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Crashed: Car at home now...to assess fixability

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Can't really remember what happened, except spinning and a hedge was involved (hedge is no more).


Front end is pretty much buggered, but couldn't really assess the damage in the pitch black.


I'm alright tho, but god knows about the car. I'm leaning towards write off.

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unnnnn beleivable!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it wasnt those dodgey tyres i sold you!


Glad your ok budy, what a SHOCKER! I'd get yourself checked out though just to be safe, shock can come back and bite you hours later, and/or neck probs. seriously, if you are still shaken up....

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gutted mate!!


like everyone else has said tho, at least you have walked away. could have been different.


hope the car is ok!

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Think G's gone to bed now.


Wasn't on the TT course - more like bendy back roads if his description matches my idea of where he was....

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OMG another one.

Hope you are OK and good luck with sorting it all.

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Yeah, I'm OK, back and neck a bit sore, as is my ego.


Gonna have to get some bits off the car before the insurance nicks it.


Tax run out on 31 Dec too :(

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Log book is in the car which is in the garage, I'll have to borrow a car to go and get it.


If anyone will lend me one

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Get that tax sorted pronto - if the insurance company have any possible way to get out of making a payment to you, they will!


Hope you're ok xbones - gutted to read this thread! :(

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If it does turn out to be a write-off most insurance companies will allow you to remove the tax disc and get a refund, I did it with mine. Not sure how an untaxed car would effect a claim, but at least you know you wont be £90 out of pocket for the tax.

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Can you not get 6 months tax in the IoM like you can over here?

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