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Do you HAVE to have side repeaters?

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Is it legal to have no side repeater lights?


Been considering removing mine for a while but dont know the legal implicantions.

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Im not sure if it is illegal or not. Itd be nice to be able to remove them, but what are the safty implications. If a car is facing the side of you will it be able to see your rear indicator showing your intentions.

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Pretty sure you have to have them & I think they have to flash orange as well... but i'm usually wrong on things like this!

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after 83/84 i think - roughly


remember cos escort rs series 1 didn't have them and series 2 did

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yep if car was made with them on then you have to have em. (in this country anyway). My onld scirocco storm (1984) didnt have any and it was cool! but they dont look so bad, just get some nice full black ones..

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My old scirocco storm




I had them removed from my rocco, but didnt think about it back then! Never got any hassle for it though.

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If the vehicle left the factory with them then yes they do have to be there... however certain MOT stations have been known to miss them if there is no trace of them being there... it's your risk at the end of the day

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When my polo was resprayed it had new wings put on it and never got round to cutting out repeater holes. Always passes the MOT though, the guy said because of the angle of the indicators it didn't matter, may be a different story with a C though.

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well, I guess you could just go for some velcro every MOT test day I guess... Aren't there contacts for the indicators up front? You could just let the contacts hang out and connect them to a couple of indicators, and cheat that way

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yeah as the guys say im fairly sure you would get away with it but its your risk if you ever run into a nast chopper/have a sid crash and the ins company picks up on it etc. you could stick those sticky ones on the bottom of the mirror wouldnt be able to see em and woud look quite cool.


also off topic but




I had them removed from my rocco, but didnt think about it back then! Never got any hassle for it though.



roccos rule!!! 8)

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As far as I can remember cos the last time I tested a car was about 8 years, it would only fail an mot if they were fitted and not working, if you wanted to quote the mot bible you dont really have to have headlights, if they are removed then they cant be tested so they shouldnt fail if you get what I mean. so same should go for the side repeaters.


did that sound legible or did it just come out as waffle

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Rear indicators on a C do wrap around the side, i'm sure you could still see it indicating ok.

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As far as i know you can get rid of them if you can see the front indicator from the side, in which case on the Corrado you can't. Although as RadoAds said, if they're not there you cant test them - he is right about headlights etc...

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On mt golf I had gti badges in place of the side repeaters and never had issues with MOT!


bit like the rallye`s have ..

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Mine failed on not having them, but then the mot guy just said just tape some orange bulbs an the OEM holdes and wiring to the wings and that will be fine haha!

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DONT GET RID OF THEM..... harsh laws are in place these days and its gonne get a lot worse so its no point

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