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should i sell the rado?

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Hi chaps,


Well as the title says, should I sell the raddo and get a tdi of some sort (maybe audi 80).


The reason that I am thinking this is that i do on average (at least) 40-50 miles a day to and from uni, home and work.


I’m in my last year of uni so could well be looking to change car anyway when i finish degree (will get a VR if I don’t join the marines).


SO just wondering what your opinions are of owning an cheap 'economy wagon' compared to a super cool coupe... (mr Wales, or what ever he is called today :;-):, may be able to help here)

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Well i'll put it like this.


Even though i'm driving a much newer car than my Corrado was (and consequently the monthly loan amount is more) I have so much more money in my pocket every month now i'm driving a diesel. If you're doing that sort of mileage you will really notice the savings, believe me.


Downsides? Well its a Golf - I see about 10-20 of the same sort of cars on the way to work every day. Its not particularly fun to drive. Its not particularly quick. But its comfy, reliable, and very frugal.. ask yourself if you want economy or style and the answer should pretty much dictate what you do next.

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Hi chaps,


Well as the title says, should I sell the raddo and get a tdi of some sort (maybe audi 80).


The reason that I am thinking this is that i do on average (at least) 40-50 miles a day to and from uni, home and work.


I’m in my last year of uni so could well be looking to change car anyway when i finish degree (will get a VR if I don’t join the marines).


SO just wondering what your opinions are of owning an cheap 'economy wagon' compared to a super cool coupe... (mr Wales, or what ever he is called today :;-):, may be able to help here)


Don't do it!

At least mothball the C and find a good mpg banger for a while.

Everyone regrets selling their C's, at least keep it somewhere just to look at now and then until you are in a position to buy a more powerful one :)



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I do 50 miles a day in my VR just getting myself to work and back and only really enjoy driving the car at weekends, but I'd never dream of selling!


Used to have a Mk2 GTI, but sold that to buy a 1.0 Polo when I first moved through to Glasgow...worst thing I ever did! The Polo was great for fuel economy and running costs, but just didn't do it for me, hence the Raddo. :wink:

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I say keep it too, I tried to replace mine with a Seat Leon Cupra, which is a lot more fun than a Diesal run about. The Seat has gone and I use the Corrado every day again. I don't miss the Seat one bit.

I do around 300 miles a week by the way.

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i do about 400 miles per week in my G60, I convinced the mrs to buy a mk2 8v gti, so i could use that to get to work. fuel economy is about the same! the C will always get used as a daily driver.

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Sciroccotune, I'm gonna have the same dilemma come springtime . My circumstances will be changing soon and the GF will be using the daily driver which means I'll start racking up the milage in the C which will start getting costly. I can either keep the C and get another daily driver OR sell the C and get a MK4 Annivesary TDI. I think the latter option would be cheaper but not sure if i'm ready to sell the C especially after I spent £3k on it in the summer!


I think your choice is a bit easier cos you're looking to get a VR later. If you save some cash by running an economy wagon, you'll be in a better position to get a minter of a VR later. At least you know that you'll be getting another C in due course, so less gutting.

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It's a tricky question because everyone's situation is different.


I paid just over 900 quid for my P reg 1.9 diesel goof, 10 months T&T, you could eat your dinner out of the engine bay...it's gleaming...there is NO smoke whatsoever from the exhaust, all new belts etc, it's a solid as a rock, since buying it 3 weeks ago me and wifey have put 1600 miles on it and it hasn't missed a beat and has cost peanuts in fuel


BUT......I miss my raddo a hell of alot. To be honest , I don't really miss the g60 as I was too paranoid about driving it..it was like having an eggshell car, but the overall feel of the corrado is just unbeatable for me. There is NO doubt that you will miss your car alot....in my opinion....the perfect car would be like supercharged's car..the TDI raddo...perfect in my eyes.



Only sell your car if you have to....otherwise I think you'l regret selling it....there's a difference between missing your car and regreting selling it... :wink:

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I sold my C and got a Mk4 GTI 180. Nice, comfy, quick, climate control, blah blah blah, but not a patch on the C in terms of driver enjoyment nor do I think "what a gorgeous car" when I get in it every morning.


However, on long runs for work I'm getting 7mpg better out of the Golf, so it's paying for itself already.



I knew what I was getting into when I bought it, but since I opted out of the work company car scheme I had to get something newer. Even if I'd taken a 1.6 Astra as a company car I'd have still been paying so much tax on it that the C would have had to go anyway.


