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I think that little stunt further backs up the theory that the Stig is actually different people who just wear a white race suit / helmet. Look at the build of the guy on the bike - he was tall and a bit soggy around the waist - the normal Stig is quite short and thin!


Dont think this arguement stands up cos he would be wearing extra clothing in those conditions!


Anyway I don't believe you can get that good at handling a snowmobile in England... so I don't believe its the same bloke.


Hmmm doesnt account for the change in height.

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Would have been even funnier if they'd emailed Jag from there with a picture of the sat nav saying "We've had a bit of a problem.."



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I think that little stunt further backs up the theory that the Stig is actually different people who just wear a white race suit / helmet. Look at the build of the guy on the bike - he was tall and a bit soggy around the waist - the normal Stig is quite short and thin!


Dont think this arguement stands up cos he would be wearing extra clothing in those conditions!


Anyway I don't believe you can get that good at handling a snowmobile in England... so I don't believe its the same bloke.


Hmmm doesnt account for the change in height.


come on guys - i can't believe this is even being debated!!!!!! We'll put a racing driver on a snowmobile and send him down a ski jump slope. Get real, of course it was a different person - thats the whole pointof never seeing his face and allows top gear to put him in any situation. Sort of blows the myth that he is an individual and adds fuel to the fact that even the car testing is done by whatever down-and-out driver is available at the time.


I quite liked the mystery of the first series and suspecting it was damon hill etc.................

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Twas great fun!


God knows what arrangement they have with some of these car companies though that let them total 10 Suzuki Swifts!!


I suppose Suzuki figure it will do more for there image by letting Top Gear total 10 cars in a 5-10 minute section that looks like a complete laugh than a few prime time daytime :wink: advertising slots on TV.


The new Swift was all of 7k I think, and that's retail price so you could probably chop 50% off that. So for a grand total of around 40k (They used 11 cars) lots of people will talk about it and the new Swift has a good image in the fun department.


Great show as well, they really don't work for a living - love the comment about the Jag being like Hammond.

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And James May going on about the race on the lake "And Clarkson will just go into a corner and use lots of POWWWER" - the piss taking between them all is great sometimes ;)

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me and the missus were in stictches watchign them try to stand up on that ski slope



yup i laughed uncontrollably at that!! brilliant slapstick.

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Clarkson cracks me up so much! He loves crashing cars....doesn't matter how much they cost, he's just got to spin them off with a foolish manouvre :-)


And I was nearly on the floor in tears when he used a machine gun for the target shooting, PMSL :-) Clarkson rocks!

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best line of the show "so, while hammond is off filling Paul o'gradys slot".

James May trying to paint a line on the slope had me in stiches too.



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One of the gimps i used to work with had an article from one of the broadsheets on his desk, can't remember which one tho, which said in the beginning the stig was actually 2 drivers, can't remember who they were. Didn't they reveal the stig recently?

I think the barrier they built for the mini might have been slightly over the top!! one of my local pubs was showing the winter olympics sunday night and left the projector on so we could all watch top gear, which was nice.

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My GF's sisters boyfriend is planning on going off a skijump on a Mountain Bike! He has already done 120MPH on one down a glacier so he is serious!

When we were watching topgear though we realised its not actually that high its just the slope that creates the "drop"



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Cool Top Gear, I just watched it of the website. I liked the 'wood & pipe tobacco' comment. :)

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That was a great Top Gear! 3 guys, just having fun messing about with cars! The sort of thing i reckon alot of people here would love to do. Just being silly with cars! What a laugh!


As for the programme afterwards! (Petrolheads) What a load of crap! What kind of questions were they? Was the crappest thing i have seen in ages. Compared to programmes like Buzzcocks and Have I Got News, that was just pure rubbish! I dont think Neil Morrisey knew where he was without a script!

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