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He's gone. Ladies and gents......raise your glasses!!

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Three cheers for me old mucker Carpoid whos just flown down under to start a new life in Sydney.


Many of you will know of his plans to hop it to the land of sunshine and sheila's.


With his lurrvely G60 soon to arrive via Sydney harbour, this faithful servant to the forum will soon be a very happy boy indeed!!


Best wishes buddy!!!!

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Good stuff.Congrats Mr carpoid!

Hoping to go out there myself in May,so if I see a Corrado going past with UK plates I'll wave!

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G'day cobbers !! Nice to find a thread about wishing me luck !! Its monday morning here so i'm starting the job search and finding somewhere to live and park the car when it arrives. Weather was amazing all weekend, went fishing off some rocks by the ocean yesterday, pulled a 2kilo groper in and barbequed it ozzy style !!

I'll be posting pics in the members gallery when the C arrives.


Thanks again dudes !!

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Spawny get. Only 3 weeks til I get to Adelaide.


Bad news is, I have to come back to the land of never ending rain. :cry:


Best of luck



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Sounds teriffic. I'll be honest and say that Australia has never really appealed to me, but theres no arguing with the 'living a dream' thing and how cool it must be to realise it. I hope you have a great time, hope you remain a forum regular, and furnish us with lots of pics :D

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Cheers dudes, still no job or flat :( . Weather amazing tho, been for a surf and swim 8) , now gonna jump on the ferry to the city to sort stuff out.


No corrado's spotted yet !!

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LOL - there is at least one other C over there...


Aye.. Jay Hourigan's 4x4 16vG60 was shipped over there. Might be worth trying to drop him a PM Carpoid - think his user ID was G60JAY - not sure where abouts he's based but he might be local for all you know! :D

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Jim, Jay is in Brisbane, spoken to him many a time as you told me about him when i first looked into shipping the car over here.


Me and the Importers have been trying to get the car valued for tax/vat when it arrives. Basically the less its valued at the less i pay, its all getting complicated cos theres no records of value on a Corrado over here, and nothing of a similar spec to compare it too.They can base it on purchase price but it won't include depreciation.

Got a call from them this morning and they've compared it too an RS Turbo. And the RS is worth a bomb over here !! Basically, people get $25-30 grand for one, over 10 000 pounds !! So they're sticking with purchase price otherwise i could be paying fick loads of tax, as the car has just gone up in value by 100% basically.


They've looked at pics of my car here on the forum and said they loved it and that it will be worth a bomb in a few years. Am i going to sell it ?? Of course not !!


PS, i got a job !! Start monday !

Cheers guys


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