One day I hope to have enough cash (and a driveway!) to make owning another C viable again...

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The other thing I notice is the seats in raddo's are bloody great....i've done 12 hour drive's in my corrado and got out feeling pretty much fine (( if not a little trippy from the white line syndrome )) but after a couple of hours in the golf I need to get out and stretch my legs.

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Thanks guys,


what to do, what to do?! I would like to keep the C as its the best car I have had, and there has been many :lol:.


But the possibilities of 50mpg are appealing, im guessing I spend around £40 -£60 on petrol each week, so if I could get the same to last closer to 2 weeks….


I will have to test drive a few audi 80’s and similar as I don’t want to spend much on said car.


edit: just walked past her in the car park, what a pretty girl!!!

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Well in that case keep the C, put it on a limited-mileage policy, and buy a 500 quid Corsa diesel as a runabout :)

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The other thing I notice is the seats in raddo's are bloody great....i've done 12 hour drive's in my corrado and got out feeling pretty much fine (( if not a little trippy from the white line syndrome )) but after a couple of hours in the golf I need to get out and stretch my legs.


Absolutely true, when I drove about 500 miles non-stop I felt absolutely fine, I really do like the seats, even my mates have commented (Heck, they even said the back was comfy!)


But when i went with my dad in his car (laguna) to goto birmingham, after about 30mins i was really uncomfy, and my back hurt.

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Having recently sold mine and replaced with an Audi 80, I'll drop in my 2p. I do miss the handling, looks and performance, but I don't miss the paranoia of leaving it parked on the street, driving it too hard, things breaking or the fuel bills.

Despite not commuting, I am saving money (see sig) and while I'd love a 'rado in some ways, in other ways my wallet and my sense of mental welbeing are thanking me. :-)

Good luck with it,


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but I don't miss the paranoia of leaving it parked on the street, driving it too hard, things breaking


I've gotta say that's the biggest difference for me...just getting in the car in the morning and turning the key and going with no worries of something blowing up, parking it anywhere and being able to put crap in there that I wouldn't have dreamed of in the raddo..( like dogs etc ))

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Absolutely true, when I drove about 500 miles non-stop I felt absolutely fine, I really do like the seats, even my mates have commented (Heck, they even said the back was comfy!)


But when i went with my dad in his car (laguna) to goto birmingham, after about 30mins i was really uncomfy, and my back hurt.


My Dad bought a new Golf plus, and I have to say those seats are so bad I'd have asked for a refund..... The C seats are the best I've ever sat in. Even after 8 hours of standing at G-werks the 3 hour drive home relaxed me in that seat.


I'd stick with the C and get a little run around as well. Although for me my C is a run around O.o;

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I'm thinking of becoming a courier, but there is no chance in hell am I gonna do it in the Corrado, so if I get it, I'll just get a run a round.

I couldnt live with myself not having a rado lol

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I do miss the handling, looks and performance, but I don't miss the paranoia of leaving it parked on the street, driving it too hard, things breaking or the fuel bills.


I agree with everything that TomB says. A big branch jumped out at me (honest) and broke my wing mirror the other day, if it had been in the VR, I would have cried but because it was the golf I just shrugged and carried on driving.


The ONLY reason I have my golf is because I spend a large part of my working life driving onto farms and round country roads getting dirty and I could not do that in the C.


Every time I drive the golf I miss the VR but at least I know it's on the drive at home and can take it out on weekends :D

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i've had so many cars over the last five years but always had a corrado as well - pleased i don't have to choose but what i'm saying is, i've had brand new toyota's, fords, audi's etc company cars and always get in the corrado and it puts a smile on my face. whenever i fell like - should i sell it? - i drive it and the answer is always NO!

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I agree with you all that the Corrado puts a smile on my face and looks the biz, I was driving home (well to work) tonight and having fun on the odd bit of road that wasn’t traffic packed, catch the old 16v in 2nd gear at 4k and fun is to be had!


But I only yesterday put £15 in and I am all but out...... the decision continues but I will have to drive a few TDIs before I jump in head first....


Cheers guys, as always you are all the voice of reason!


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going to test drive a barrage of cars within the next few weeks. so will have input to this. i have my g60 sorn'ed just now and while i miss it - i feel i am coping fine without it. i do miss the performance but theres a lot i don't miss driving my other car. its not a smooth car to drive

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