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popped to my local vag dealership....

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popped out to my local vag dealership just now to take some parts back that i bought yesterday.... now i don't have a lot of time for this perticular dealership purely from my past encounters (total lack of knowledge :D ) and nearly laught out loud.....


i pulled up and as usual no where to park, so just abandoned it outside the customer bays, while having a conversation with the parts guy (who in turn was trying to tell me that if i ever wanted a new g-lader i was better srapping the car- think the look on my face said it all and shut him up) about the return of so called parts, which he was'nt happy about returning for the total of 6.06p :lol: the sales MANAGER came up to me and said "excuse me sir is that your SCIROCCO parked outside....


you should have seen the look on my face and then the parts guys face, it was the iceing on the cake for me and this dealership, would rather try and make the future parts by hand than take them seriously again

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its been said before, but its a sad fact that most of the people working in dealerships, and not just VAG ones, dont share the same passion for cars that some of the customers do, still, you would think they'd recognise older models a little more accuratly!

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Well, I have said this many times before:


The Corrado was in actual fact destined to become the Mk3 Rocco, so your dealership guy wasn't that far off, even though he probably doesn't know any of the intricacies and stories behind the Rocco and Rado (and subsequent name changes and why etc.), as we were told by Schwebe (chief construction engineer both Rocco and Rado at Karmann) during the recent Karmann visit :-)



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unfortuneatly these days its very few people out there who when they see a Corrado think........"Ah thats the Performance flagship coupe VW had a few years back"........to the majority of ppl inc dealership staff its just another old car

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Suffolk/Essex must be the exception to the rule then, as Wolsey and Lindvale are a brilliant bunch and I've had high praise at both from customers and staff alike, especially the Colchester dealer.

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Clearly he is not a VW buff - more a VW duffer. :roll:


:lol: Don't know why I found this funny!


I ujst noticed there are 42 years difference between me and craigowl, adn we have the same name too. Oh wise one :D

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i remember a while back, at the last MK meet in fact, there was about 15 Corrados , maybe more! anyway "krado" thought it would be a goo idea to park them all in the VW Stealership! funny as hell! By chance there was a Corrado in for some work and one of the "sales" guys came out to see what was going on, all he said was "I didnt know they made this many" refering to the amount of Corrados that just turned up!

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i remember a while back, at the last MK meet in fact, there was about 15 Corrados , maybe more! anyway "krado" thought it would be a goo idea to park them all in the VW Stealership! funny as hell! By chance there was a Corrado in for some work and one of the "sales" guys came out to see what was going on, all he said was "I didnt know they made this many" refering to the amount of Corrados that just turned up!


LMAO!!! Now that's feckin funny!!! :lol:

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godskitchen, I'm liking that!


So much so, in fact, that I think we should make it a forum meet tradition to 'visit' the dealer and take photo's etc!


I've also been tempted recently to book my Corrado TDi in for a service just for a laugh!

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godskitchen, I'm liking that!


So much so, in fact, that I think we should make it a forum meet tradition to 'visit' the dealer and take photo's etc!


I've also been tempted recently to book my Corrado TDi in for a service just for a laugh!


there would be some head scratching if you did that :lol:

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to the majority of ppl inc dealership staff its just another old car



tbh ive not come across that kinda thinking but then i have a private plate and most people say nice toyota so i suppose its not all good!

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i remember a while back, at the last MK meet in fact, there was about 15 Corrados , maybe more! anyway "krado" thought it would be a goo idea to park them all in the VW Stealership! funny as hell! By chance there was a Corrado in for some work and one of the "sales" guys came out to see what was going on, all he said was "I didnt know they made this many" refering to the amount of Corrados that just turned up!


That was a good day..

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