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Crash Bang Wallop... What an accident

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Yeah, was gonna say - it's a proper write off as well, completly f*cked!


Say you bought it back and broke for parts - I reckon you'd struggle to make £500 out of it, offset that against your time and it's worthless, just scrap value...


No wonder our insurance is so high with these idiots on the road, I reckon that bloke has just cost his insurance company at least 25k!

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well i had 2 quick response medics, 2 fire engines, 3 police cars and a proper ambulance, 3 rescue vehicles to remove the cars. All the vehicles are written off. Atleast 2 or 3 of the people involved will probably claim for whiplash etc.


im not gonna bother with anything from my car. anythng worth money is wrecked.

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thats sad news nathan,,, nice to hear your ok though...


on a positive note then, whats next :lol:

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yeah... god knows where i would be tonight if that was in the vr6... there built very well but im sure a 10 year old car would have shown its ages and lack of safety features in an impact of that size!

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Dude, sorry to see this, I loved the look of that car (before crash) and secretly always wanted it. Glad you are OK. :)

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Just seen this- glad you and everyone else is OK! Can't believe you all got out of this. Just shows, one moment of madness from someone and this (and a lot worse) can happen. Quite sobering really.


Hope the insurance coughs up the full amount for you.

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Mate, i am shocked with the impact of the accident!


glad to hear you are OK! cars can be replaced!!

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I try to look on the positive side when things like this happen. Thankfully no serious injuries to the innocent parties (you and van man) and that your helmet went off into the field instead of staying in the car and ending up smacking you in the head and causing you some serious damage.


Cars can be repaired or replaced, flesh and bone are not as resilient. I hope that Mazda man will learn from this. I wish you a speedy recovery, both mentally and physically.

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Ouch, that did not look good.


Shame about the car


More importantly - good to hear you are relatively Ok.

Hopefully you rae not one of the ones with whiplash

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well.... depending on the insurance payout.... either a E46 M3 or an emigration to south africa.

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Damn that looked big!


Lucky everyone is ok - there are a few junctions on my regular commute that make me twitch with people pulling out at really dumb points; there is no way the 'rocco would protect me that well at those sorts of speeds.


Number 13 bus going by in the pics too for those that believe in such things..

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Brings back memories of my younger driving days. Good to see you're okay though - could so easily have been a different story that we're reading here.

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could so easily have been a different story that we're reading here


Yeah, if you'd been doing 130mph you'd have been well clear of that junction before the Mazda got any where near it :)

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Ouch...glad to hear you walked away.


One of the reasons I figured higher mileage = need for a newer car - I reckon in my sales job the chances of something like this happening are starting to climb uncomfortably quickly, and if it happens I'd rather be in something newer with airbags all over the shop.


I guess it puts the difficult sale into perspective - if you'd flogged it before and been tempted back into a Corrado things could have been much worse. Things often have a way of turning out for the best!

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Always thought that S3 was particularly worthy of admiration too, damn shame.


WTG on walking away from that one though!

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Glad no harm done to people, the cars can be replaced.


Get an E46 M3, I just did!!!

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Woah, man...


Glad to hear you're ok matey... sad to see a nice motor smashed up, but glad that it did it's job in protecting you... 8)

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Reminds me of my Crash in My Mk2!!! Hit side on then span into another car!


That one broke my pelvis, strong as a mk2 is If i'd been in a newer car think I might of walked away instead of being cut out!!!!!


Glad you are ok, cars can be replaced, people can't!!

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