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to VR or not to VR...that is the question.....

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Yup, I am thinking about selling me G60 and getting a VR6. I cant decide wether to keep throwing money into the engine to get a maximum power that isnt much above a VR6.


At our rolling road (beedubs.co.uk + golfgti.co.uk @ WRC in Silverstone) my G made around 182lbft and around 180 bhp with a slipping clutch and an oil leak. :? (obivously these would be sorted before i sold her). She's an excellent motor tho, bodywork is sound, and aside the 2 small things flagged at the RR the engine is excellent. I've also spent a lot of dosh-a-roo on things like uprated suspension, brakes, smaller pully, chip, ported charger etc. and she is great fun to drive.


I suppose ultimatly I just want to see what a VR is like to own and drive, when compared to my G and i wouldnt say no to one of those tasty VR superchargers........ 8) I just dont want to make the wrong desicion.


Wot u guys rekon?

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Just my opinion , but I would deffo get a vr6 if you can afford one. I didn't get on with the g60 as the power just didn't seem refined, it was good fun and an awesome car - dont get me wrong - but I was always to paranoid to drive it, I seldom took mine over 4.5k revs ever. Vr6's appeal to me as they are 190 bhp of N/A power, I reckon doing 80mph in 5th in a vr6 would be a different ball game to the g60.


Horses for courses, but i'd be after the vr6 if you can.

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I've never driven a VR. Drive one before you make any rash decisions as some people prefer the power delivery on the G, some the VR. Apparently it's quite smooth delivery from the VR whereas the G kicks you up the arse. Obviously a charged VR is a bit different (mid to top range) from a standard one. I for one would love a VR, a charged one at that, just for the noise. But alas, can't afford one yet. Anyway, someone who has driven both will come along and tell me I'm talking pap. There's been plenty of discussion or VR6 vs G60 though, have a search and a read through some of it. Might help you make up your mind.

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I was thinking about doing the same thing. I didn't want to spend much more money on my G60, when I could sell it, get a VR, and then supercharge it for less than it would cost to get the same kind of power out of my G60.


I drove Chris's supercharged VR a week or two back, and its completely different to driving a G60. My cars very frantic with the power, the throttle is more of an on/off switch than anything else, as soon as you put your foot down the power is there! The VR is much more relaxed, even with the supercharger. Chris said I was still trying to drive it like a G60, i.e. changing very low down the rev range, and putting my foot down expecting something magical to happen at 2000rpm... In reality the VR doesn't do a lot until 4500rpm, at which point you realise how much quicker it is than the G60 (well Chris's compared to mine!).


Oddly enough I wasn't overly excited by it. Sometimes I hate how frantic my car feels to drive, you can't ever relax and go for a little pootle around, but at the same time, thats what I love about it - it makes it feel a lot more powerful and exciting. The VR is a lot more relaxed, with quick but linear accelleration.


At the end of the day it depends what you prefer, I think you'll need to drive one to find that out

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i had two vrs before my G60 and i have to say i prefer my G60, but they are two different cars to drive, my run to work is a 160 mile round trip and the vr did it so well but so does my G60, i don't have to go in everyday so i now (imho) have the best of both but with the G60 everything just feels a bit more fun slightly more twitchy turn just feels a little sharper (probably cos it's a little lighter) and i love it for being a bit hectic, the vr is a very nice car but for me it's the G60 even without the leather and heated seats.


of course a charged vr would probably make me swap back :)


just my 2p worth

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I dont mind if it becomes that. Its the staple discussion of the Corrado Forum.


I prefer the VR tho...



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I know its been discussed to death, i just wanted to see if others fort it worthwhile me keep spending on the G to get no more real power than a std VR. I dont see why some would want it locked tho, its a good discussion and besides, if you dont want to join in, dont! :D

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never having driven a g60 I cant comment on which is better. What I can say is that the VR is nice and relaxed when you want it to be, but you can easily provoke it into a more exciting drive. I suppose since I was used to driving the 16v before the VR I was already driving high up the rev range, which is where you need to be in the VR to tap into the real power, although theres still bags low down, doing 40mph in 5th is fairly comfortable, although you sort of need to do that to keep petrol consumption down ;)


s/c VR is a different beast again. I've driven chrisvr6 nos's too and its alot more lively lower down than a n/a VR, but the relaxed feel of the engine is still there for when you want it.

