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Daft B6stard - it works!

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Well after googling around and asking on here as to how to get the wax off of my trims (the previous owner seemed to wax over the whole car). I thought i would give peanut butter a go, what the hell it only costs 1.20 for a jar of sunpat smooth and there is nothing in there to do any damage (think about it you eat the sutff) so i thought i would give it a spin..


Now you may think me a big loon but - You know what!


It works a right fecking treat :)


the below is genuine, i kid you not:












Oh you dirty bugger!












Oh - You filty swine you!












On me pat sun!











Oh yas!









Blinging !!!





































And the best bit of all - if you got the munches from all that cleaning -









Not bad for £1.20 eh?


I understand it may have something to do with the very low amount of cyanide - thinking about pure peanut oil would be even better, but that would not have made half the thread when using sunpat.

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Just wondering how long until it reverts back though...?


Looks good though!


Recently used shoe polish on my front spoiler to good effect. Think intricate places where it could run on to the paint should probably be avoided though...

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Just been out there fxing my lights - looks great still, its not like where you wet them and then as they dry the white wax residue shows.

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LOL!! Crunchy would be good on the front spoiler to give it a good scouring to get all the bugs off too!


I used olive oil on my MK2s.

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LOL!! Crunchy would be good on the front spoiler to give it a good scouring to get all the bugs off too!


I used olive oil on my MK2s.


Kev - I am thinking of having DOHC shaped poached eggs in the morning!

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Mentioned this a few months back but people didn't believe me!


Stays like it should as well as it is a combination of the fine peanuts actually removing the wax deposits from the grain of the plastic, then the oil and the butter making it shine and giving it proction.


BTW you don't need to spoonit on, or bri=ush it on in this case, as the same effect will be had if you just rub it on with your fingers and then buff it off with a cloth. In other words, you don't need to use so much or a brush!


Glad people try out these tips in the end because 9/10 times they work.


Saves using boot polish and all those other ideas as well....



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