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MOT Cowboy nightmare

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great stuff still makes me angry reading this post though! and I, like paul only let mot stations mot my car if i can follow him round and ask questions as they go im paying them for the work why should i sit there wondering what they are doing!

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take the car back to the garage and ask them what there going to do about it before you loose your temper , they have liability insurance to cover these types of problems , make sure your insurance are also aware of the problem , if no joy with the manager ask for the owners name and then inform trading standards what has happend to your car whilst in there care you do have rights for a civil court case if you still have no joy , also mention speaking to your local paper if they are not going to help as bad publicity is the last thing any decent garage wants , personaly i would go back in the dark and wait for the mot tester to come out and kick him so hard in the bol***ks :crazyeyes: that he would have to lumps around his neck .

hope you get it sorted with out to many probs buddy :thumbleft:

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what on earth were they doing at the top of the door? the fact that they tried to cover it up says it all if you ask me, dirty b*stards

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My advice to anyone.....regardless if you know anything about cars or not ......is to always stay and observe whilst an MOT is being carried out on your car.


A couple of years ago an MOT'er almost drove my Nissan off the ramp whilst it was still in the air....if i hadn't been there to scream at him to stop.....he got a little confused coz it has an Auto box .....or so he said.

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I dont think all garages have liability insurance - Quite often there are signs in garages saying something like 'vehicles left here at owners risk' etc..


But glad to here it was all fixed :)

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Did they explain WHY they were trying to break in that way? Obviously they were crap car thieves as well......

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If you read the previous posts chaps you'll see that he's had the car repaired.......even so.....it's quite a horror story if you ask me

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