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i just wanted to see if others fort it worthwhile me keep spending on the G to get no more real power than a std VR


says it all really.

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Well i'm working on that ;)


But I have driven a fair few and I just smile every time I hear the VR engine note!

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I prefer the VR tho...


LOL, and that's the one you've never owned! :)


Oh the irony :-)


Knowing what I know now and having done what I've done, I'd never run a standard VR again! Too slow.....

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Yeah... 0-60 in 6.7 seconds and a top speed in excess of 150MPH is just sooo slow Kev ;)


Its only slow now because you had schrick and cams and then a supercharger. In the grand scheme of things a VR is plenty quick - just not for you its not! :)

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That's just black and white pub talk sheeeeite Jim mate..... doesn't feel anywhere near that quick on the road, in particular the 0-60. Once over 100mph and on the cam in 5th though....150mph is entirely believable.

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thats one of the things about the VR though, you never feel like you're going as fast as you are, very strange!


I doubt the 0-60 is a real-world 6.7sec, but thats been discussed before. Its real forte is motorway munching, its got the right sort of power at the right revs to make motorways effortless, although motorways arent that much fun.


I find its too heavy to inspire confidence on country lanes, i want it to be light and nimble but the heavy engine makes it a little slower to respond than my valver was, I dont feel like i can use the power availible and put the car where I want it.

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I'd agree (with Kev!). The VR isn't really *that* quick by modern standards. Now everyone and his brother has 225 bhp (or 275bhp with a chip), 180lbft/190bhp isn't that impressive.

But it's more than enough for most people, and it's got a lot more class than the recent hot hatches..

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its got the right sort of power at the right revs to make motorways effortless, although motorways arent that much fun.


I'd have to disagree! In standard form, in 5th gear at 70mph the VR is languishing at 3000 rpm.. lethargic is an understatement!


Put the VSR/VGI on it, or sit at 85mph/4000rpm and yes, it has all the oomph you could ask for to make motorways disappear with aplomb.

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It might not feel that quick cos the VR is quite refined, but mine certainly has no problems with that 0-60 time (with a bit of help from the remap!), and passengers comment on getting pinned to the seat on acceleration. It's enough for me. Kept with a type R the other day until he starting pulling away at 80, but i'm pretty sure whose engine sounded the nicest....mine!


I agree with GradeAFailure, the tasty sound of the VR is the clincher!


Would like a go in a supercharged VR, but not to own one. Even more bits to go wrong and worry about......I worry enough!

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sit at 85mph/4000rpm and yes, it has all the oomph you could ask for to make motorways disappear with aplomb.


well...yes...it depends how you drive on motorways :D

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ok, well it seems im gonna have to have a go in one....anyone in the bedfordshire area willing to let me have a spin....? ;)

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The only way to decide is to drive one mate.


gradeAFailure had a go in my VR the other week and apart from the cackling when he put his foot down, he still said that it didn't seem all that quick.


I personally love them because of the noise, which is amplified more with a stainless exhaust and an induction kit (be it swiss cheesed airbox or BMC).


They're more than quick enough to comfortably overtake most stuff on the roads and they will get up to 150mph. However, don't expect some monsterous Lambo-eating beast.


The peak torque and power are up 3.5k->5k rpm, so fairly high up and there is a noticable shove when you get to 3.5k (especially in the coilpack cars), but it's not a major kick in the back, it's just pleasant.


It's also worth bearing in mind what mods the car has got that you try. Any C with uprated, or even just replaced suspension is going to handle far, far better than anything still running original axle bushes and suspension parts. So make sure you take that into account.


If you're seriously thinking about a change - don't just try one either - it might be a dog, or it might be particularly sorted. Have a go in as many as you can, so you get a feel for how they really are.

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