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Reflex silver Golf 4mo - pics added

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Well the first LARGE purchase for the car was made today......




Nevermind the dog though, hes not mine...




All being well this little lump should be going in in October, cant wait..... :)

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It'd drive me bonkers waiting that long! It's gonna be well worth the wait though 8) Good work!


ps- can you pm me your address so I can get that bracket off to you ;)

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WHAHEY! its a done deed now mate, no longer a fantasy! :grin: cant wait to see it in!

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Will the Daschund fit in the bay or does it go in the wing :)


I dont think my mate would be too chuffed if Clint ended up under the bonnet...


WHAHEY! its a done deed now mate, no longer a fantasy! :grin: cant wait to see it in!


I know its not your cup of tea Paul but its going to be a factory fit, the engine is out of a 56 plate and has covered 6k and is still no where near the standard it will be before it goes in, its going to be getting some serious tickling before it becomes a fixture...

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I know its not your cup of tea Paul but its going to be a factory fit, the engine is out of a 56 plate and has covered 6k and is still no where near the standard it will be before it goes in, its going to be getting some serious tickling before it becomes a fixture...


Never said that mate, yeah i like mine as it was intended as there aint many with trctor tyre clearance around these days :lol:


I like modded cars too mate as the more i look and read about them the more interested(means confused) i get, i've never heard words like it before reading Crazy Daves and a few others threads :eek:


I reckon you are well chuffed with that and i bet it'll look like its just off the production line :salute:

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Excellent choice! The perfect choice, so quiet and refined just as a Corrado should be :)


Nice low mileage too, bet the cams haven't even got any wear marks on them yet.


I'll resist the temptation to recommend a pair of baby turbos stashed down the back....opps I just did! Only kidding :D


OEM ECU or Standalone?

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Im thinking it will be using the original ECU and have got all the bits so i have that option.. The car had been set fire to and was singed down by the passenger footwell so the interior was wrecked but the rest was fine. The key has felt a bit of heat but its only surface damage...


Im just hoping there arent too many things missing from it. Ive got the engine wiring loom with ECU, entire wiring loom for whole car, clocks and keys.. I can all ready see though that there is no inlet trunking which means im missing a MAF and there is no fuel hoses going to the rail, unsure if the original can be used.. I suppose half the problem is that some of the stuff i havent got a clue what it is, i hope the bits are all there for the fly by wire throttle...


Im jealous and i have a supercharger on mine :(


Well done Michael, i bet you are buzzing!! :clap:


Dont think you should be jealous mate, your is making more power than this will, its just going to be the right amount for me, just a shade over 250hp if its runs on standard management with torque figures in the 230s...


Nice one mate, R32 sounds good move 8) Did you call JKM


I havent Shaun, ive spoken to another firm and am felling i will go with them, still got plenty time to decide on a final plan...

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Tsk.. and to a Storm as well ;)


Na - just kidding mate. What a great addition to an already great car. It's going to be a peach with that motor in it! I'm oh so slightly jelous :)

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So you couldn't keep it quite then eh Michael 8) the engine does look very clean, but it will need to be very clean if its going to be put into your car.


are you going for the drive by wire?? or do ya need me to get an Alfa throttle for you.



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I think i was going to use the original set up, the TB is there but the wiring is very confusing, there is an awful lot of the it.. Have you got any of the flyby wire stuff left that your not going to be using???


It is clean, all the aluminium really needs scrubbed and the manifold has a couple of marks on it so it will be coming off and getting refinished...

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dont forget that if you want to use the fly by wire, you will also need the accelerator pedal from the golf welded into the corrado. And of course the fly by wire loom that plugs into the pedal/TB. thats why i'm going for the standard cable set up using an alfa v6 TB.



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