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*****Attempted Break In*****

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What bastards,I used to rigg up two air hors with a switch on the door to disable them.You open the door and the horns will go off .It will scare the living Sh*i out of them plus wake everybody up.


Alarms go off all the time and nobody does toss about it....

Two air horns flat out in the dead of night will get there attention.

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You have to plan a way to catch them, dismember them, dump them and have an alibi to cover you in the event the cops come knocking.


Sleep in the garage. Set up some supplies, you will need food and water and somewhere to pee. Plastic sheeting, bleach, binbags, a saw, bat and a change of clothing.


Find somewhere to dump the body parts in advance and sort out your exit strategy. Read the crappy free TV supplement from a Sunday Paper so you have a good idea of what was on TV on that particular night (maybe get someone to post on this Forum under your username), and borrow an estate car (easier loading/unloading).


Lmfao! You've done this before, haven't you?

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:x 12 bore shotgun wired to the door (unlocked).... they open it *BLAM* in the face! or just a shot to the ground would be enough to scare them to thinking you were waiting with a gun


I overheard some kids talking about stealing my wheels in the middle of the night a couple of years back, they'd ran off before I even got to the door but was so stressed about it I drove around for half an hour trying to find them

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Furkz, just a thought, but i read that pieces of their equipment were left behind?


Most thieves wont leave anything behind unless they are disturbed. Perhaps one of the other garage owners disturbed them, might be worth asking around.

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Furki, first off - sorry to hear that some thieving scum have put you in this position - I hope you manage to get some sleep in the coming nights with the worry. Hopefully the suggestions put forward and the kit you're getting will give you some comfort from those tw@ts.


Secondly, I don't want to sound paranoid (well ok, i will) - but have you considered the forum being a possible source of information for aforementioned scum? By no means am I saying that it's a bona fide forum member, but there's every chance that someone has gone shopping around the forum looking for a car close to them. If you advertise your whereabouts, and use photos of your car close to your home there's every possiblity that someone will put it all together and make an estimated guess of where you might be. Once they've done that it would just be a case of eyeballing it to get the particulars.


Again, sorry if that sounds paranoid but if you're considering countermeasures and security it might be worth taking into consideration. :)

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What ^^^^^ randal, said combined with the PVW feature, Some little scrote has got the green eyed monster and either trying to saboage said beauty or nick off with it.


Hope the paranoias arnt to bad and the increased security does the job.

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Don't get too paranoid as it's only a car, the best thing you can do is make sure your insurance is all up to scratch and get a proper valuation etc.


Someone tried to nick one of my cars when I lived in York and I had many a sleepless night with the baseball bat :norty:, fcuk knows what would've happened if 10 of 'em turned up. Up your security and if it's kids they will soon fuck off, but I wouldn't go all out and make it obvious from outside the garage as they'll probably do something out of spite.


You could empty the garage, keep the car elsewhere (somewhere safe!) and leave the door open over the weekend, that'd confuse 'em! :lol:

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"You better run egg!"








what a line :D


love that sketch

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"Those egg council creeps got to you too eh?"


"You got it all wrong Homer!" :D


Simpsons classic :D

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"oh no Homer, you got it all wrong..."


as he waves for the egg guy to run

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It was the little squeaky toy noise he made as he ran off that made me laugh :D


Hasn't that episode got the immortal lines:


"Homer where are you going, are you going outside to stalk Lenny and Carl?"

"No of course not"

"Well where are you going?"

"I'm... going outside... to stalk... Lenny and Carl"

"Homer's brain: that's it i'm outta here"



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i just dont trust my coucil garage (just use it for storage) ive just secured a lock up for mine at the local morgan dealership which is well secure and a 2 min walk from my door! Furks is there a yellow box storage centre near you? they do car storage too and are mega secure the one near me has all sorts of exotic cars in it not handy for a daily drive but youve always got the onion!

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Sorry to hear the news Furks,

I do hope the theiving scum didnt cut themselves whilst rying to break in,

might be an idea for you to sort out your legal defence team sooner rather than later.

Joking aside, hope your not too paranoid about this and sort out the storage issue soon.

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No! Don't do it! That way the bastards have won and you'll have denied yourself one of life's great pleasures.

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