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What a night - crunch :(...then blue lights *phew*

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My my, what a night I've just had.


So part 1...


On my way to No-Rice, I'm going around a dual-carriageway roundabout. I enter the roundabout next to, but slightly behind a car and go round with them. I was going straight on so start turning off to go in the outside carriageway on the exit...problem was, they were planning on going right and turned into me.


Cue nasty sounding smack noise, a dented wing, scuffed bumper and a Jap car with a very dented driver's door.


Then to add to the fun, he starts to drive off, so I fire the engine back up and nail it after him...luckily he slowed down, indicated and pulled over at the next exit. We exchanged details and I saw his insurance docs, so all should be fine there. It was mildly amusing that his brother hopped out of the car and said "ohhh man, it's a CORRADO!! They're such nice cars!!"... :lol:


It's just a bent wing and a scuffed bumper, so could have been worse and I'm not too worried just yet.


I then proceeded to have a good time at No-Rice and left early (for me) and on to...


Part 2


The roads when I got back to Newbury were deserted and dual carriageway, so I was doing a fair speed down them even though it's a 50.


I decided I was going to go check out the roundabout I had my prang on earlier, just to see if I was going insane and it was my fault so did a complete circuit of the roundabout. Now I had noticed someone come hammering up behind me and follow right up my arse all the way around the roundabout. Which was odd, so I pulled over on the exit of the roundabout and let them pass.


But er they didn't pass and instead starting flashing their headlights at me in a funny way and had these strange blue thingies flashing too... :sob:


So I pull over, turn the engine off etc and Mr. Officer gets me out onto the kerb and starts asking why he pulled me over. I act coy and say er well the gap on the roundabout wasn't too big and I did go round it all the way. It's when he says "well I was doing 120 to catch you up and this is a 50" that my heart sinks and a warm trickle runs down my leg.


The mood brightens a little (when I say a little, it's relative, so in normal terms from being sentanced to certain death to probable death) when he says "which means you must have been travelling at approximately 90". Ahhh approximately...as in you didn't actually clock me... :D


So after grilling me, checking the car all over, checking all the tyres, checking I hadn't been drinking and asking where I was from, what I was doing here and generally telling me I was a very naughty boy and if he saw me a again he wouldn't be happy...I got sent on my way!


I'm still shaking now, but jeebus it was a nerve-wracking night.


And some piccies of the damage for yall - hurrah for VW build quality...


Oh and er anybody got a late passenger side wing going spare?

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Wounded Dom. Talk about Luck. Atleast the fuzzy didnt get you this time.


Saw a Blues and Twos screaming down the M3 as I had turned at hook and was coming back up.


Hoping it wasnt anyone on here.

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I reckon the wing might be recoverable, but it's not hard to take off either way. The paints split and come off though, so the wing and bumper will need a respray.


I'll get it down to a bodyshop tomorrow and see how much they reckon it'll cost and go from there.

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Bad crack mate - but could have been worse on both accounts - in some ways - you're a lucky boy - you might not feel it though! C seems to have come off best though!

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Yeah, I'm exceedingly lucky - the cop could have easily taken my license and given me a good anal fondling too if he'd actually clocked me.


The dent could have been far worse and hopefully it's not going to be a major problem to fix.

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what a nitemare dom.. another thing to get sorted.. bummer!


good to see you btw mate..

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I kept looking at it all night, so gutted for you mate.


but good old Dinkus, allways chirpy whatever the weather! ;-)


if your claiming off them, and it does'nt go 50/50 which is a right ass, might aswell make it a new VAG wing bud!

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Ah bugger.


Damage doesn't look so bad though compared to the other car! Good luck sorting it out stinkus. :)

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he says "well I was doing 120 to catch you up and this is a 50" that my heart sinks and a warm trickle runs down my leg.



at least you still got your sense of humour mate :lol: , shame about the ding and all that, damn annoying ............. but at least your license will be staying in the back pocket , for now :wink:

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The curse of the roundabout!


Jesus Dom, I think you should steer clear of em matey!


Glad it's not as bad as it could've been though...Dented car and a ban - helluva night's work :(

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Crikey! Glad it wasn't a more serious accident, and glad the copper was feeling kind!


Nothing worse than the sight of flashing blue lights appearing from nowhere after you've been giving it the beans a bit.. does tend to produce an entirely new level of dread in the pit of your stomach I have to say!

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sheesh, another brush with death there dinkus, who do you think you are, Michael Knight? ;)


I got pulled for speeding in a simular way ages ago, police car comes flying up behind me, so i move over to let him pass thinking nothing was amiss... to my suprise he moves over behind me 'bloody idiot!' thinks I, incorrectly assuming he was trying to go around me and didnt see me indicate to get out of his way. when I move lanes and he follows me again the truth dawns and I pull over :( oddly he said he was doing 120 to catch me too, which I doubt since he was driving a diesel mk4 astra like the one i was in at the time and I'd never got it over 110 :D

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Roundabouts - I've had two of my five shunts on them (others pranging me) and lots of near misses. They must be one of the riskiest places for getting your car bent.


Hope you get your C fixed OK, dinkus.


You must be a real charmer as far as poleesmen are concerned!

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Exact same thing happend to my missus, only she was the one that carried on round the round-a-about instead of coming off (2 lane r-about).


We were going for 50/50 but her ins just said its your fault so we're not going to contest it!


If this is the same I shouldn't worry!

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Lucky with the plod mate! I assume he let you off due to the lack of evidence rather than him being in a good mood or anything else... did he have a 'colleague' in the car with him?

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Yeah, I was extremely polite Mr. Policeman, but I think getting let off was more due to the car being registered friggin' miles away, I was sober, the car was legal, I didn't admit to speeding, he didn't actually clock me and he was on his own.


He certainly wasn't amused though...

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He couldn't have done you even if he'd wanted to :lol:


Did you get his badge number - I'll get him fired for you ;)

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Bit of a curate's egg of an evening then :?


The prang's rather unfortunate, but you're in one piece, which is the important thing.

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