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Autobuyer.co.uk wants to sell my car for me!?

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I've got a mk2 Golf for sale at the moment and have been contacted by this http://www.autobuyer.co.uk They're telling me they have people waiting to buy the car using they're credit, all they want from me is £70 which will be refunded once the car is sold. Has this actually worked out for anyone or will I just loose the £70? Sounds too good to be true I recon.

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Don't do it, I am guessing your Golf is advertised in autotrader?


Might want to give their local trading standards office a ring down in London too to see if they are usually a problem.


Watch out for loads of dodgy phone calls offering you selling packs - don't take them as it will have their terms and conditions on them somewhere and then they get away with robbing you blind for no service.

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'Tis a scam/rip off.

From the same branch as "Earn £20k working from home!" load of twoddle.


You've gotta ask yourself - how are 'all these buyers' waiting? How do they know your car is for sale, but don't know how to contact you?


Anyone with any sense wanting to buy a car would look in AutoTrader anyhow.. ;)

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like double-6s said, they were featured on the 'Rogue Traders' show on BBC not so long ago... it's a scam.


the appropriate pop culture reference is 'Run Luke, Run!'

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Why the hell should you pay them £70 when it's them that want to see your car to a third party?


I know they will refund you when the car is sold but I really don't see what it could be for other than a blatent SCAM!


I'd write them a very rude email and tell them to f**k right off :mad:

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When they say that they've got buyers for your car, all it means is that people have signed up to their website and said they want a Golf. I've signed up before, and they send you regular emails everytime someone advertises the model you want with them. I still get emails now for Corrado's, Civics and 200SX's.


Autotrader is vastly better, having a huge audience of potential buyers.

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Think I'll give this a miss then, not too many recommendations. Wonder if anyone has ever managed to get a car through them, and if not how the hell does this stuff keep going? The cars advertised in the local friday-ad and has only made the internet part at the moment. If they ring back I'll mention the rogue trader report and see what they have to say for a laugh.

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Oh man, I had so many of these idiots calling me when I was selling my goof.


I told one to put it in writing and I got some terribly spelled letter on some seriously dodgy-looking headed paper :lol:


I then asked the next lot to go ahead and sell it for me for the price I was asking, then go take their £70 out of the money. Strangely, they didn't like that idea and got quite stroppy when I pointed out that it was a no-brainer if they really did have buyers lined up.


The other thing they don't say is either when they'll actually sell your car, or indeed, for how much...


Avoid with a barge pole, but you can have some fun messing with them :D

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I have had at least ten calls from these people. One even pretended to be a private buyer?!


Today they rang twice in the space of ten minutes. I told them to fck off :lol:

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