current prices are crippling us, and that something needs to be done. Panic buying is just selfish, as it just means there will be less for everyone else in the long term.


These protests are one of the few ways people have left to make their voices heard to the government. IF they go ahead, (and let's not forget that this is still very much a rumour, before everyone rushes out to fill up) I think we should support them fully.

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inconsistant moderation...thats this forums problem.... :wink:


Inconsistent? That's why I lock anything I can. Consistency :)

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As inconvenient as the blockades could possibly be, I will support them as much as is possible to!

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[:evil: devil's advocate]


Counter argument is that since fuel duty is fixed per litre, as the price rises, the proportion of tax you pay actually falls, so the complaint that duty on petrol is at such a high level is diminshed :)


[:evil: /devil's advocate]

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it is still the tax that is the problem,, say the fuel goes up from the oil companies by 3p a litre,, when your paying however many %tax on top of that due to the percentage being so high thats whey we see such inflation in the fuel costs,,

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it is still the tax that is the problem,, say the fuel goes up from the oil companies by 3p a litre,, when your paying however many %tax on top of that due to the percentage being so high thats whey we see such inflation in the fuel costs


tax is set at a fixed price per litre, not a %, as music man pointed out in another post.

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Tax is a set level for the fuel duty but that ugly bastard VAT still rises as the overall cost goes up (I think)


It still doesn't change the fact that even before the hurricane fuel was getting more and more expensive - I have no problem with taking public transport to get to work etc its just never going to work as long as you don't live in a large city. I don't even think I can get to work using public transport inside of 6 hours!

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Thats the VAT (variable) not the fuel duty (fixed by good old Gordon) though.




What's putting this up is the base fuel cost ("product" in the picture) and the VAT calculated on this adds a little to the increase, so I cannot see any protest working as it's not really a goverment issue.


Bad thing though is that this is most likely here to stay for quite some time into next year and beyond due to the Chinese & India demands which are not being seasonally driven.





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Tax on fuel is set at a % rate of the cost per littre in the budget the chancellor states fuel tax as up or down Xpence based on the current pump price, thus hiding the fact that fuel tax is around 340% So if the oil companies put up crude oil up, fuel prices go up and thus the tax bill goes up too.


Now the stink of it is that we are already paying for next months delivery price. when they buy the oil it based on the following months delivery price. so oil purchased in march gets delivered in april. HOWEVER prices of crude go up the price at the pump goes straight up, and never comes down till the delivery of the cheaper crude oil again. SO the government AND the oil companies are both laughing.


And to add more salt to the wound. The USA does not export oil. never has. so why are we paying for their shortage!! especially as the oil produces outside the USA have already upped production to meet the demand. In any other industry the more you make of something the cheaper it becomes to produce. not petrol and diesel apparently. as for all this stuff about reserves, well they should really have sorted the next fuel out by 2020 shouldnt they.

so why has petrol prices not gone up at the same % rate across europe??


As for panic buying, im not im just making sure i can get to work to pay the bills. I have not intention of cueing for petrol so i'll fill my 20l container now while i can. cos IF it all kicks off again, i can be prepared. i will support the cause, but cant afford to be sort of fuel

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im not im just making sure i can get to work to pay the bills


Don't we all. Unfortunately that attitude is what the powers that be are banking on in each single one of us, egoism!


It would be interesting to see, IF the population were to behave differently, i.e. let's take the risk and let it get to the point where we simply don't go to work any more (as we can't due to extortionate fuel prices, lack of public transport etc.), can't pay the bills any more ... ultimately the whole country will come to a grinding halt, which may lead to revolutions and protests; an interesting thought that just never will happen, as humans simply are too selfish to think that far ahead, as it requires an individual human being to risk his/her own life. That's not how humans work, and the powers that be know this only too well, and happily abuse it.


Enough rant, sometimes I wish I were a politician: Free fuel, loads of salary and all that for just ranting :lol:



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Tempest, if only it were as simple as that. firstly ask why is tax on fuel that high? then think about what u just said!

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Well had to happen, ASDA was selling Diesel(95.9) and Petrol 1p cheaper than any other gas station at fosse park in liecester, They've sold out of fuel, and so had a local BP station. I filled up and a 20l fuel can today, should keep me going for a week and half at least should the worst happen over the coming weeks.

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