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Corrado club [Now with Poll!!]

Should the official CCGB and the Forum amalgamate?  

140 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the official CCGB and the Forum amalgamate?

    • Yes, I think that the pooling of resources would maximise the benefit for Corrado owners.
    • No, I think they both provide different things and I prefer to be involved with both separately.
    • I like ham and couldn't care less.

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I do and searching through new stuff I've received in the last couple of years is fine.


It's knowing about and finding ages old stuff via the website that I find tricky.

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Sorry Yandards,


"I would refer the individual concerned to the KB and the quality of the articles in there. (not trying to be bitchy but sweeping generalisations like that do no-one any favours)"



Having used the E-Group for longer than this forum has existed I think if you searched it you would find everything that's in the KB and a lot more besides and I think I know where I read it first (and it wasn't the Sun Lol!).


I didn't say it wasn't on the e-group - I am on the 16vG60 usergroup - just that I find the layout and organisation of the yahoo setup pants at best, and the KB is well structured by comparison. As for who wrote what first, most of it should come from the VAG manuals for the C that are sat next to me...


My point was that if we are a collective bunch of children on the forum (to paraphrase the original comment) then we should not be capable of producing the quality of some of the articles on the KB.

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I still stand by my original statement: In todays modern age, things have moved on from Yahho/MSN groups. PhPBB and Phorum are the way forward, easier to use, search, more pleasing on the eye, more scope for individuality of posts (avatars, signatures), yes, gone are the days of dial-up, so that's no longer should be an argument in favour of no avatars etc., no unwanted advertising, and I just hate big corporates like Yahoo and M$ :lol:



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I see a nice at the top, but otherwise it seems to work.


Can't see any information about the AGM on there though...

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That would be because the details are in the post to members, but as posted on the Yahoo e-group this afternoon:


VW Corrado Club GB Annual General Meeting has been booked for Sunday 23rd April at The National Motorcycle Museum just south of Birmingham. Try and be there to give your input into the future of the club. Please try and be there for photos and car line up from 11 AM with meeting to start at 12.00 prompt.

We will accept new members on the day but you need to be there by 11 AM to sort out membership.

Any items for inclusion and discussion will need to reach a committee member by Tuesday 18th April.

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Hi All, especially ALL CURRENT CCGB MEMBERS :), it seems the time is here again to raise the amalgamation issue as the Club’s AGM is 2 weeks away.


I won't be able to make the AGM this year and nor I suspect would 90% of CCGB Members (or Forum members even if they were allowed to attend). However, I think that any Forum member reading this who is also a CCGB member should state their view on this amalgamation issue in advance of the meeting. Reasoning below:


Thanks to Tempest for his comments to my post in the other thread. It seems from having read his and others’ posts earlier in this thread, that past politics and people not being online are the main reasons against combining the two entities. With another year of advancement in communication having gone by and with such obvious benefits and majority support as shown in this poll I can't see there is any remaining justification in these reasons against. I understand that this needs to be a democratic process across both entities and therefore I suggest its in two stages:


1. The CCGB needs to take a majority decision to go for online admin and communication. The reasons for this are simple, its survival. You would gain more members than you would lose, and the ones who are still serious could maintain membership through friends or regional reps who are online.


2. Having taken this big decision, then and only then, a united CCGB needs to formally approach Andi with a view to combining the online elements of the entities. I don’t know if or what the politics were with previous committee members but I understand that last year some “new management” were elected who use and appreciate the Forum. Andi seems like a very fair person to me who would listen to a sensibly put proposal from the new committee.


This wouldn’t happen overnight and I appreciate both that it would of course be up to Andi in any case and that for now, he has expressed the view that the CCGB could be described as a “write-off”.

Maybe this is assessment is accurate. If it is, then we can accept it and seek to allow an entity that is more successful to make use of the name. If it isn’t then the Club is woefully under-represented, especially in comparison to the Forum, and, without embracing online membership, that will never change.


Whichever view you take there no point in having a dwindling organisation with the “official” UK club name which struggles, through difficult engagement with its members, to get content for its magazine or successfully increase its representation at show stands without the existence of the Forum.


It seems to me to be a self-perpetuating situation that the CCGB AGM is the only opportunity to consult its membership on its future, but the least effective way of getting a genuine representation of the membership’s real opinion. As mentioned in this thread, a postal or proxy vote on a formally tabled motion would be far more democratic than asking only the people that are able to get to a single meeting which is 100+miles from much of its membership.


So again, ALL CURRENT CCGB MEMBERS, if you agree with the above, then I suggest you communicate with any committee member so we can get STEP 1 above out of the way. Then, with a valid mandate (ugh – politics) we can then reasonably approach Andi and discuss how it could really work.

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You're rallying CCGB members on The CF?

Surely you should be posting on your 'special' CCGB forum.

Then approach me.


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