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Thoughts on Audi S4's

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As title, thoughts on Audi S4's.


Comments?? I'm talking about the 2.7 V6 twin turbos. (B5)


I feel it would be a natural progression from my 4motion. Plus, the prices of them are quite suprising 8)





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nice cars, and can be good value...... bloody quick i should imagine.... a friend of mine bounced on off it's limiter 155mph...... he didn't ealise how fast he was going........

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Audi S4 (B5) is defo 2.7 V6 Biturbo, 265BHP. The RS4 (B5) is the estate version having the same engine but with 380 BHP. The NEW Audi S4 has a normally-aspirated (non-turbo) 4.2L V8 with 340 BHP and the NEW RS4 has the same engine but with better power at 420 BHP.


Cheers and HTH

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Mate at work has a lovely standard black S4 and it's very under whelming tbh. It has piddly little K03 turbos and has no real kick in the chest to speak of, just very smooth and linear power delivery. Ideally you'd want to change out the turbos for K04s and a remap. That's good for about 370hp and then it does kick 8)


They're a bit soggy in the suspension department but ride really well as a result. Steering is horrid. Vague, too light and not quick enough, but that's always been an Audi trait.


If you want a decent, effortless A-B cruiser they're good. If you want a 'sports' car with brilliant handling and feedback, look elsewhere.

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MMMmmmmm.............. interesting.


Also looking at Subaru Legacy B4.


Also a twin turbo, only imported, looks the dogs and have 280 bhp!



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imho i would take the audi every time over the scooby just for build quailty / reailabilty issues really

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Its ok, I really want to move into Audis'


Just need to sell the Corrado and then I can seriously start looking..........


Bring on the hunt!!



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Its ok, I really want to move into Audis'


Just need to sell the Corrado and then I can seriously start looking..........


Bring on the hunt!!




Based on my S3, Audi's really aren't a fun car to drive. You'll miss the corrado's flair and personality. The Audi is very playstation to drive, fast but never feels it till you look at the speedo. The Audi party piece is overtaking!!! Massive midrange punch but nothing at the top and bottom which means i'm still learning how to drive it as you don't thrash them to the redline but change up about 1500rpm before the red. Gearing is too short in 1st , 2nd and 3rd. Its a very good car, just not special.

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Yeah, I will miss the Corrado............but it has to be done. I'm not selling the Corrado so I can buy a s4. I'm selling the rado to buy a house.


Buying a s4 is my way of treating myself, although in a weeks time i'll have probably changed my mind again.


Love the 4motion but I'm not sure whether to spend alot of money upgrading or sell it and buy something that is faster already. Its a tough decision.



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I just don't see how selling a Corrado and buying an S4 is going to save you anything.. they guzzle fuel, insurance is huge and servicing / maintainence is going to be far more than the Corrado ever will have cost you...

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in agreement with Jim here............if yer selling the Corrado to finance a house i can't see how you can then get a S4 cheaper

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Nice to put a face to a name at Inters btw Roddy ;)


likewise........you got over the shock i take it :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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i think its because he has 3 cars and replacing them with 1?


Glad someone is paying attention.


Currently running two insurance group 18 cars (one being a Corrado) and the 4motion continually does around 26-27 mpg.


Dont think the S4 can be much worse. It may be group 20 but my insurance is next to nothing due to the area I live in and my job 8) . Sitting tight at the minute as I can be quite impulsive at times!!



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